Should Marijuana be Legalized?

The destructiveness of marijuana on human life requires a bio-psychiatric understanding of the distinction between emotions and sensations and the drug’s effect on them. Marijuana selectively blocks the perception of emotions but not the perception of sensations. This is how the drug puts the user in a chronic state of emotional cluelessness. As a result, the user is relieved of experiencing anxiety and other painfully disturbing emotions. This selective numbing effect of emotions gives rise to the popular misconception that marijuana a just a recreational drug and is not harmful to health. In fact, it’s effect is to eliminate the emotional life of the user and is exactly why it is so destructive to human life.
Popularizing the myth that marijuana is harmless sidesteps the underlying emotional and social consequences that centers around the universal disturbance of human sexuality,the conflict resulting from the adolescent’s sexual push meeting their armor in today’s anti-authoritarian social order. The conflict results in the widespread sexual dissatisfaction and social disruption that we are increasingly seeing in people today. It is the underlying reason that people resort to drugs including marijuana.
This combined with the widespread public misinformation in the world about the sexual function itself, it is not possible for any young person today to have any genuine guidance about the sexual problems in his personal life. This widespread ignorance on the part of the general public exacerbates people’s sexually based misery and contributes to their need to find ways on their own to alleviate their suffering. By deadening emotions, marijuana puts an end to the users sexual misery and provides him with a substitute existence that is free of emotional pain. But the drug does this at the cost of cutting the person off from having emotional contact with his biological core. This problem is the underlying, unstated reason that drives a large segment of the public and legislators to promote the legalization on marijuana. It is a manifestation of the emotional plague.
Evasion and ignorance of the sexual origin of the marijuana and other drug related problems keeps people from effectively addressing them. It turns marijuana into a political sideshow – another symptom of the emotional plague.
The exacerbation of the marijuana problem is another manifestation of our anti-authoritarian social order. The drug puts the user in a state of emotional cluelessness in his relationships with important people in his life including those in authority. It puts the user in an anxiety-free state of laid- back, complacency and renders him vulnerable when dangerous situations arise. Cut off from his emotions, and clueless about the many destructive events that are happening around him, he is left at the mercy of his intellect to survive.
To add to the confusion, the highly destructive medical and psychiatric side-effects of the drug are consistently ignored by the public and the media.
The forces of the emotional plague are actively agitating to have this highly destructive substance legalized so that it can be readily available to the public. A sure-fire indication that the emotional plague is operative in this battle on legalization of marijuana is that “you’re damned if you oppose it and you’re damned if you don’t.” No matter what decision is made about the marijuana problem, the person is left feeling stymied. If the drug is not legalized, a huge black market is created with all the potential social and criminal consequences. If it is legalized, a message is sent out that it is harmless and should be made available in the free market. In the former course, society is functioning in an authoritarian manner resulting in the predictable rebelliousness of leftist-indoctrinated young people. In the latter course, society is functioning in an anti-authoritarian manner and neglecting the rational guidance and education that people sorely need about the harmfulness of this substance.

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