There Is No Longer Any Difference Between Socialists And Communists

In the past authoritarian era, prior to around 1960, society was governed by the rule of law.   It was possible to distinguish between communists and socialists.  Whereas socialists were candid about their intentions and openly favored government takeover, communists denied their true intentions and thus operated clandestinely  (subversively) to bring about their desired goal of a socialist society.  Thus, it was relatively easy in those days to recognize the social danger of both types of individuals and to take appropriate defensive action against them.

In today’s anti-authoritarian society, there is a partial breakdown in the rule of law and social destructiveness from the secondary layer is increasingly breaking into the social surface.  As an example, it is no longer possible for most people to recognize the destructiveness of communists because they have succeeded in entering the political mainstream, the social surface, by presenting themselves to the world as true liberals.  They have become identified as ” progressives” and are now able to pass socialistic legislation to bring about their desired goals strictly within the rule of law. Therefore, practically speaking, there is no longer any need to make a distinction between the socialist’s and the  communist’s destructive mode of operation. It is one and the same.

There Is No Longer Any Difference Between Socialists And Communists

In the past authoritarian era, prior to around 1960, society was governed by the rule of law.   It was possible to distinguish between communists and socialists.  Whereas socialists were candid about their intentions and openly favored government takeover, communists denied their true intentions and thus operated clandestinely  (subversively) to bring about their desired goal of a socialist society.  Thus, it was relatively easy in those days to recognize the social danger of both types of individuals and to take appropriate defensive action against them.

In today’s anti-authoritarian society, there is a partial breakdown in the rule of law and social destructiveness from the secondary layer is increasingly breaking into the social surface.  As an example, it is no longer possible for most people to recognize the destructiveness of communists because they have succeeded in entering the political mainstream, the social surface, by presenting themselves to the world as true liberals.  They have become identified as ” progressives” and are now able to pass socialistic legislation to bring about their desired goals strictly within the rule of law. Therefore, practically speaking, there is no longer any need to make a distinction between the socialist’s and the  communist’s destructive mode of operation. It is one and the same.

America And Russia In The 21st Century

In 1991, the Communist Party was outlawed in Russia and the Soviet Union ceased to exist.  Since that time, Russia has been struggling to shed its communist past after the horrors of 70 years of totalitarian rule. With the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States and of numerous high ranking leftist political leaders to Congress in 2008 posing as genuine liberals, America is in the process of descending headlong into becoming a communist state. The situation is even more frightening if one considers that America, under Ronald Reagan as president, was the country that largely brought down the Soviet regime only two decades before.  Today, America is not only completely defenseless against the communist threat but moreover, is in danger of becoming a communist state  itself similar to the past Soviet Union.  Why is this happening?

It is not possible, according to conventional thinking, to understand why these opposing currents in the two countries are happening.  The phenomenon has to do with the highly infectious nature of the emotional plague; the emotional plague individuals on the one hand and the emotional sickness of people that the plague individuals can take hold of politically on the other. The emotional sickness of people involves the  segment of the American population who are unable to work and be responsible for their economic survival.  That their inability to work is a real sickness is shown by the fact that in America the opportunity to work and succeed is readily available to anyone who is willing to make the necessary effort.  Emotional plague individuals, in the person of leftist politicians, promise that they are the ones to care for people. Through socialistic legislation they take wealth from those who are able to work productively in the private sector and transfer it to those who are not. Nothing is done to address people’s emotionally based work disturbance as the descent into a socialist state continues unchecked.

Two Ways Of Destroying The Science Of Orgonomy

Armored humans have at their disposal two ways to avoid having understanding of themselves that the science of orgonomy can provide. The first method, overt suppression, was typically used prior to 1960 when the authoritarian social order was intact. This method included direct attacks on Wilhelm Reich and his co-workers by the scientific establishment that finally resulted in sending the great scientist to his death in prison and in the public burning of his books.

In today’s anti-authoritarian social order, almost everything is permitted. Now, overt suppression is no longer necessary. It has been replaced by a more humane, “enlightened” method. Regarding psychiatric therapies, every kind of treatment under the sun is allowed and placed on an equal footing regardless of its merit. This means that even the science of orgonomy and medical orgone therapy can now be permitted and placed alongside everything else out there. This view, in effect, degrades  the uniqueness of the science of orgonomy and its therapy, medical orgone therapy. As a result, most people when exposed to a presentation on medical orgone therapy who know nothing about it are naturally left with the feeling that that there is nothing special about it.

