Putin’s Socio-political Character Structure

A person’s political character structure is a primary determinant of social events. Therefore, it is necessary  to have an understanding of political characterology which is the study of social and political behavior from the perspective of the individual’s socio-political character structure.

Even as America is sliding further to the left and turning into a socialist state and the Soviet Union no longer exists, the emotional plague in Russian politics continues to fester, reorganize and gather momentum. The emotional plague in Russia is now operating from the political far right under the leadership of Vladimir Putin. An ex-KGB officer and a rigid authoritarian, from a characterological standpoint Putin is an example of a reactionary politician belonging on the political right.

The reactionary character resists change. Sexually, he is very moralistic and restricted which is the basis for his sadism and mysticism. His mystical beliefs are rigidly held and are not subject to reason or proof.

As a politician, Putin has the mystical belief that Russian Society should be resurrected to it’s pre-Soviet “glory.” He has a great deal of brutality in his structure that is frequently overtly expressed or thinly disguised, and always rationalized and justified as necessary. Coupled with his brutality is his reputation for graciousness and hospitality – a reaction formation. Unlike the communist on the extreme left, Putin is governed not by his intellect alone but by his emotions that are rigidly contained in his muscular armor. This is particularly noticeable in the posterior muscles of his neck – He is “stiff-necked.” He does not set himself against religion but emotionally and politically aligns himself with the great Russian Orthodox Church which he attends regularly.

Putin is a militant nationalist, righteous in his political beliefs and intensely resentful of outside political interference in Russian ways of  life. He is adept at providing rationalizations for justifying his aggressively expansionist impulses toward other countries and assumes that these sentiments are shared by the Russian people. His reasons for the annexation of Crimea, for example, were justified by his appeal to Russian nationalistic feelings and by trumped up grievances against that country.

However, Putin’s decision to annex Crimea was not based on mystical feelings alone. As an aggressive plague character on the right, he is excited by the fear of aggression and the fecklessness that he perceives in his opponents led by the President of The United States and he knows that he will get away with the seizure without firing a shot.

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