The Social Functions of the Anti-authoritarian Transformation

The social functions of the transformation define the ultimate goals of the emotional plague, to replace the core functions of human life with destructive, secondary layer functions.

These goals are:

  1. The elimination of the core sexual function from the primary layer and replacing it with the neutered human being based on gender ideology and other perversions from the secondary layer.
  2. The elimination of human history and replacing it with a new history, a “neo-history”.
  3. The elimination of the past authoritarian social order and replacing it with a Soviet styled, socialist state.
  4. The elimination of the old authoritarian morality based on right and wrong and replacing it with the “anything goes”, new morality of political correctness.

These old communist “solutions” of the defunct Soviet Union dressed up in new clothes are being presented today as something novel by our far-left, ideological savants of the Democratic Party for a Brave New World.

Why is the Emotional Plague Not Seen?

The true liberal cannot see the emotional plague because he lives primarily in his superficial layer and is therefore not in touch with the evilness in his own secondary destructive layer. His state of cluelessness produces the pressure of free-floating guilt that needs to be constantly relieved through mindless acts of forgiveness especially of others who operate from their secondary layer (i.e. criminals, political psychopaths etc.). His acts of “kindness” are not only destructive and highly contagious but they are self-serving because the liberal unconsciously identifies with these criminals. Having no real contact with the existence of evil in anyone, the liberal believes that all social problems can be solved through the good deeds of well-meaning people such as leftist politicians. The liberal who is mystical handles the problem of evil by distorting it and turning it into spirituality – evil spirits. In psychiatric therapy, this mindset of the liberal gives rise to the wealth of alternative therapeutic approaches such as psychic healing, etc.

Because the conservative has more contact with the deeper layers of armor than the true liberal, he believes in the reality of evil but, because of his mysticism, is unable to simultaneously see and believe in the physical existence of the emotional plague in everyday life.

People in general are resistant to getting the concept of the disease, emotional plague, because it is hard for them to feel that the illness lives in everyone including in oneself. The only way that it has been accepted in the past was mystically through the distorted Christian idea of original sinfulness. However, this way is only of limited value because it avoids getting at its source, the underlying emotional (sexual) sickness of armored humans. People are too sick to be in touch with it. This problem goes to the heart of the reason for people’s cluelessness.

The conservative mystic

The Penetration of the Emotional Plague Through the Social Surface

The source of the emotional Plague originates from the destructiveness contained in human armor (the destructive secondary layer) and, therefore, it has a separate life of its own. Every now and then, because of the economic and social sickness of armored people, the disease is able to rear its ugly head and appear undisguised on the social surface in full view of everyone.

This happened during the Great Depression of the 1930s when, because of the economic chaos of the times, leftist movements successfully entered the social mainstream pandering their socialistic nostrums and cure-alls to the American people.

It is again breaking through the social surface as a result of the anti-authoritarian transformation of society. With its inevitable breakdown of the authoritarian family and the appearance of large numbers of the younger generation on the streets unable to be independent and take care of themselves there was a rise of the shift to the political left in the social mainstream and the appearance of a new breed of “experts” on the political far-left ” who “know” the answer to the social problem – the good old-fashioned socialistic solutions that had failed over and over again in the past.

The Republican Party’s platform for the upcoming 2020 election largely depends on showing how good things are economically in America. The Democratic Party’s platform depends on showing how terrible things are socially today. Neither group is able to look at the transformation of society into anti-authoritarianism and the resultant breakdown of the authoritarian family which is the underlying reason for this social problem in the first place. Without this social problem the freedom peddlers on the left would have no socialist wares at all to peddle.

The Clueless Masses on the American Left and the Far-left Political Ideologues

Apropos the relationship of attractive opposition of the clueless masses in America to far-left political ideologues who are openly and honestly telling people that they will turn this nation into a Soviet style socialist state ( the “big lie”), here is what the political genius, Adolph Hitler, wrote in Mein Kampf,

“… In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than to the small lie, since they often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large scale falsehoods. It would never come to their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others would have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously” (italics added).    

 Hitler, a paranoid, psychopathic genius, fully understood and took advantage of people’s credulousness (cluelessness) resulting from their armored condition and was able to get through to their destructive secondary layer. From the way social conditions are declining, it is safe to conclude that absolutely nothing has been learned from Hitler’s “honesty” or even from recent past history to prevent future social calamities from happening.

Politics is a Symptom not the Disease

From a functional perspective today’s politics is a symptom of armored humans in the social realm, not the disease.

The way that the symptom of politics is manifested depends on the structure of armored society. In the past authoritarian era, social armor consisted in the opposing forces of the political left and the right being in a relationship of attractive opposition. There were roughly equal numbers of the opposing groups in the Democratic and Republican parties. Strongly pro-American, the opposing forces were equally balanced and the political system was able function fairly well.

With the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian that began around 1960, this was no longer the case. The transformation was accompanied by the shift of the social mainstream and the Democratic Party to the left of center. No longer united in being pro-American and equally balanced, the forces of both parties became polarized into the anti-America, Democratic party of the left and the pro-America, Republican party of the right. The functional relationship of the opposing forces of social armor changed into one of antagonistic opposition. Because of this polarization the political system became dysfunctional.

With the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian, the leftward shift in the political mainstream and people increasingly demanding political solutions to social problems it is slowly becoming clear to more people that politics is not able to provide answers to their problems.