The uniqueness of medical orgone therapy done by a qualified medical orgone therapist has to do with its qualitative differences from all other forms of therapy both in terms of the process and in the results of therapy. These differences cannot be sufficiently described in words. They have to be experienced to be understood.

A Work Democratic Organization

In a work democratic organization, the natural and intrinsic rational work relationships among human beings regulates the work process.  Since its incorporation in 1968, the American College of Orgonomy has functioned as a work democratic organization.  In contrast to formal organizations that are governed by the principle of compulsive work, the participation of an individual in a work democratic organization is  entirely voluntary and is sustained by the capacity to engage in work that is vital to the organization’s survival.

Healthy work originates from the biological core and is expressed through the periphery undistorted by armor.  It is rational, constructive and is experienced by the worker as pleasurable.  It has been typical in the College’s history that once a member’s particular work function begins to deteriorate for whatever reason, they lose touch with the organization of their own accord.  The deterioration usually takes the form of a mechanistic or mystical distortion manifested as rigidity of the original work function.  This is a clear indication that their secondary destructive layer (armor) is interfering with their ability to work.  It often comes out later that the exiting member or members had some personal reason justifying their leaving such as having a greater knowledge as to how the College should develop or a higher vision that the organization should have adopted.  The reason for their separation always comes out only after they leave, not before.

People often ask me why this or that person has left the College? The answer in almost every case is the same.  It is the result of the breakdown in the individual’s specific work function in the College.  It is primarily the rational work function of  the College’s members that sustains their ability to cooperate with each other and to work productively.

A Work Democratic Organization

In a work democratic organization, the natural and intrinsic rational work relationships among human beings regulates the work process.  Since its incorporation in 1968, the American College of Orgonomy has functioned as a work democratic organization.  In contrast to formal organizations that are governed by the principle of compulsive work, the participation of an individual in a work democratic organization is  entirely voluntary and is sustained by the capacity to engage in work that is vital to the organization’s survival.

Healthy work originates from the biological core and is expressed through the periphery undistorted by armor.  It is rational, constructive and is experienced by the worker as pleasurable.  It has been typical in the College’s history that once a member’s particular work function begins to deteriorate for whatever reason, they lose touch with the organization of their own accord.  The deterioration usually takes the form of a mechanistic or mystical distortion manifested as rigidity of the original work function.  This is a clear indication that their secondary destructive layer (armor) is interfering with their ability to work.  It often comes out later that the exiting member or members had some personal reason justifying their leaving such as having a greater knowledge as to how the College should develop or a higher vision that the organization should have adopted.  The reason for their separation always comes out only after they leave, not before.

People often ask me why this or that person has left the College? The answer in almost every case is the same.  It is the result of the breakdown in the individual’s specific work function in the College.  It is primarily the rational work function of  the College’s members that sustains their ability to cooperate with each other and to work productively.

Why It Is Necessary To Come To Grips With The Emotional Plague As A Medical Disease

The emotional plague is defined as destructive human behavior on the social scene. Often, I come across someone who asks why is it necessary to use the term emotional plague when we see  destructive human behavior. Since  the plague is manifested everywhere, why can’t we just call it human destructiveness and leave it at that? The answer that I give is that unlike the behavior of  ordinary neurotic individuals,the emotional plague individual cannot tolerate the expression of life in others. Because of this intolerance, his behavior is aimed at destroying in some way the lives of others. The element of infectiousness squarely places the emotional plague in the field of medicine as a legitimate communicable disease. Therefore, the plague must be understood and treated medically as any other infectious disease.

As an analogy, imagine speaking to someone from the fifteenth century, a time when one-third of the European population was wiped out by the bubonic plague and telling them that the disease is caused by an invisible organism that lives on a flea that lives on a rat and that the only way to eradicate the disease is to practice sanitary hygienic measures. The person would have no understanding of what was being said. This is the same situation that exists today when, because the emotional plague is not recognized, any mention of it as a grave danger to human life is met with incomprehension and disbelief. People today are living in the same state of ignorance and are jeopardized about their vital emotional functions, healthy as well as pathological which includes the emotional plague, as that which existed in the eighteenth century when medical pathology had not yet discovered the sources of infectious diseases.

What’s Wrong With The Teenage Mind?

