Functional Thinking is Necessary to Understand Social Events

The application of knowledge contained in social orgonomy is vitally important to understand and reverse the social decline that is currently happening in today’s anti-authoritarian world. This includes, among other things, a functional understanding of people’s living from the three layers of their bio-psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive secondary or middle layer – the realm of the devil – and the superficial layer or facade. For example, applying this knowledge to social processes makes it possible to evaluate the degree of harm that any politician can do in public office.

Neither the left nor the right have answers to social problems. However, because the political mainstream in America is continually shifting to the political left in our anti-authoritarian social order, leftist politicians are increasingly doing damage to our nation more than ever before. The ideology of today’s left is a secular version of mystical religions of the past. Happiness and freedom will be given by them to the masses of people in the here and now, not in the afterlife as was promised before. The danger is that an increasing number of people today are mystically looking to politician’s for answers. They see nothing of what is hidden underneath, in the deeper destructive, middle layers of the leftist politician’s hunger for power and the helplessness of the masses of people who seek political salvation from them. Their mystical way of looking at people is a dangerous symptom of their ocular armor and it has destructive social consequences.

On the other hand, leftist politicians operating from their destructive secondary layer have perfected the art of politically manipulating the public. All they have to do to be elected is to pretend to be who they seem to be on the social surface and maintain this political persona. Seasoned politicians display confidence that their facade, the face that they present to the public, serves them well politically. Their role of playing a savior is who the clueless public wants them to be. All that is required is a friendly smiling face and a few empty, reassuring words. Think of the larger than human images of Joseph Stalin and Chairman Mao of the past generations. For their part, most of today’s public could care less about who and what their politicians really stand for. The fact that their leaders are political hacks that have accomplished nothing of importance in their careers as politicians means nothing to them.

The destructive effect of the anti-authoritarian transformation of our society is being recognized by many people on both sides of the political spectrum and they are losing confidence in the way our system of government is working. They have no knowledge of what went wrong or how to improve the situation and they are helplessly stuck in their old ways of mechanistic/mystical thinking. Clearly, another way of thinking that corresponds to the way that things work – functional thinking – is required.

What the 2020 Presidential Election Has Taught Us

The 2020 presidential election has shown that the emotional plague of mankind cannot be dealt with politically. It cannot be won in the voting booths at election time. The plague must be recognized and treated as a highly infectious disease in the everyday lives of emotionally sick human beings. It is treated by the medical epidemiologist who has the necessary knowledge and experience. Finally, since politicians have no awareness of this human affliction they must step aside and not add to its destructiveness by exacerbating its manifestations through political activity.

The emotional plague infected political individual is adept at invading the mainstream by turning social matters into political problems. This is the essence of the emotional plague in socio-politics. Plague characters falsely claim that they are the ones who have the solutions to human problems by peddling the same, failed nostrums in their political ideology.

The existence of the bio-social disease, emotional plague, must first enter into public awareness as a malignant social disease before it can be effectively treated and contained. Today, people are generally clueless about the plague’s existence. This is the central problem that the social orgonomist is faced with.

Another example of the Left’s Ideological War on America

The emotional plague’s ideological war from the political left on the American way of life is being conducted on many fronts. One of them is from (pseudo-liberal/communist) historians systematically rewriting America’s history in articles and books for people of all ages. This tactic functions to destroy American’s emotional contact with their nation’s past. Happening unnoticed in front of everyone’s eyes, and protected as a First Amendment right to freedom of speech, it puts people in a state of confusion about themselves and their emotional relationship to America. It undermines their loyalty to America and places them at the mercy of leftist ideologues to be manipulated and turned into mindless robots to follow the plans that they have for the future of America.

Americans remains defenseless in the face of this emotional plague attack on their nation because knowledge of human functioning originating from the biological core and the destructive secondary layer is not currently distinguished. Rewriting America’s history is a destructive secondary layer activity designed to question and undermine knowledge of America’s historical past and people’s contact with themselves as Americans. In the past authoritarian era, people had a sense of the distinction between human functions from the biological core and the secondary layer. In today’s anti-authoritarian society human functioning from the core has been almost completely lost in favor of activity from the destructive secondary layer in every area of life. People are left feeling more clueless and alienated than ever.

