The Other, More Deadly, Pandemic

Everyone recognizes and is concerned about the Coronavirus pandemic but no-one is aware of an even more deadly human disease, the current social outbreak of the emotional plague that is running like wildfire throughout America. This plague is destroying our society by dividing people and turning them against each other. The public’s cluelessness about this other plague is a symptom of their ocular armor – they simply cannot see it – and this is directly responsible for the rise in people’s anxiety verging on panic, loss of self-control, confusion and the many acts of social destructiveness in the form of rioting, looting, heightened political activity that is running rampant and being encouraged by pundits, politicians and the political agitators on the left across the nation. And, no one is able to ask or understand why all this is happening.

Some Basic Premises are Needed in Sociology

In order to have a science of sociology, some basic premises are needed. First, there must be a distinction between healthy and sick human social functioning. Second, there must be an understanding of how sick human social functioning occurs. None of these requirements exist in any of the social sciences today. This is why, instead of a truly scientific sociology, we have the symptom of socio-politics of the political left and the right as people’s attempts to understand what is happening in the world around us.

The Anti-authoritarian Transformation of American Society is Real

The anti-authoritarian transformation of American society is happening in front of everyone’s eyes and no one sees it. What was unthinkable in the past is becoming reality, an everyday occurrence today. Examples are the memory of the past authoritarian family; The public’s respect and gratitude for the protective function of the police that is rapidly being undermined as, for example, when mothers in Portland, Oregon recently prevented police intervention by forming a human cordon so their children could continue destroying public property.

Similarly, what is unthinkable today will become a reality tomorrow. The American people’s memory of George Washington, the Father of our country, will be eliminated one day when the monument and the city that bears his name, as well as the state, other city’s, towns, avenues and streets named after him throughout America will disappear. These are just some of the consequences that will happen as a result of the anti-authoritarian transformation. The final change will occur when America’s identity, The United States of America, will be made non-existent and our country will be given a new and better, more “correct” name according to the left’s morality of politically correctness.

Mural or Graffiti?

Confusing graffiti for murals by writing in large letters Black Lives Matter in black paint on the streets of Fifth Avenue, New York City is a symptom of people’s destructive secondary layer breaking through to the social surface, defiling the city and passing itself off as “art” to a clueless public. It is an expression of the contempt, envy and hatred that the writers of these words have for America and Americans.

More importantly, this overt expression of racism is actively supported by confused, guilt-ridden liberals and the parents of these protesters living in this and other cities across America.

Why is this so? By pandering to racists, the liberals are momentarily being relieved of their personal bad conscience for “having it so good” living as comfortably as they do in America. Their destructiveness is hidden behind their “good deed.” Therefore, the source of the social pathology has more to do with the liberals who support these destructive acts including the Mayor himself, than with the perpetrators. Furthermore, promoting these acts do nothing to help make blacks live better lives. By encouraging lawlessness and undermining the functioning of the police, blacks who live in crime ridden parts of America’s cities are the ones who will suffer the most.

On Staying in Touch with Reality

One of the strategies of the emotional plague in its onslaught on human life and its destruction of America is to eliminate American’s memory with its past. There is an active process of psychic repression on a mass scale in every area of social life including in people’s knowledge of America’s history, its social traditions and ways of life that is happening unrecognized by almost everyone. The effect of people losing their memory of their past history and traditional ways of living places them at the mercy of the emotional plague, political leaders that will have brought about this clueless state of social being. On a more superficial, everyday level, eliminate the friendly black images of Aunt Jemima, Little Black Sambo and Uncle Ben from America’s culture and what you have is encouraging the opposite emotion: divisiveness, mistrust and enmity between blacks and whites. On a deeper level, the convicted, drug addict, black criminal, George Floyd is made into a national hero with a cavalcade of police cars escorting his funeral procession while the passing of John Lewis, the first black Congressman ever to be elected to Congress, passes by almost completely unnoticed.

To prevent the spread of mass amnesia and the resultant state of cluelessness, one has to be constantly reminded that the accelerate rate of human destructiveness that is currently happening in America would have been unimaginable not only a decade ago but even last year.

Another Stage in America’s Anti-authoritarian Transformation

Apropos of what happened in the city of Seattle (CHOP, CHAZ,CHOP again}, and next attempted in Portland (nameless because it was quenched), and what will continue to happen in cities throughout the nation. The permissiveness of increased social violence ushers in the next level of destructiveness in the anti-authoritarian transformation of Western Society and, with it, the development of mass social chaos on a wider social scale.

Accompanying the breakdown of the authoritarian family and the shift to the political left in the social mainstream that was result of the transformation starting in the 60s and the following decades, is today’s breakthrough of the secondary layer to the social surface of the generations of armored humans growing up during this time and its accompanying destructiveness on every social level. The behavior is being passively tolerated and even allowed expression by leftist White politicians who are the ones that are elected to positions of authority and are expected to do their function in these difficult anti-authoritarian times of maintaining law and order. (Supported by black appeasing White liberals, New York’s Mayer, Di Blasio is actively promoting the Black Lives Matter political movement by himself painting this slogan in black paint in large letters on Fifth Avenue streets!)

This social destructiveness is happening because the White leftists in authority are paralyzed, immobilized and intimidated by the Black racists expression of their hateful, destructive secondary layer. Frightened by the force of the emotional plague, these White leftists are helpless, confused and incapable of seeing what is going on. By their actively supporting these destructive demonstrations, the emotional plague continues to be fueled, spread and become organized on a larger scale than before. This racist movement will continue to divide American society and bring about the further destruction of our society on a deeper social level unrecognized while happening in front of everyone’s eyes.

