The Components Required For A Large-scale Eruption Of The Emotional Plague

It is helpful to understand exactly how emotional plague eruptions (such as the “Occupy Wall Street” movement that is spreading across our nation) get started and develop.  There are three components:

1. A certain quantity of unemployed and unemployable people plus some well-intentioned idealistic liberals to provide a legitimate rationale to the eruption are needed to supply the “critical energy” for the movement.

2. Hard core leftist ideologues are required to orchestrate the event by providing the necessary excitation to mobilize and direct people’s energy so that it appears to be a spontaneous uprising.

3. As in all similar plague attacks, a suitable target-victim is needed for plague individuals to focus and channel their irrational hatred originating from their destructive middle layer.  In this case, the victims include the wealthy Wall Street capitalists and others who are arbitrarily identified as the ” rich”.  Choosing Wall Street as the target is an attempt on the part of the organizers to start an ideological  class warfare between the “haves” and  the “have nots”.

The true function of the “protests” is to express their personal revenge on those who are better off than they are and also to disrupt and ultimately cripple the economic activity of the nation. By not openly condemning them, President Obama is tacitly showing his approval.  He will benefit  from the resulting political agitation for the 2012 presidential election campaign because he will maintain a proper distance from those who are taking part in it and not not to be identified with them.

The Occupy Wall Street movement is not an isolated occurrence.  The perpetrators are already planning future demonstrations.  From an historical perspective, it can be viewed as the first wave in a systematic process to cripple and destroy the American economy on many fronts.

The Relationship Between The True Liberal And The Pseudo-liberal Characters

In today’s anti-authoritarian era, it is especially useful to understand the dynamics of the social relationship between the true liberal and the pseudo-liberal/communist character.  It is generally believed that liberals and pseudo-liberals are one and the same. Those on the left also believe that  they honestly share the same political goal of bringing about a better world.  These dangerous errors originate from superficial similarities in the structures of these two very different socio-political political character types.  In fact, the pseudo-liberal takes advantage of this popular misconception and uses the idealistic beliefs of the true liberal to further his own socialist socio-political agenda.  Lenin understood the political function of the liberal character for facilitating a communist takeover in Europe very well.  He referred to liberals as “useful idiots”.

This relationship between the true liberal and the pseudo-liberal/communist is illustrated in the recent Occupy Wall Street movement.  The true liberal rightly protests the criminal practices of people in the financial and business world that have recently surfaced.   By identifying himself as a true liberal, the emotional plague in the person of the pseudo-liberal  character injects his venom with the same worn out anti-Wall Street, anti-capitalist nostrums that he has been peddling for ages.  The result is that the true liberal’s rational concerns about corruption in the business world are lost.  The emotional plague paralyzes rational thinking.  By not recognizing that Occupy Wall Street is an outbreak of the emotional plague, the public cannot effectively contain its social destructiveness.

Protest Movements, Then And Now

From a historical perspective, there is an important difference between the protest movement of the  1960s and the current Occupy Wall Street protest movement.  This can be understood as a result of the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian that occurred around that time.  Both protest movements originate from a serious disturbance in the two basic functions of human life, sexuality and work.

The protesters of the 60s were a a product of the authoritarian social order.  Initially, they were a highly idealistic group of young people who wanted sexual freedom  (a core function) and to be rid of the shackles of conventional morality.  Tragically, the movement ended in disaster individually, because most of these youngsters were too disturbed emotionally to achieve sexual happiness and socially, because the movement was taken over and used for political purposes by leftist ideologues.  These  were the reasons for the failure of the so-called sexual revolution.

By contrast, today’s protesters are a product of the post-1960s, anti-authoritarian social order.  Unable to take advantage of the enormous amount of freedom and opportunity that is readily available to them in America, they want the exact opposite.  Many of them evidence a severe disturbance in their work function because the thought of working to have what they want never seems to occur to them.  Instead, they want the security of being taken care of by the government.  In sharp contrast to the earlier protesters, security is more important to them than freedom.  This is the reason that a large majority of these protesters are leftist ideologues.

The Wall Street protesters are an emotionally far sicker bunch than the protesters of the past.  Having no contact with their core, the energy behind their protesting comes entirely from their middle layer as bratty destructiveness.  The last thing that these protesters need is to have their childish behavior encouraged.  This is exactly what the Obama administration seems to be doing.  If economic conditions continue to worsen, as they most likely will if Obama is reelected in 2012, this group has the potential of doing even greater social harm by escalating their interference with public life.

The Economic Blueprint Of The Obama Administration

In order to have a true understanding of social events one has to look at the effects or consequences of these events; that is, one has to think functionally.  Recognizing President Obama’s economic strategy is clear to anyone who looks carefully at the consequences of his policies.  Consisting of four parts, the first three originate from his secondary destructive layer.  The fourth from his superficial layer or facade.