The Great American Giveaway

With the election of Joe Biden as President of the United States, the American Communist Party is in a position of becoming in control of the Nation. Every core human quality of the past that Americans have stood for – loyalty, gratitude and respect for America – has been turned on its head into its opposite, destructive ideological forces that are being used against it. This is an old tactic perfected by the past communist ideologue, Saul Alinsky. Today, it is able to bring about America’s demise because of the persistent effort of infiltrated communist activists, far left members elected to Congress and those in control of the current Democratic Party.

To recognize why this tragic event is happening requires knowledge of the layering of the armored human bio-psychic apparatus; the biological core, the destructive secondary layer (the repository of the emotional plague) and the social surface. The emotional plague’s destructiveness to the American nation has been patiently organized over decades and is being orchestrated by communist leaders who, together with the help of well meaning but naive true liberals, profess to be loyal Americans. The communist’s ultimate goal is to eliminate, give away, all the freedoms that Americans have fought for and enjoyed in the spontaneous, core, expressions of their lives. The emotional plague is being spread through society by mass media, big tech and global corporations as well as far left individuals. The plague’s current strategic target is America itself and then it will spread globally to bring the social order as we know it to a standstill. The current order will be replaced and under the control of leftist ideologues with the ultimate goal of establishing a “Brave New ‘International’ World”.

At the same time, an increasing number of people in America and the rest of the free world are losing contact with their good fortune to be living in a free world. They have more personal wealth and freedom than they know what to do with. Because of their cluelessness, the freedom that they have can be easily taken away from them by the emotional plague characters hungry for power. This fate is in store for the clueless American public unless they wake up and see the tragedy that is about to happen right in front of its eyes.

The Power of Communist Ideology

There must be something powerful in communism in the structure of armored humans that keeps the ideology alive. It appeared in the election of the pseudo-liberal/communists Biden and Harris in the 2020 presidential election.

This something must first be recognized before the social disease of armored humans, communism, can finally be put to rest. The power of the disease, communism, is contained in people’s deep emotional longing for a better life. Communism is nothing but a secular version of the religious longing for happiness in the afterlife. The power of this mystical longing is the reason that the political ideology of communism cannot be eliminated until the masses first come into contact in their depths with its underlying emotional source.

The Left’s Use of Human Guilt as a Political Weapon

A function of Christianity was to deal with the problem of human guilt. From a bio-psychiatric perspective, neurotic guilt arises from the perception of destructive emotions held in people’s muscular armor. Christianity’s solution was the central tenet: Christ died for your sins. In belief in Christ the savior and in the practice of confession of one’s sins to a Catholic priest, people were temporarily relieved of their chronic sense of guilt by having their emotions anchored on their faith in Christ, the Redeemer.

With the current breakdown of Christianity’s influence worldwide and the anti-authoritarian transformation of Western civilization’s social order, people’s armor has shifted from the musculature to the ocular segment. As a result, their guilt becomes manifested as free-floating anxiety and it can easily be turned into a major political force with destructive consequences. Enter leftist political ideologues and revisionist historians with their obsession to rewrite America’s history. People’s unresolved feelings of guilt are being manipulated by these ideologists to blame present-day Americans for their ancestor’s past sins, i.e. the practice of slavery. This ploy functions as a political weapon and a blatant emotional plague attack on the living designed to destroy the American nation.

The Problem of People’s”Getting” the Emotional Plague

People’s recognizing the existence and function of the emotional plague is the most important social problem facing humanity today. Without this awareness nothing in people’s social lives can possibly change for the better. The problem is that the plague is too deeply imbedded in the masses of people’s armored structures, their unconscious, for people to be aware of its existence. Their cluelessness is why one must consistently and patiently stay on the social surface of its day-to-day, pathological manifestations in social and political life before it can be possible for people to get it. These are the epidemic “symptoms” of the plague. By doing so, the plague will eventually come to the surface of some people’s awareness. This process of dealing with the plague on a social level is functionally identical to the work of the medical orgonomist performing character analysis on an individual level.

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