In a recent article in the Wall Street Journal (Jan. 28-29, 2012) entitled, What’s Wrong With The Teenage Mind?, professor of psychology at the University of California, Berkeley, Alison Gopnik ascribes much of the troubles modern teenagers have in coping with the world to the teenager’s brain. Ms. Gopnik attempts to understand teenage behavior by way of localized pathways in the brain such as “reward centers” and ” control systems” that underlie certain behavioral functions.

That the brain is involved with the teenager’s behavior or that the interaction between the teenager with the environment is important in the kind of behavior that is exhibited goes without saying. These statements about the brain are insufficient to explain the erratic, dysfunctional behavior of many teenagers today.

What is left unsaid is the effect that the dramatic changes that have occurred with the transformation of Western society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian and the mechanistic-mystical world view that accompanies it has had on the lives of everyone, including and especially teenagers.  The breakup of the past authoritarian social order and its underpinning, the authoritarian family based on sexual repression, has been replaced by a social order that is even more inimical to life than its predecessor.  To make matters worse, all that was painstakingly gained in psychiatry in the past, including the knowledge of human psycho-sexual development (the disturbances in which account for much of what is troubling teenagers today) has been completely thrown out in the practice of psychiatry.

In fact, the practice of psychiatry today has regressed to where it was over 100 years ago when the subjective workings of the mind was equated in a one-to-one fashion with the objective operation of  localized brain functions.  Modern psychiatry is as far away from understanding the problems of teenagers as it was then.  Meanwhile, thanks to our anti-authoritarian social order, the level of social pathology manifested by everyone including teenagers has escalated to a far greater extent compared to where it was then.  These social developments can only be understood as a direct manifestation of higher levels of emotional plague activity in today’s world.

The Portrait Of A Political Demigod

According to The Random House Dictionary, a demigod is more than human. He is a deified mortal. Many politicians appear to be demigods when they are campaigning for public office, but once the election is over, they stop acting like that, whether they have won or lost.  The true political demigod, on the other hand, has a constellation of permanent characteristics that is unique.  1) He has no history of a stable, consistent work function prior to entering politics.  2) Politics is a substitute for genuine work.  3) His political mission is entirely self-serving to fit his preexisting ideological world view.  4) He has an overriding hatred of and a need to change the established world order with grandiose schemes of a heaven on earth.  5) He is convinced of the infallibility of his belief system.  6) The success of his  campaign strategy is based on promising the electorate anything and everything for the sole purpose of gaining power over them.

This strategy is designed to cement a powerful identification of the demigod with the electorate.  Once he has succeeded in this strategy, the demigod has attained a godlike stature.  He can do no wrong in the eyes of the populace.  Demigods can appear on both sides of the political spectrum.  In today’s anti-authoritarian society with the marked shift of the political mainstream to the left of center, demigods are likely to appear from the political left.  Barack Obama is a recent example of the appearance of a demigod from the political left.

Obama’s choice of work before entering politics was that of a political activist.  According to his wife Michelle, Obama was a community activist exploring the viability of politics to make [social] change. ” The solution to every problem,” according to a reporter who studied Obama’s projects, ” was a distribution of government funds.”   Until he became a full time legislator in 1996, Obama’s primary focus of work was Acorn, the largest radical organization in the United States. The infallibility of his belief system originates entirely from his highly developed intellect. At the height of his election campaign, he announced:  “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.”  Just prior to his entering the White House, in a moment of candor he said: ” We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  In his election campaign he appealed to the entire electorate and promised that if he were elected president he would finally put an end to the political divisiveness that was tearing America apart. Once elected, however, he did exactly the opposite.  He immediately proceeded to ram his socialistic medical agenda (ObamaCare) down the throat of the American people  (which he later said will be for the good of everyone) and dramatically  increased the authority and spending power of the Federal Government at the expense of the private sector.

Personally, he exhibits overt contempt for American policies internationally and for hard working, decent American people in general.   The effect of this attitude is to chastise Americans.  An emotional plague tactic, it is an attempt to induce an unconscious sense of guilt and paralysis and to make Americans feel that whatever they are doing is somehow wrong.  According to him, Americans have to change their ways.  If they would only follow him, President Obama is the one capable of redeeming Americans of their evil past deeds.  He is also the only one capable of providing all Americans with an illusion of economic security while, at the same time, making them ever more dependent and under the control of the Federal Government with people like him at the top.

The problem that confronts us is not the political demigod.  It is the helplessness of armored people that makes it possible for demigods to regularly appear on the social scene.  The political interaction of the demigod with helpless, socially dependent people who are emotionally out of touch with themselves is what enables the demigod to exist.

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