The Unrecognized Stepwise Invasion of the Emotional Plague Into Personal and Social Life. May, 30, 2022.

How can the existence of the emotional plague be recognized as a socially destructive human disease when the biological importance of emotions in regulating human social life is not generally understood?

A major function of the plague’s destructive operation in social life is to deny and eliminate the importance that emotions play in regulating human social life. The psychiatric profession has successfully done its part in accomplishing this step by ignoring a natural scientific, functional understanding of human emotional life that is provided by medical orgonomy and treating people’s emotional disorders exclusively with pharmacological agents.

As a result of the plague’s operation of obfuscation, the masses of people today believe that their personal emotionally based problems are insignificant and the result of biochemical disorders exclusively in the brain. This generally unrecognized consequence of mechanistic thinking is a symptom of the emotional plague’s operation in people’s daily life. It furthers people’s illusion that they have no responsibility in the emotionally based personal and social problems that govern their individual and social lives. It intensifies people’s already present high level of ocular armor in preventing perspective of what is happening emotionally within themselves and in todays world.

The first step is for people to recognize from a natural scientific perspective the importance of emotions in governing their lives. Then it can be possible to take the second step, to recognize the existence and operation of the emotional plague. The practice of psychotropic medication in many cases functions defensively in an opposite manner, to evade recognizing people’s personally based emotional problems and the belief that drugs are the answer to people’s problems.

Another Marriage of Convenience of the Emotional Plague May 28, 2022.

With Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine, the black fascist character and Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin has found it necessary to demonstrate a temporary marriage of convenience with its hated rival for world domination, the red fascist regime and its counterpart, communist China, against their common enemy, America and the free world. This was an emotional plague tactic and a political step reminiscent of the pact that Hitler made with the communist dictator Josef Stalin prior to the Nazi’s invasion of Russia at the start of the Second World War. The current example demonstrated to the world the affinity that the fascist dictators and forms of government have for each other and that both forms of fascism, black and red, and corressponding political character types, are one and the same. They are not seen by the mystically led clueless masses for who they really are either before they are are given power by their people, when they are doing their social and political mischief or often even afterwards.

The Buffalo Massacre: One More Unrecognized Symptom of the Emotional plague

Before any disease can be treated it must first be accurately identified. The emotional plague is a social disease of armored people that thrives in everyday life and, yet, the masses continue to be oblivious of it and deny its existence. Keeping it unacknowledged and out of public awareness by politicizing its manifestations and blaming it on the left or the right is an unconscious defensive tactic of armored humans, a powerful ocular symptom that serves to maintain the plague’s daily operation and keep this malignant, socially invasive disease unrecognized and in existence everywhere. The plague will continue its destructiveness until it is publicly recognized, diagnosed and treated as a real bio-social disease of armored humans.

On Recognizing and Treating the Emotional Plague

In order to effectively treat this malignant social disease of armored humans its symptoms must first be recognized as existing and operating simultaneously between socio-political forces of the political left and the right and that it can exist on all social levels from the individual to national and international levels of organization. For example, it is often not possible to recognize the destructive consequences taking place between a plague-ridden political leader and the masses of people who are supporting and being led by him. The reason for this is that the relationship between the plague leader and the plague-ridden masses, a pathological, dynamic one of attractive opposition, is not recognized. In fact, both are component social symptoms of the disease, emotional plague. One force cannot exist without the operation of the other. Today, the social consequence of this opposing, political relationship is bringing down and will eventually destroy the once greatness of this nation. Bringing politics into social problems of armored humans is the latest defensive symptom of ocularly armored people’s manuver at distracting themselves by looking outward through their defensive ideologies and thereby avoiding looking inward to face their personal problems. With the help of the news media, this brings the emotional plague through political activity to new heights into public life.

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