Politics Can Never Be the Answer to Social Problems

The destructiveness that occurred in our Nation’s Capital on January 6, 2021 has shown conclusively that social problems can never be addressed through political means. As the result of the still unrecognized transformation of American society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian, the functional relationship of the components of the two party system has changed from attractive opposition to antagonistic opposition. This means that it is not possible for politicians belonging to the Democratic and the Republican Parties to work together for the well being of America because of the irreconcilable ideologically based, political differences between them. In general, the Democratic Party seems to be pro-American but it is covertly opposed to the principles that America has traditionally stood for while the Republican Party is still basically pro-American.

What probably happened to cause the chaos and mayhem was that an originally peaceful movement of people protesting the 2020 election results became infiltrated by the emotional plague, reactionary groups from the political extreme right and radical groups from the political extreme left. However, the emotional plague attack that occurred on that day is only part of the picture. It is people’s unawareness that keeps them from having a deeper understanding of what happened.

Today, the emotional plague from the political left is actively at work politicizing almost every area of human life. However, all partisan political involvement, not just the censorship by the media that is happening from the left, is essentially people’s defensive function originating from their armor that prevents them from looking inward and seeing that the outwardly directed socio-political ideologies have nothing to do with the bio-emotional origin of their personal problems.

Looking outward to political leaders for help is only one of many ways that armored people seek mystical solutions for their personal, emotionally-based problems. It is functionally identical to people’s seeking salvation from religious saviors.

If social situations could be observed the way they are, that is, functionally and not mystically, it would be possible to separate the rational, legitimate function of politics from people’s irrational expectations from politics and from their politicians.

The problem is not that it it is either the left or the right. It is that it is neither left nor right.

“The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars. It is in ourselves that we are underlings.”

Functional Thinking is Necessary to Understand Social Events

The application of knowledge contained in social orgonomy is vitally important to understand and reverse the social decline that is currently happening in today’s anti-authoritarian world. This includes, among other things, a functional understanding of people’s living from the three layers of their bio-psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive secondary or middle layer – the realm of the devil – and the superficial layer or facade. For example, applying this knowledge to social processes makes it possible to evaluate the degree of harm that any politician can do in public office.

Neither the left nor the right have answers to social problems. However, because the political mainstream in America is continually shifting to the political left in our anti-authoritarian social order, leftist politicians are increasingly doing damage to our nation more than ever before. The ideology of today’s left is a secular version of mystical religions of the past. Happiness and freedom will be given by them to the masses of people in the here and now, not in the afterlife as was promised before. The danger is that an increasing number of people today are mystically looking to politician’s for answers. They see nothing of what is hidden underneath, in the deeper destructive, middle layers of the leftist politician’s hunger for power and the helplessness of the masses of people who seek political salvation from them. Their mystical way of looking at people is a dangerous symptom of their ocular armor and it has destructive social consequences.

On the other hand, leftist politicians operating from their destructive secondary layer have perfected the art of politically manipulating the public. All they have to do to be elected is to pretend to be who they seem to be on the social surface and maintain this political persona. Seasoned politicians display confidence that their facade, the face that they present to the public, serves them well politically. Their role of playing a savior is who the clueless public wants them to be. All that is required is a friendly smiling face and a few empty, reassuring words. Think of the larger than human images of Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao of the past generations. For their part, most of today’s public could care less about who and what their politicians really stand for. The fact that their leaders are political hacks that have accomplished nothing of importance in their careers as politicians means nothing to them.

The destructive effect of the anti-authoritarian transformation of our society is being recognized by many people on both sides of the political spectrum and they are losing confidence in the way our system of government is working. They have no knowledge of what went wrong or how to improve the situation and they are helplessly stuck in their old ways of mechanistic/mystical thinking. Clearly, another way of thinking that corresponds to the way that things work – functional thinking – is required.

Do Not Get Lost in Politics and Political Discussions

Political discussions are always mystical and morally tinged based on ideas of the “Good guys – us”, versus the “Bad guys – them”. In order to be rid of mystical thinking one has to think functionally. Thinking in terms of the three layers of the bio-psychic apparatus allows one to think functionally about people’s political ideas and behaviors and not get lost in endless, non-productive political discussions. It is from the three layers of their bio psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive middle layer and the superficial layer, or surface that people function and all human ideas and behaviors must be understood as expressions from them.

How the Representative System of Government in America Collapsed

The representative form of government in America that existed for over two hundred years was based on the authority and responsibility of individuals on all levels of social organization from the family to the government, a form of social armor that conformed to armor in the average individual living in the authoritarian era.