Profile of an Emotional Plague Character

The following are excerpts from an article written by Steve Kroft, a journalist and longtime correspondent for “60 Minutes,” as well as from that show itself. It begins to piece together the rise of Obama and how he quickly moved in the ranks of the Democratic Party to become President of the United States with the help of the man most probably responsible for putting him there. Kroft claims that Obama is a puppet and the man behind him pulling his strings is George Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, an anti-authoritarian, multi-billionaire, person who considers himself an elitist philosopher and philanthropist. A classic example of an emotional plague character, Soros despises the American way of life and thrives on doing social engineering to destroy existing cultures and economies all over the world.

Garry Schwartz was born August 12, 1930 in Hungary. His father was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language, which was designed to be the first global language free of any national identity. As the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930’s, the Schwartz’s, who were non-practicing Jews, saw the handwriting on the wall and changed the family name to Soros in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population. In his youth, Soros worked with a Nazi protector whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. In 1944, 70% of Mr. Soros’s fellow Jews in Hungary were murdered by the Nazi’s, yet Soros called that year “the best year of his life.”

In Kroft’s “Sixty Minute’s” interview, Soros was asked about the “best year.”

Kroft: My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.

Soros: Yes. Yes.

Kroft: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends, and neighbors

Soros: Yes. That’s right. Yes.

Kroft: I mean, that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?

Soros: No, not at all. Not at all, I rather enjoyed it.

Kroft: No feelings of guilt?

Soros: Only feelings of absolute power!

The emotional plague character’s destructive secondary layer is excited by social chaos and disintegration.

The following brief summary of Soros’ life provides an idea of the extent of his global social, political and economic reach. In 1956, Soros moved to New York City where he began amassing his fortune specializing in hedge funds and currency speculation. He made his first billion in 1992 by shorting the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as the man who broke the Bank of England. He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who saw their homes and life savings severely devalued. The Russia-gate scandal of 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee. to be “one of the greatest Social Robberies in human history.”

In 1997, Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia. He was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia, Ukraine, and Myanmar (Burma). France has upheld an earlier conviction against Soros for felony insider trading. His native Hungary has fined Soros 2.2 million dollars for “illegal market manipulation.”

Soros functions as a psychopath and the extent of his greed and pathology operates on an international level. Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros’ strategy as an emotional plague character is to use the free market system against itself to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order.

What are Soros’ plans for America? He told the Australian national newspaper The Australian, “America, as the center of globalized financial markets, is sucking up the savings of the world. This is now over. The game is out,” he said adding that “The time has come for ‘a serious adjustment’ in American consumption habits” and implied that he was the one with the power to bring this about: “World financial crisis is stimulating, and in a way, the culmination of my life’s work.”

“The Shadow Party”, a book by David Horowitz and Richard Poe, outlines in detail how Soros hijacked and now owns the Democratic Party. He has been packing the Democratic Party with radicals, ousting moderate Democrats for years, and has been aggressively involved in destroying America from within.

Soros wants open borders, legalized drugs, entitlement programs, centralized government etc. In 2008, he donated Five Billion dollars to the Democratic National Committee, the DNC, to insure Obama’s win as well as wins for many other Alinsky trained Radical Rules Anti-American Socialists. George Soros has been buying up media properties for years in order to influence the American public to think that they are too materialistic, too wasteful, too selfish, and too stupid to decide for themselves how to run their lives.

Award winning journalist, Richard Poe, writes: “Through his global web of [far left] Open Society Institutes and Open Society Foundations, Soros has spent 25 years recruiting, training, indoctrinating and installing a network of loyal operatives in 50 countries, placing them in positions of influence and power in media, government, finance and academia.”

Kroft concludes: America stands at the brink of an abyss, and that fact is attributable to Soros. Soros has vigorously, cleverly, and insidiously planned the ruination of America, and his puppets, today’s far-left, activist progressives, follow the leader.

How the Left Generates Mass Social Armor

Eliminating words from our language that are not acceptable according to the left’s morality of political correctness is a form of brainwashing actively being done by today’s American communists. Their strategy has the effect of inducing a state of greater cluelessness, a symptom of increased ocular armor, in the masses of people. By destroying American’s memory of their past and rewriting their history in every possible way they will become more out of touch with themselves than ever. They will become more helpless than before and turned into a mindless group of people like barnyard animals that can be controlled and manipulated at will by leftist, communist ideologues who will have been voted into political power by these same masses so that they can be looked after and taken cared of.

The left-indoctrinated, American public’s inability to tolerate the limitless amount of freedom that they actually have living in America is the result of their individual, armored condition. Communists have perfected the tactic of tapping into people’s sickness and dependency needs by promising them whatever they want for their own destructive ends.

Today, communists in America are promising guilt-ridden, White Americans that they will relieve them of their guiltiness by undoing the racial injustices that were done to Blacks in the past by destroying America’s memory of its past “sins” in every way possible. White American liberals in reciprocal fashion welcome the opportunity to have their guilt relived by their communist cohorts.

This is an example of a functional social relationship of attractive opposition (alliance) of the emotional plague between American communists and White liberals. Meanwhile, this pathological relationship allows Black racists to band together and freely express their pent-up destructiveness and emotions of hatred directed at every component of American life, the breakthrough of their emotional plague through the social surface.

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