On The Failure of The 2-Party System in Russia. December 15, 2022.

The break-up of the Soviet Union that occurred in 1991 after the failed communist experiment in Russia was somehow mystically expected to lead to the formation of a democratic system of government in that country. Instead, it lead to its exact opposite, a regime that is no different than the one that existed in old Czarist Russia in the 19th century before the communist takeover now under the strict, one-man, control of Vladimir (“Tsar”) Putin as its head.

Addendum 12/17

America lost the opportunity to have a positive difference in the outcome of the communist breakdown in Russia because it itself had become infested by the Communist plague through its Democratic Party organization.

Being Partly Right On Social Matters is Not Enough. December 10, 2022.

People’s mechanistic/mystical ways of thinking in social matters always has something right in them but they are not enough to make what is happening in the world completely understandable. In fact, this element of being partly right regularly results in people splitting into separate social-political groups according to their individual character structures typical of the views of the left and the right leading to the socially destructive consequences of the “politics as usual” that inevitably follows.

Wilhelm Reich’s discovery of functional thinking in social orgonomy must be adopted and replace people’s armored ways of thinking to address the divisiveness in today’s politics. For those who are interested, the application of functional thinking in social matters is regularly given by qualified medical and social orgonomists at the American College of Orgonomy’s website.

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