This was the situation until around 1960 when the authoritarian society began to fall apart resulting in today’s anti-authoritarian society. Accompanying the anti-authoritarian transformation, the structure of the authoritarian family began to break down and, as a result, young people were left adrift as their individual armor also began to change. Increased levels of anxiety resulted in the formation of ocular armor which replaced muscular armor in the younger generation. As a result of the breakdown of the authoritarian family and of individual armor, young people were left feeling helpless and disoriented. Having no parental authority to rely on and guide them, they began looking to the authority of outside groups including politicians for answers.

This was accompanied by a change in the function of politics. Instead of representing the needs of responsible people, politicians became the ones who assumed a substitute parental role as leaders for the emotionally immature, irresponsible young people. They told them what they needed to hear and pretended to be their caretakers (“hope and care”). This was the formula for the rise to power of the New Left politicians in the Democratic Party at the time of the beginning of the anti-authoritarian transformation and why the two-party system in government can no longer function.

Politics is a Symptom not the Disease

From a functional perspective today’s politics is a symptom of armored humans in the social realm, not the disease.

The way that the symptom of politics is manifested depends on the structure of armored society. In the past authoritarian era, social armor consisted in the opposing forces of the political left and the right being in a relationship of attractive opposition. There were roughly equal numbers of the opposing groups in the Democratic and Republican parties. Strongly pro-American, the opposing forces were equally balanced and the political system was able function fairly well.

With the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian that began around 1960, this was no longer the case. The transformation was accompanied by the shift of the social mainstream and the Democratic Party to the left of center. No longer united in being pro-American and equally balanced, the forces of both parties became polarized into the anti-America, Democratic party of the left and the pro-America, Republican party of the right. The functional relationship of the opposing forces of social armor changed into one of antagonistic opposition. Because of this polarization the political system became dysfunctional.

With the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian, the leftward shift in the political mainstream and people increasingly demanding political solutions to social problems it is slowly becoming clear to more people that politics is not able to provide answers to their problems.

Sooner or later, the masses of people will have to stop turning to politicians for answers and politicians will have to stop enacting new laws to “change” society. We will have to start looking inward into our own, individual character structures for an understanding of our problems. We will have to realize that we are only fooling ourselves when we look outward for the source of our problems and to leftist political charlatans and saviors to save and care for us.

“Never do it the political way!”

These were Wilhelm Reich’s words regarding past attempts to improve social conditions through politics. He continues:

“People will get very enthusiastic about it. They will glow. They will burn for you. But their structures won’t follow. Their character structures can’t follow. Then you are in trouble… This discrepancy between what a human being wants, what he dreams of, what he intellectually understands as true and good and what he actually can do, i.e., what his structure, the character structure, really permits him to do, is quite a problem…It is also the gap where religion comes in with the idea of paradise.”

Today, in our anti-authoritarian society, people are being deprived of their illusory hopes in religion as it is being replaced by the a secularized, intellectualized version of it in the form of socio-politics. They are losing whatever contact that they had with themselves at the time when their emotions were tied in to their personal and religious beliefs. Today, people are more out of touch with themselves and their world than they were in the past authoritarian era.

Now more than ever, a functional understanding of what is happening to our society is vital to prevent further degradation. This knowledge is being made available through a lecture series on Social Orgonomy open to the public given by the American College of Orgonomy.

The Impending Demise of the Two Party System

The following excerpt is from my upcoming book, Clueless:
“The function of the two Party system was the foundation of American politics. It is about to become a thing of the past and people are unaware of what is happening or why. This system functioned to maintain the opposing ideological forces of the political left and the right in the authoritarian social order of the past when there were generally an equal number of liberals and conservatives in the Democratic and Republican Parties. The equal numbers functioned to balance the opposing forces.
In today’s anti-authoritarian society, the two party system no longer represents a balance of opposing fundamental ideas to maintain social stability. It has become an anachronism.
The breakdown of the two party system started with the anti-authoritarian transformation of society and the radicalization of the Democratic Party in the 1960’s. This was accompanied by the shift in the political mainstream to the far left of center, the so-called socio-political red-shift. The upshot of the red-shift was that in their attempts to gain the support of the electorate’s demands, both parties found themselves in varying degrees to the left of the political center. Both Parties were endorsing the same socialist policies and vying for political dominance through them. This, in effect, destabilized the opposing political forces.
People from both Parties are increasingly becoming disillusioned with the spectacle of “politics as usual” but they have no satisfactory alternative. When a politician with a non-political persona like Donald Trump comes along, many people become enthralled with him. They may be tired of politicians but they are still looking for political answers.
But, politicians have no answers to understand what is happening in America because the solutions are not in the province of politics. Trump may not be beholden to others because of his enormous wealth but he still has a socio-political character structure that is what ultimately determine all people’s including Donald Trump’s political behavior and character trumps everything.”

