The Impeachment Process is Dead

The impeachment process could legitimately exist in the past because the two party system in America functioned. The two party system consisted of roughly equal numbers of liberals and conservatives in both the Democratic and the Republican Parties and their members were strongly pro-American. The functional political relationship of members of both Parties to each other at that time was one of attractive opposition. Under these conditions, members of both Parties were able to work together cooperatively for what was in the best interests of America.

With the anti-authoritarian transformation of American society and the shift to the left of center in American politics, the relationship of the two party system changed and became one of antagonistic opposition. Members of the two Parties could not work together. This was because the Democratic Party became riddled by and under the control of leftist ideologues. Their anti-American agenda for that Party became to destroy the American nation in every way possible. For example, the Impeachment process that is being brought up against President Trump has nothing to do with criminal charges. These are being concocted and promoted in the hope that the public will sooner or later buy into them. The longer that they can keep their false accusations alive in the media and the longer they can repeat them, the better are the chances that they will succeed in destroying the American system of government.

Even if these far-left emotional plague characters do not succeed in destroying America today, their chances in the future for another, new tragic communist takeover will be greater because the infestation of the emotional plague will have spread further in the Nation.

The Realm of the Devil

One of Wilhelm Reich’s contributions to psychiatry was to delineate the three layers of the armored human’s bio-psychiatric apparatus, the biological core, the destructive secondary layer and the superficial layer or facade. For the first time in human history, the realm of the devil was taken out of the mystical thinking of armored humans and placed on a natural scientific foundation: The realm of the devil, human evil, comprises and originates from the destructive, secondary (middle) layer of armored people.Their social expression from this layer is the emotional plague of mankind.

Since communism has a negative connotation in the minds of many people, Leftist political ideologues must come up with endless new ways to distance themselves from the old fashion term, communism. Their ideology must take on new facades to conform to and be indistinguishable from the thinking of others in their current environment. This adaptive process is how the Left becomes the New Left, the Progressives, the Far left etc. This is a tactic of pretending that comes easy to them because they are adept at operating from their facade. However, they only seem to be honestly operating from their superficial layer and appear no different from other loyal Americans but, in reality, they are operating from their destructive secondary layer expressing their divisive political ideologies in devilish fashion. In kaleidoscopic fashion, they appear in the form of multiple images as benign contenders of the Democratic Party running to be the next President of the United States. In fact, they are the expression of the emotional plague of mankind operating from their destructive secondary layer. They must be recognized and exposed by the public as the devil incarnate.

Trump’s Impeachment by the Far-left is an Old Communist Trick

It’s not what you say that counts. What matters is the effect of what you say. As long as you repeat anything long enough, it will acquire a reality of its own. This is a tactic that today’s far-left pseudo-liberals in the Democratic Party have borrowed from their past communist cohorts to destroy President Trump and the American Presidency.

Impeachment: Another Symptom of the Emotional Plague

The anti-authoritarian transformation of American society that began around 1960 was the result of the shift in the political mainstream to the left of center. This was when Congress became infested with the emotional plague in the form of extreme leftist politicians that invaded the Democratic Party. This started the polarization that we see today of the political forces in Congress to the left and the right.

At this time, the dynamics of the political relationship between members of the Democrat and Republican Party changed from attractive opposition to antagonistic opposition. No longer were the opposing political forces of the Party’s able to work together to address problems that their country was facing as they had done in the past. Now, their relationship turned into a political battle between them each struggling for their own survival. The Two-Party system of the past was over.

This is the background behind the current political movement from the political left that is leveling charges of impeachment against President Trump. Since the charges are purely fictional and ideological, they are symptoms of the emotional plague. The motive force behind it is more sinister than simply destroying the President of the United States. It is to undermine the entire foundation of the American system of government and prepare the way for a centralized, Soviet style dictatorship.

The political movement first started from the destructive secondary layer of leftist extremists within Congress and their leftist cohorts from outside of the government back in the 60s. Today, the plague is attempting to reap the rewards of its decades-long efforts. They will not stop until their political mischief is recognized and eradicated.

The Unholy Alliance Between the Left and the Far-left

To have any understanding of what is happening in the political arena one must have an idea 1) of the layering of the human bio-psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive middle layer and the superficial layer or facade and 2) of socio-political characterology, in particular, the difference between the true liberal and the pseudo-liberal/communist.

The true liberal belongs to the left of political center. His liberal ideology, democratic idealism, originates from his superficial layer and functions as a defense to contain his own destructive secondary or middle layer. By contrast, the far-left, pseudo liberal/communist belongs on the extreme left. His hateful ideology directed at America is an expression from his destructive middle layer but he conceals it by pretending to be operating from his superficial layer, the social surface. In effect, he is hiding his evilness behind a benign facade. However, because the liberals’ ideology of idealism is a defense against his own destructive middle layer, he is blind to the far- left pseudo liberal/communists’ deception and destructiveness.

This is the dynamic relationship that is being played out between these two socio-political character types. Although belonging to the same Democratic Party, their political alliance will continue to have destructive consequences for the entire nation well into the future because the far-left has taken ideological control of that Party.

The Invasion of the Emotional Plague into American Life

A nation is a natural bio-social organization. A first line of defense of a biological system is at its boundary that functions to separate it from the environment. The existence of a nation as a bio-social system depends on its boundaries – its borders – being secured and protected. A primary function of national borders is to control the spread of the emotional plague from country to country.

The transformation of society from an authoritarian to anti-authoritarian and the worldwide shift of the socio-political mainstream to the political far-left has been accompanied by a catastrophic weakening and breakdown of national boundaries not only in America but throughout the Western world. Think of the European Union and of countries in the Middle East as examples of what happens socially, economically and militarily when national borders are weakened or dissolved.

The anti-authoritarian transformation has resulted in America becoming vulnerable at its southern border. The emotional plagues’ threat to the American nation is aggravated by relentless pressure from leftist ideologues who are driven to completely eliminate the border by arguing that it will “build internationalism” and “bring about world peace”.

These reasons are bogus. In fact, if successful, eliminating the border will have exactly the opposite effect. It will facilitate and accelerate the spread of the emotional plagues’ infestation from other parts of the world into America that, until now, has been prevented by effective border control. If borders are eliminated, the plague’s destructiveness to America will escalate and become out of control. The arguments from the far-left are being used as ideological weapons by the emotional plague to attack and destroy every American institution including the protective function of its borders.

The operation of the plague continues to be universally unrecognized even as its invasiveness spreads into every area of life. This is a manifestation of human cluelessness and a highly dangerous symptom of ocular pathology on a mass bio-social scale. It results in people’s inability to see the plague’s destructiveness and renders them helpless to protect themselves as the infestation is happening right in front of their eyes.

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