The Real Source Of Poverty In America

Unlike many other countries, the freedom and the opportunities to acquire skills and to work is still available in America.  This is why people have always flocked to America from all over the world.

According to tradition, healthy Americans are supposed to work and be self-sufficient.  Yet, there has been a decline of industriousness in the number of able-bodied men in the work force (see “The New American Divide” by Charles Murray, The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 21-22 2012). Although Mr. Murray is correct in his assessment of the situation, he does not get to the root of the problem. The question, why many people today do not take advantage of the opportunities that are available to learn and work, is never asked.  This is because knowledge of the importance of work in regulating social life from a biological point of view is outside the frame of general thinking.  What is not understood is that work is a biological function that in an increasing number of  Americans is in danger of being completely destroyed. The poverty that exists in America today is the result of the destruction in people’s biological work function.  The problem of poverty in America is not the result of economic factors such as class differences which, in general, are actually the result and not the cause of  the poverty.

The degradation in the work function in Americans is the direct result of two forces: 1) The breakdown of the authoritarian social order which led to the disintegration of the authoritarian family and 2) The introduction of illegal drugs into American society.  In the authoritarian era prior to 1960, many men with a poor work function were obliged to work compulsively because of social pressure placed on them.  With the anti-authoritarian transformation of society, the traditional roles of males in the family as husband, father and breadwinner was lost.  There was no longer such external expectation placed on them to function in those roles.

The current administration’s promoting all kinds of welfare programs is obviously a self-serving tactic to buy votes from the electorate so that they can have political and economic control over their lives.  To make matters worse, welfare programs bring out the worst in the recipients by destroying whatever remains of their self-pride and their capacity to work and also by encouraging a sense of entitlement in those emotionally dependent people who always want something from their government.   A manifestation of the emotional plague, these programs function to cover up doing something about the real source of poverty in America (a disturbance in the biological work function),  and to secure the power of those who benefit from them.

The “Occupy” Movement Is Self-sustaining

The protests which began in the summer of 2011 as the Occupy Wall Street movement that spread across our nation like an infection will be around for a long time and they will probably increase in violence.  This is because of two reasons: First, they are an undisguised manifestation of the organized emotional plague and second, the existence of the plague and its operation are far from being recognized and understood by the the general public.

Ostensibly exercising their First Amendment right, the protesters have stumbled on a tactic that gives them the upper hand with the authorities and that will do as much damage to the American nation and its economic system as possible. With nothing positive to offer and with the tacit support of the American president, this movement is nothing more than an undisguised, mindless expression of  pure hatred directed at America that originates from the destructive secondary layer of the protesters.

The reason that these protest movements are self-sustaining and will probably intensify is that the responsible public authority’s equivocating response makes them an active partner in support of the protester’s movement.  Should the authorities stand firm and risk an escalation of violence or should they be accommodating and negotiate with the protesters ?  The public authority’s helpless quibbling functions to excite the protester’s zeal and encourages them to become ever more brazen and violent.  Widespread coverage of police-protester clashes on the evening news, a First Amendment right of the media, generates public interest and more confusion adding support to the protesters “cause.”

The problem of the protest movement lies outside of this narrow social framework.  Until it is generally recognized that acting out personal problems and trying to work out people’s helplessness and inadequacies through politics are not the answer, nothing will change for the better.

The Emotional Plague Uses The Truth As A Trojan Horse

There is always a grain of truth to the emotional plague individual’s point of view and in order to understand and fight the plague it is important to see what it is.  This truth serves to demonstrate to everyone that the plague individual’s intentions are pure and above reproach and that what they are saying and agitating for is for the good of all.  A recent example of this tactic of the plague is President Obama’s telling the American people that ObamaCare will be good for everyone.  The use of the truth in the service of the plague is the reason that Thomas Sowell refers to leftist ideologues as “the anointed ones”.  The germ of truth expressed from their facade functions like a Trojan Horse to push through their destructive socio-political agenda from their middle layer.

The basic premise of leftist radicals is that America is by its very nature a corrupt nation because the “Haves” have taken from the “Have Nots” and therefore, in order to do away with this injustice a class warfare must take place between them.  This war must become actualized with violent acts when necessary in order to remove the inequality even if America is  destroyed in the process.

It is true that there is corruption in America and that some people have more wealth than others and that there is economic inequality.  These facts although true are twisted and used to justify bringing about America’s destruction by reducing everyone to the same level.  However, what is accurate in all of this is not what the leftists accuse America of, but that they are accusing America of their own evil impulses contained in their destructive middle layer.  These impulses are projected onto well-to-do people in America to bring about its destruction.

Why do they want to destroy America? Because the impulses of hatred and of revenge that originate from within them which were first directed against their own fathers are now by extension directed against all authority figures and authoritative institutions and, also against “the rich” so that no one is “better off”  than they are.

Communism Has Lost It’s Evil Connotation

During  the Cold War period, communism was up there along with fascism as one of the great evils in the world.  With the fall of the Soviet Union and  its threat to the Free World gone, communism as an evil social force seems to have lost its meaning to an increasing number of people even though it is still actively at work eroding the freedom in America.  This social paradox can only be understood functionally.  It is the result of people’s increasingly living on the social surface and losing touch  with their core biological needs.  As a result, they are unable to take full advantage of the freedom that life in America still provides.  They do not fully appreciate the blessings of freedom because they literally cannot tolerate the enormous amount of freedom that they actually have.  Signs of this intolerance of freedom are seen everywhere from the mindless carrying on of the Occupy Wall Street protesters, to the increased dependency of all segments of society on the Federal Government for assistance, to the rise in criminality in the business world requiring government control of the economy, to the widespread rise by the public in seeking substitute satisfactions in life such as drugs, passive entertainment and so on.

Because of these signs of social degradation, the evils of communism do not seem as serious to a people for whom freedom is not the precious treasure it becomes as soon as it is taken away.

There Has To Be Something More To Life

Orgonomy attracts two kinds of people, those who are attracted to it and stick with it and those who are first attracted to it and then are repelled by it. Those who come to orgonomy and stick with it share one important trait. They have a deep sense that there must be something more to life than what is generally available. They see this something in the science of orgonomy, a science that allows one to have knowledge of the life energy, a science that provides a unified and satisfactory understanding of both the inner and the outer worlds. By contrast, those who come to orgonomy and leave also have one thing in common. They feel that there is something else that the science of orgonomy has not provided them with. For them, orgonomy is just one of many disciplines that are available to the public. They stay in touch with orgonomy for varying periods but sooner or later they are off to engage in other pursuits often taking little parts of orgonomy with them.
The difference between the two groups is that the first has retained a largely undistorted sense of the importance of their work and sexual functions in their daily lives. They are able to achieve pleasure in work and in their personal lives that their experience with orgonomy has given to them and they have a sense of gratitude to the orgonomists who have given them this appreciation. The second group has a distorted often mystical sense of their core functions of life and therefore they are unable to practically utilize what orgonomy has given them. Having no genuine appreciation for what they have been given, they often lose themselves in mystical teachings and practices of one sort or another.

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