The Lefts Mystical Attack On the Supreme Court

For the political left, the intellect reigns supreme. However, the opposite is also true. The intellect can also be used in its defensive function as propaganda, a symptom of the emotional plague, for gaining political power and control over others. This has been amply demonstrated in the confirmation hearing of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become a U.S. Supreme Court associate justice, in Washington, on March 23, 2022 (See Roger L Simon’s article in The Epoch Times on March 23, 2022). For example, when asked to define the word “woman,” she became evasive and responded. by saying “I can’t.” The reason she gave was that she is not a biologist which was another evasion. The real reason that she did not answer the question is that she is a progressive (old-time communist) ideologue. That is, her mind is made up about the way the world of humans including their sexuality should be like according to her pre-formed views, not the way it really is. From a bio-psychiatric perspective, her belief system is a cognitive disturbance, a symptom of ocular armor, and is the reason that she can never be in touch with the reality of the way things actually are in the world. For her, words and ideas like “transgender” have replaced reality and been given a mystical life and meaning of their own, a substitute for reality.

Simon’s calling Jackson’s responses to the hearing a Big Lie is another way of moralizing what is happening and another evasion that functions to conceal recognition of the ideological war consisting of the emotional plague’s operation between the political left and the right in America today.

A Leopard Doesn’t Change Its Spots: Tsar Vladimir

During the time of the Soviet Union, Vladimir Putin was a communist loyal KGB hack, a red fascist character. After its fall, Putin cleverly worked his way up the ranks of a corrupt Russian political system to become the President and leader of the Russian nation. In doing so he built strong political alliances and established a close, mystical ties with the Russian Orthodox Church. His stated political goal was to return Russia back to its pre-Soviet glory. Reading between the lines of this statement, Putin admires being compared to the old-time leader of Russia, the Tsar. By taking control of the election process, he was assured to remain indefinitely in his role as absolute ruler without effective opposition. These were some the factors that allowed him to turn from a red fascist puppet into a black fascist dictator. Then he could claim that since Ukraine was part of Russia, its invasion, destruction and theft of the country’s wealth, his true goals, was a legitimate action. 

Putin will get away with his criminal activity because the existence and operation of the emotional plague is publicly sanctioned in today’s world. If it had been otherwise, a loyal ex-KGB officer and a characterological thief would never have been elected as president and been given complete control of that country. The next question in store for the world is what will be the next country that Putin will attempt to steal for himself.

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