Part One:  Weaken and control the private sector by placing unnecessary obstacles (“regulations”) in the way of the free market.  Encourage government dependency by increasing the numbers of workers in the public sector and  unionizing government employees.  Shifting power to the public sector has the effect of increasing the political power of his presidency.

Part Two:  Encourage political activism.  Create social agitation and chaos by instituting unrealistic, unworkable  social  programs that will inevitably result in increased unemployment and social unrest.  Through political activism, mobilize society by turning people against each other and against capitalism.  This is reminiscent of the class struggle tactic used by old-time communists.  The anti-capitalist Occupy Wall Street movement was abetted by a recent speech given by Obama himself against Wall Street financial institutions.  Breaking the entire underpinning of America’s economic strength by destroying its financial system is rationalized as justifiable because of a handful of corrupt businessmen. Would it not make more sense to punish the wrongdoers instead of destroying the entire financial system of the country?  Social agitation used in the service of government takeover was another tactic well-known to old-time communists.

Part Three: “Rescue” the country from the economic mess by instituting more socialistic programs.

Part Four:  Use the democratic process itself as a weapon.  The administration pretends that they are all loyal Americans  and that they are doing all this because it is for the best interest of the country.

One of the greatest tragedies in recent history is that two decades after winning the Cold War against a deadly socialist empire, America should fall victim to the same dreadful disease from within.

Understanding The Works Of Wilhelm Reich Requires An Understanding Of The Emotional Plague

Orgonomy is the science of life energy and the emotional plague’s sole function is to destroy all manifestations of  natural life.  This is why only those who have an understanding of the operation of the emotional plague in today’s world can truly appreciate the importance of Wilhelm Reich’s scientific contributions and work in the orgonomic sciences.  This rule applies not only to people in  the general population who have a smattering of knowledge about Reich’s work but also to those who ostensibly are confirmed advocates of his work.

At one of  Dr. Baker’s technical seminars for medical orgonomists in the mid-60s, a seminar member spoke of a contact that he had at a local radio station and that it was an opportunity for us to speak about Reich’s work on the air.  The subjects that should be included in the talk were brought up .  Many topics were raised as possibilities and there was a lot of excitement in the room.  At some point, I suggested the emotional plague as a subject for discussion.   Suddenly, all the excitement was gone. There was dead silence.  It was as if I had said something terrible and the entire matter was dropped.  Since then, many physicians practicing medical orgonomy have come and gone.  Except for myself, every living person who was present at that seminar no longer functions as a medical orgonomist.

It was around that time that Dr. Baker began talking to me about the need for a book to be written about the history of the emotional plague.

The Republicans Cannot Come Up With A Strong Presidential Candidate In 2012

The problem of having an effective opposition to President Obama in 2012 requires an understanding of the dynamics of the ideological forces that are currently in operation.  The forces on the left are pro-active.  Always looking for socialistic solutions to social problems, the Left constantly agitates for social change in the name of “progress.” Behind their hunger for change there is often a disguised feeling of envy and hatred of those who are better off than they are.  By contrast, the forces on the Right are reactive.  Not having any “new solutions” to offer, they mainly function defensively to oppose the destructive social policies of the Left.

In the past authoritarian era, there were equal numbers of people on the Left and Right and the ideological forces were balanced.  In today’s anti-authoritarian era there is a marked political shift of the political mainstream to the left of center.  This shift includes the population at large as well as both political parties.  As a result, political solutions to social problems are becoming the popular rule despite the fact that there are none. For a candidate on the political Right not to offer political solutions to social problems puts him or her at a disadvantage. All that a responsible candidate can do is to advocate a return to the tried and true ways of the past.

The Worldwide Disillusionment With Politicians and Politics

People throughout the world are becoming fed up with politicians on both sides of the political spectrum.  The Left accuses the  Right of being for rich, greedy capitalists and the Right accuses the Left of promoting  socialist causes.  Both blame each other for being corrupt.  Out of frustration, many become disillusioned altogether and blame the democratic process itself as being unworkable.  In America, the Tea Party movement originated in response to this disillusionment with politics.  An article in the New York Times (September 28, 2011), As scorn for vote grows, Protests Surge Around Globe, describes a similar disillusionment with politics throughout the world.

Blaming this or that group is an effective way of avoiding looking at the source of what is really happening.   By coming up with one disastrous social policy after another, the Left refuses to understand that politics can never provide solutions to humanities social problems.  The Right has a sense that government intervention cannot improve social conditions but neither group understands that the source of societies difficulties resides in people themselves, in the destructive social behavior of all armored humans, politicians and non-politicians alike.  Wilhelm Reich identified this behavior and called it the emotional plague of mankind (see glossary).  The accusations of the Left and Right that are directed against each other are, in fact, symptomatic of the destructive social manifestation of emotionally crippled humans such as the desire for power over others, social dependency on others and so on.  The primary function of the accusations is defensive.  It is to conceal the plague’s existence.  This tragic situation is the reason that social conditions will continue to worsen despite humanity’s best efforts and wishes.

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