Sooner or later, the masses of people will have to stop turning to politicians for answers and politicians will have to stop enacting new laws to “change” society. We will have to start looking inward into our own, individual character structures for an understanding of our problems. We will have to realize that we are only fooling ourselves when we look outward for the source of our problems and to leftist political charlatans and saviors to save and care for us.

The Sociopolitical Redshift: An Update

The Sociopolitical Redshift is an indicator of the extent to which the emotional plague from the political left, communist ideology under the banner of political correctness, has infiltrated into our society.

Here is a quote from Australian Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd, that I used in a blog written in May, 2010.

“Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicles in a bid to head off potential terror attacks…’IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT…TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trails and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!…We will accept your beliefs and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, Our Way of LIFE. I highly encourage ypu to take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.’ If you are not happy here then LEAVE. We did not force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.”

Nine years later, in 2019, when President Trump expressed the same idea about the behavior of individuals dissatisfied with our country, using much milder words, he was strongly chastised by both political parties. This is an indication of the progressive advance of the morality of political correctness – the emotional plague – into everyday life.

The Functional Relationship Between the True Liberal and the Far-left Pseudo-liberal

Emotions both conscious and unconscious are powerful social forces. Because of their unconscious guilt, white American true liberals are always ready to apologize for themselves and assume responsibility for crimes such as racism, sexism and so on that they really have nothing to do with. On the other hand, far-left radicals including those of color are ready to masochistically play the role of the victim and provocatively use it to justify their sadistic expression of unconscious hatred of white Americans accusing them of racism, “classism”, sexism, neocolonialism, among other moral crimes. Guilt-ridden, leftist indoctrinated, white Liberals are the real victims incapable of recognizing that they are being used and attacked by the emotional plague from the far-left and are helpless to defend themselves against it.

This functional relationship of attractive opposition between the true liberal and the far-left pseudo-liberal illustrates an operation of the emotional plague in today’s highly charged political arena.

Apropos Well-intentioned, Decent, Liberal Holdouts in the Democratic Party

There are honest, decent Liberals belonging to the Democratic Party who still believe that the old principles of democratic liberalism are operative in that party. They are idealists who cannot use their eyes to see the massive destructive changes that have taken place in that party such as, for example, the shift of the political mainstream to the extreme left that has occurred in the last 60 years.

These are people frozen in time who, because of their ocular pathology, still believe that social and political conditions are somehow the same or better than they were back in the 1950s. From an individual viewpoint, their idealism is dangerous because it prevents them from seeing the reality of today’s social degradation. From a social viewpoint, their blindness to what is happening in the world of American politics supports and encourages the far-left ideologues who now are gaining control of the Democratic Party to carry on their socialistic destructiveness.

For these true liberals, their political ship, the Democratic Party, is sinking and they have no life raft to save them. Their only hope of saving their Party is dissociating from the far-left, pseudo liberal radicals that they are associated with, seeing them for the emotional plague characters that they are and reestablishing a relationship of attractive opposition with the Republican Party as before. Short of this happening, the only other outcome is that the Party becomes fragmented into a European Style, multiparty system.

The American Two Party System is about to come to an end

A sign of the strength of past American Society was that it could exist for over 200 years as a two-party political system. During this period both parties were in a relationship of attractive opposition. Both were united in their allegiance to the founding principles of the American nation and were able to work together and deal with the social and political problems that their country faced as best they could.

A sign that the vitality of American Society is collapsing is that the two party system is coming to an end. This is evidenced by the paralysis and chaos that is happening today in politics and the polarization of the forces that constitute the political system itself. Today these forces are in a relationship of antagonistic opposition. Both parties are at odds regarding their allegiance to the principles of the American Government and how the government should operate. This confused state of the public is a symptom of the emotional plague in politics.

The far-left has always failed to solve the problems of armored people through politics. Religions have failed to provide answers through mysticism. Before starting a third party for answers, people will have to realize that neither religion nor politics has the answer to their problems in life. They will need to look inward and have contact with themselves for the source of their problems.

Societies are Biological Systems

A society is a living system that can be viewed from the standpoint of it’s state of health or disease. Since individual humans are armored society as a whole is also armored. With the new sciences of Medical and Social Orgonomy it is possible for the social orgonomist to understand social pathologies in the same way using functional thinking that the medical orgonomist understands and treats individual patients.

Applying this knowledge to American society today shows that it is becoming increasingly dysfunctional and rapidly deteriorating. The anti-authoritarian transformation that started in America around 1960 accompanying the so-called sexual revolution of the ’50s was the start of the decline. This was the time when far-left radicals were able to infiltrate into politics through the Democratic Party. This was also when helpless people first started looking to politics for solutions to their personal and social problems en mass and when leftist politicians assumed leadership in the progressive movement promoting their ideological goals to them. The left’s invasion into politics soon extended into both Parties and eventually destroyed the foundation of the two-party system as we know it. One symptom of the transformation was the polarization of politics into the left and the right – the spectacle of two antagonistic opposing political forces battling each other for political survival.

The original, rational function of politics – the application of political knowledge to the function of governing – was lost and replaced by the pathological substitute of socio-politics. Championed by today’s political saviors on the far-left, this is another sign of the emotional plague’s destructive invasiveness in today’s anti-authoritarian social order.

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