From “Political Science” To A Science Of Politics

Politics today consists of a confused mixture of irrational and rational human ideas and drives.  This hodgepodge is erroneously called ” political science.”   However, it is now possible with our political knowledge of orgonomic sociology to have a genuine science of politics.  There are two requirements that must be fulfilled for this to happen: 1) A capacity to think functionally about natural, including political, processes. 2) An in-depth knowledge of socio-political characterology including an understanding of the emotional plague of mankind and the effect that people’s various socio-political character types have on social processes. These requirements are necessary to separate the rational function of politics from the irrationality and the widespread destructiveness of socio-politics.

What Do Obama Supporters Have In Common?

Obama supporters belong in varying degrees somewhere on the left of the socio-political spectrum.There are two characteristics that all Obama supporters have in common and they generally fall into two groups.  The first group identifies with Obama as the underdog. Looking upon Obama mystically as a modern-day savior, this group includes most Blacks, the majority of Jewish voters, Feminists, homosexuals and all those who emotionally see themselves as “disadvantaged.”  The second group sympathizes with the downtrodden out of unconscious feelings of guilt and pity.  This group includes the majority of well-intentioned, well-heeled, white liberal intellectuals.  They see Obama as the one best qualified to mete out  the social and political justice for those who are targeted to qualify as “underprivileged.”

The first group’s support of Obama originates from a defense against unexpressed feelings of revenge, resentment and contempt of people who are labelled by the leftist media as being better off than they are.  This group is the underdog and Obama is its imagined ally against this “privileged” class.  Out of their neurotic helplessness and sense of entitlement, they expect Obama to “redistribute” the wealth from the ” haves” by providing them to the ” have nots.”  The second group’s support of Obama originates from feelings of guilt and pity of people whom they imagine are less fortunate.  These feelings are displaced from their personal lives to the social and political arenas.  Their guilt and good intentions hide their emotionally based  intolerance of  people they regard as top dogs, the authoritarian moguls of our society that they subversively tear down.

From a biophysical perspective, both groups cannot directly and openly express feelings of aggression and hate  from their core and their destructive middle layer.  As a result, they see Obama through rose colored glasses as the person who somehow will make the world a better place for everyone, a role  that Obama is only too willing to assume to promote  his own destructive political agenda.  Both groups of Obama supporters play directly into his hands which is to covertly agitate for a class struggle by pitting one group of Americans against another for purposes of weakening and ultimately destroying America as a unified nation.

Fomenting class warfare has always been a typical tool of leftist radicles to destabilize a country.  It matters not a whit whether Obama or his supporters are aware or not of what they are doing.  Nor does it matter what their intentions are.  What matters is that the effect of their actions is divisive and highly destructive to the American nation.

Why Liberals Must Vote For Obama In 2012

The primary determinants of political belief and action are based on the individual’s socio-political character structure.  Belonging on the political left, the liberal character functions  mainly from his superficial layer or facade because the morality and the ideology of the political left originate from this layer.  It’s function is to defend against the liberal individual’s perceiving impulses from his core and destructive middle layers.  This perceptual distortion is why the liberal cannot act forcefully when physical aggression is required and it is why because of his guilt that he is quick to identify with America’s enemies whenever there is an international dispute.  Despite his lack of aggression and free floating guilt, however, the true liberal has always been a loyal American and a supporter of her democratic ideals.

Then around 2007, a colossal hoax was perpetrated on the American public.  Seemingly out of nowhere and with little known of his past history, Barack Obama, an individual with an entirely different (pseudo-liberal/communist) character structure was introduced to the American public as a member of the political mainstream, as a no nonsense, honest to goodness, legitimate liberal member of the Democratic Party.  This was a brilliant coup that was accomplished, in part, by effectively concealing his past association with leftist radicals and, in part, by his being actively promoted by the mainstream media for what he was not.

Most liberal characters were unable to see this coup because they live almost entirely from their superficial layer.  Living from their intellect prevented them from seeing and feeling  what was happening in front of their eyes and in their depths.  This is why it was a simple matter for Obama to pass himself off as one of them.  All he had to do was feed them the liberal’s idealistic slogans that they love hearing enough times to sound convincing to them (“We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”) etc.  This he successfully did in his 2008 presidential campaign.

However, the similarity between the true liberal and Barack Obama is delusory. In contrast to the liberal, Obama merely pretends to be defended against the expression of his destructive middle layer.  Cut off from his biological core, Obama’s superficial layer is entirely in the service of expressing his destructive middle layer against America. He expresses his contempt and hatred of the tradition of independence, resourcefulness and individual responsibility that is characteristic of  Americans whenever possible, something that is impossible for the liberal to recognize. No other Democratic American president no matter how liberal from Roosevelt to Clinton has been as disdainful of America and Americans as Obama. Because of the seeming similarity in their structures, liberals must vote for Obama even if Obama’s economic and social policies actually run counter to their own interests.

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