Are People Ready to Give Up the Two-Party System?

The American two-party system has become extinct and most people actually think that it still exists. It is another symptom of people’s cluelessness, of not seeing things as they are. To make things worse, because they do not think functionally they have no way of understanding what is happening in the world, in general, and why there is no longer a two-party system, in particular.

The two-party political system in America existed because the opposing party members were strongly pro-American and in a relationship of attractive opposition. This meant that although they had their political differences they were able to function together as an organization and accomplish their political responsibilities.

It is clear from what is happening in politics today that this is no longer the case. Both groups are divided along ideological lines according to what they believe are in the best interests of America and Americans. Today’s politicians are representing two entirely different populations, those belonging ideologically on the political left and on the right. Their ideological beliefs have become incompatible and, therefore, it is no longer possible for them to work together in a productive fashion. As a result, the functional relationship of the two-party system has changed into one of antagonistic opposition.

The political system seems to be working now because there is a populist, pro-American president who has bi-partisan support. Because the two-party system has broken down, the populist movement seems to be what is in store for American political life after Trump. What will happen to America when another populist president comes along who is not pro-American remains to be seen.

Nations Are Bio-social Systems

Nations are bio-social systems. Like individual organisms, they pulsate by expanding and contracting. When not threatened by external danger, they expand. When threatened, they contract. The coronavirus is a threat to the American Nation and, as a response, it has contracted socially and economically. The social response to the coronavirus is a rise in mass anxiety and social retreat. The economic response is a biophysical contraction accompanied by a state of fear and a sharp reduction in the economic activity.

Because of the pre-existing social and economic overly-expanded state of America, the public’s reaction to the coronavirus threat is greatly exaggerated. People are overly anxious and, as a result, have a need to understand what is happening and to be comforted. They look for answers from the government that are dependent on their individual character structures. Because it is impossible to know what will happen in the future, some overreact to the point of panic. To relieve their panic people function as groups and become more out of touch with themselves.

What is most important in times of crisis is to focus on and maintain one’s biological work function, whatever it is.

On The Government’s Handling of The Coronavirus

In Social Orgonomy, knowledge of the three layers of the human bio-psychic apparatus is indispensable. These are the biological core, the destructive secondary layer and the superficial layer or facade. A natural function of government is to protect the lives of it’s citizens from harm. Therefore, the government’s current handling of the coronavirus threat is a necessary, natural (core) function.

People’s confusion about the natural functions of human life, in particular, and of government, in general, results in the invasion of the emotional plague into the social arena. In particular, the plague thrives on the public’s confusion over the difference between natural drives from the biological core and the secondary drives from the destructive, secondary or middle layer.

This confusion allows every possible human need, natural or pathological, to be included as a natural right that requires protection by the government. This is a way of armored thinking that allows the plague from the political left in the form of bureaucracy to infest and become institutionalized in a government ready to “protect” the people.

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