The Relationship Between the Far-left Radical and the True Liberal

The functional relationship between the far-left Radical and the moderate, true Liberal is a dynamic one of attractive opposition. Both political groups belong to and operate within the same Democratic Party. Both operate from different positions on the political left and move politically together in the same direction to the extreme left. The leftist Radical is impatient and moves aggressively to achieve his destructive political agenda. The Liberal follows and supports him compliantly and passively. The Radical is motivated by feelings of hatred and revenge toward all Americans on the political right with a barely concealed wish to bring down the entire democratic system of government in America. The true Liberal retains his feelings of loyalty to America but follows the lead of the Radical to destroy America because he is motivated by his unresolved, feelings of personal guilt that gets displaced and acted out in his leftist political ideology. What is being played out between them in front of everyones eyes is another step in the decline and destruction of American democracy.

On Handling the Problem of the Invaders

America must be prepared to deal forcefully with the attempt at invasion of it’s southern border by unruly mobs on the ideological as well as on the military fronts. The invader’s obvious strategy is to incite an aggressive American response to defend itself at it’s border and use that act, with the help of the leftist media, to distort the incident into a hostile act of violence against the immigrants. Their tactic is to turn the confrontation into a mass sadomasochistic interaction between the “sadistic” American aggressors who are unfairly treating the poor, “suffering” immigrant “victims”.
This is a typical leftist revolutionary formula that has been perfected and used dozens of times from the New Left movements from the 60s to the present often through members of the Democratic Party. Called the Alinsky method, it’s function is to undermine the system in power and then see what happens. It is governed by the single principle to take political control from the Haves and give it to the Have-nots. This amounts to a destructive assault on the established order in the name of social progress.

The population that is most likely to be duped by this ruse are well-to-do, American liberals including the leftist media. Because of their free-floating guilt, a form of pleasure anxiety, which is reinforced by their being economically well off and living as they please in a free country, these groups look favorably and sympathetically on the poverty stricken foreign invaders. If there is a violent confrontation at the border, the American defenders of the border will be the ones that are blamed by them and the incident will be twisted into a victory for the Have-not provocateurs. This flaw in the true liberal’s outlook is exploited aggressively by anti-American pseudo-liberal/communists on the extreme left for their own destructive political ends.

On Perspective

Perspective consists in recognizing the relationship of things to each other. It is a perceptual (ocular) function. There are several kinds of perspectives. Some of them are spatial (visual), temporal (historical), conceptual (thought) and emotional.
Ocular armor can involve distortions in any one of them. Typical of all leftists is their deficiency in historical perspective. The political left’s symptom of idealism originates, in part, from this deficit. Their idealism is the result of a disturbance in recognizing the functional significance of past social events to each other, an ocular symptom. It is a manifestation of their cluelessness and a reason that liberals can never see eye-to-eye with conservatives.

Politics is a Symptom not a Disease

Politics is a symptom of armored people’s inability to accurately see the world and to act accordingly. This is an ocular, bio-psychiatric problem and the underlying reason for people’s politically based increasing frustration and hostility toward one another.

In today’s anti-authoritarian society, politics is highly antagonistic and a symptom of armored people’s having become polarized into two, antithetical political groups consisting of liberals in the Democratic Party and conservatives in the Republican Party, and their viewing the same world from entirely different, ideologically driven perspectives.

In the past authoritarian era, prior to 1960, there were fairly equal numbers of liberals and conservatives in both parties and the the political forces within them kept each other in check. However, the infiltration of leftist extremists into the Democratic Party during the intervening years and the shift to the left in the political mainstream brought about the polarization of the two party system and today’s highly volatile political situation.
The danger facing America today is that the tried and true solutions of the past offered by conservative are insufficient to oppose the political agendas of liberal extremists that are designed to destroy the American nation.

A functional understanding of what is happening in our world provided by social orgonomy is urgently needed. For example, before any improvement can happen in social conditions a clear distinction must be made between the true liberal character, a politically benign individual, and the pseudo-liberal/communist character who is not liberal at all but an emotional plague character that has infiltrated and taken over the Democratic Party. This vital knowledge is currently being made available to the public by members of the American College of Orgonomy’s training program in social orgonomy.

The Emotional Plague in Everyday Life

The title of this blog will be the same as that for a regular column in the Journal of Orgonomy starting with the Volume 51, Number 1 issue. The readers are invited to submit accounts of the plague from their own lives for the column. Here is an example of what will be included:

The essential characteristic of the emotional plague is that action and the reason given for it are never congruent. The underlying motive is always covered up and replaced by an apparent motive. An example is President Trump’s zero tolerance policy for illegal border crossings that has provoked a hysterical reaction from the political left. The apparent motive given for the reaction is that it would require separation of parents and children at the border. However, the hysteria behind their reaction is entirely bogus. The policy of separating children and parents is not new. It has been the policy of past administrations as well. Moreover, there has never been hysteria from the left when children are separated from parents as a result of their arrests and convictions for crimes. Therefore, the true motive for the hysteria must be to force open borders on the nation under the guise of compassion for children.

The political right attempts to address this and similar outbreaks of the plague in a rational manner. Without recognizing this reaction from the political left as an expression of a human disease, destructive emotional plague reaction’s such as this one will continue unrecognized and unopposed.

The Politicization of Immigration

The exacerbation of America’s immigration problem is not only about immigration but, more importantly, about the American left’s undisguised hatred of Donald Trump and his authoritative, pro-American policies.

The left has blatant disrespect for Trump’s presidential authority and the laws of our land. At the same time, the masses of immigrants are encouraged by their leaders (with the help of American legal council) to believe that they have the right to immigrate and reap the enormous benefits such as medical, housing, education, welfare that bonafide American citizens have despite their illegal status.

In the past authoritarian era (prior to around 1960) it was considered a privilege to be accepted as an immigrant by the American immigration system. The right of passage to legal citizenship was treated with mutual respect and dignity by both parties. In today’s far-left oriented anti-authoritarian social order, entrance to America is almost considered a birthright for someone from any part of the world. For the leftists, there is little reason for there to be legal obstacles that prevent someone from entering and living in America without going through the legal process required by immigration law. This attitude masks an expression of contempt and disrespect for the American system of law. It’s blind acceptance by the mainstream media is an indication of how far society has shifted to the political left in recent decades.

The confusion generated by the left regarding the immigration problem is another destructive consequence of the emotional plague’s massive infiltration into American society through the destructive force of socio-politics. The goal of the political left is to destroy the Trump presidency by opposing each and every one of his policies regardless of their merit including those on immigration. In addition, the goal of the emotional plague carrier on the political left is to destroy America by eliminating it’s borders and rendering it defenseless against it’s potential enemies. Without first recognizing the existence and operation of the plague in the immigration problem and addressing it’s pathological symptoms as a true bio-social disease, the immigration problem can only worsen.

Why is Trump Viciously Hated by the Far Left?

When Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election in 2016, her supporters on the left were in a state of emotional shock and disbelief. With eight years of the Obama administration behind them, their timetable of what they had planned for America’s future was almost a reality and now that illusion was shattered, at least temporarily. They soon recovered their senses, reorganized and directed their attacks on Donald Trump for what he stands for, a strong authority that wants to protect America from the anti-authoritarian left’s progressively destructive agenda.
Are All People on the political left anti-authoritarian?
No. People to the left of the political center are true liberals. In distinction to the pseudo-liberal/communists who are farther to the left, the true liberal stands for individual authority, has physical aggression at his disposal and is pro-American. However, because of less contact with his biological core the true liberal is blinded to the destructiveness of those who are on the extreme left and becomes their handmaidens. True liberals are Lenin’s “useful idiots”.This distinction between the true liberal and the pseudo-liberal/communist requires an understanding of socio-political characterology necessary if any sense is to be made of social processes and political events.

What is Social Orgonomy?

Social orgonomy is the application of functional thinking to social processes.

What is the difference between medical orgonomy and social orgonomy?
Medical orgonomy deals with the destructive effects of armored society on the individual. Social orgonomy deals with the destructive effects of the individual on society.

What are the functions that constitute social orgonomy?
The functions are, the layering of the bio-psychic apparatus, the emotional plague, people’s socio-political character and the anti-authoritarian transformation of Western Society.

How do people currently think about social processes?
People generally think along the different lines of the political forces left and the right. These forces operate together in a destructive fashion which is partisan politics. Because there is no contact between them, nothing can be resolved.

What are these ways of thinking called?
They consist of the opposing forces and views of mechanistic and mystical armored thought.

Why can’t mechanistic mysticism be applied to an understanding of social processes?
These forms of thought do not correspond to the way social processes function and, as a result, they are bound to result in endless, political battles that are destructive to the Nation. They are the result of politically minded people and politicians displacing social problems onto the political arena. This is socio-politics. They are not concened with the proper function of politics.

What is lacking in the application of mechanistic-mysticism to social processes?
An understanding of motive forces behind all human activity, the emotional function in general and the emotional plague in particular.

The Politicization of Everyone

In today’s increasingly polarized American society, the public is undergoing a massive process of indoctrination by mainstream leftist ideologues with the help of the media to become politicized. This is called identity politics, the artificial fragmentation of people into antagonistic groups organized along often imagined ethnic, racial and sexual categories.

On the surface, people’s actions appear to be about addressing social problems but their effect is, in fact, the opposite. They function as an evasion to avoid recognition of the underlying conflictual forces within them. People’s emotionally based problems – the breakdown of the family and society, racism, abortion, school shootings, drugs, poverty etc. – are displaced onto and acted out in the political arena on all social levels.

At the same time, functions that are the real responsibility of politicians including maintaining America’s military strength, border control and immigration are systematically ignored. Manifestation of the emotional plague, these politically motivated actions and inactions by leftist extremists are tearing America apart.

Character Trumps Everything

If there is one thing to understand from social orgonomy it is that a person’s individual and socio-political character types determine all of his social thinking and behavior.
President Trump is most likely a high energy phallic narcissistic character with an oral unsatisfied block. Politically, he is a populist with a conservative character structure.
Knowledge of Trump’s individual and socio-political character types is sufficient to understand his presidential functioning from a clinical, bio-psychiatric perspective. It counteracts getting caught up in personally motivated pros and cons about him and in politically biased moral judgements.
To complicate matters, because of his high energy level, his oral unsatisfied block, his populist need to be loved by everyone and his conservative character structure, he is a contentious person who cannot constrain himself from getting involved in fights including with people he needs to be able to work productively with.
Seeming to thrive on controversy and easily provoked, he gives his opponents every opportunity to enter into inconsequential political distractions on a daily basis. This is the wasteland of partisan politics, a symptom of America’s polarized and increasingly clueless society.

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