Don’t Fall for the Brooks Brothers Facade.

In William Mc Gurn’s ” April 28, 2020 article in the Wall Street Journal,”Communists in Brooks Brothers”, the writer warns about Western liberal’s naivety regarding the Chinese Communist’s pretense at becoming Westernized. He states that it is a serious mistake to believe that, “… just because communists traded in Mao jackets for Brooks Brothers and sent their children to Harvard Business School, they would be transformed into Jeffersonian democrats who play by liberal rules. Instead, the Chinese Communist ruling class has learned it can have it all.”

All except truth. What communists most fear is being exposed and the only reason for their existence is to have power over people and crush their lives however, wherever and whenever they possibly can.

But, Communism is only one of the many pathological social symptoms of armored humans. Before the communist threat can be successfully treated, the existence and destructive function of the underlying disease, the emotional plague, must first be recognized and understood as a real medical condition so that it can be effectively exposed. The inability to recognize the existence of the emotional plague and of the communist threat are symptoms of people’s ocular armor.

The Emotional Plague’s invasion and destruction of medical practice

These are the steps to take:

  1. In psychiatry, destroy the reputation of its standard bearer, Sigmund Freud and eliminate contact between doctor and patient, the doctor-patient relationship. Replace it with psychopharmacological agents as the treatment of choice.
  2. In medicine, eliminate contact between doctor and patient and replace it with mindless, robotically trained “specialists” to be in charge of patients care and lives.

In one stroke, by eliminating the physicians opportunity to have contact with his patients, the emotional plague operating in sick humans is destroying the life of the medical profession and, to make matters worse, both the masses of the patient population and the medical professionals are too clueless to see the destructiveness that is happening.



The Coronavirus and the Emotional Plague: Further Thoughts.

The destructive social effects of the coronavirus and the emotional plague are identical. Both are medical conditions that can be highly infectious and invasive. The virus destroys life of the individual and the plague destroys life of groups of people, society. Both destroy life by generating confusion, immobilization and isolation in its victims. For example, people’s confusion and anxiety about how to deal with the epidemic generates opposing views and to political chaos, the emotional plague.

The Coronavirus and the Emotional Plague: II

People’s contactless state, prevents them from having a sense of the plague’s existence unless it erupts as an epidemic and is evidenced in a physical manifestation, such as a virus, for example.

In his novel, “The Plague” (1947), Albert Camus excellently describes a fictional account of the appearance and disappearance of an epidemic of a pestilence in an Algerian City and people’s characteristic ways of responding to it. In it, there is a striking resemblance between his fictional account and what is happening today with the coronavirus. Then as now, once the wave of the epidemic runs its course, it will be considered to be over and people will again go about their business as usual as if nothing ever happened. And the emotional plague will continue with its daily destructiveness on humanity as before.

Nothing will have been learned from what happened and nothing will have changed for the better.

The Coronavirus and the Emotional Plague

In order to understand what is happening in fascist regimes like Communist China, knowledge of the layering of the bio-psychic apparatus is essential. Fascist regimes function to maintain their own survival by operating entirely from their destructive, secondary layer and repressing the lives of the people they govern. They are fundamentally opposed to protecting every one of the core functions of their inhabitant’s lives. This identifies the character structure of people governing these nations as emotional plague characters.

With this information, it is possible to raise the following questions: Regarding the coronavirus pandemic, how can the Chinese Government consisting of a regime that survives on total repression of its population be genuinely concerned in protecting the biological core functions of its citizenry? How can these leaders be trusted to provide reliable medical information to other nations regarding the coronavirus epidemic that originated in and was allowed to spread through their own country when they actively avoided addressing it to prevent its invasion when first detected?

What is the functional relationship between communism and the coronavirus? Communism, a deadly disease (the emotional plague) in the bio-social realm, is functionally identical to the coronavirus, a deadly disease in the individual, biological realm.

The Power of Distancing.

Our society is a bio-social system that has been in a chronic state of over- expansion. Distancing of the population is a sign of bio-physical contraction. It is a defensive state in which people stay away from one another and function more in themselves. Encouraging social distancing is one of the ways that the threat of the coronavirus is currently being treated to prevent the spread of the contagion from one person to another.

In the chronically expanded social state that existed in America prior to the coronavirus pandemic, people were operating primarily from their social surface and were more out of touch with themselves and with their biological core than ever before in recent history. Social distancing can have the effect of bringing people into better contact with themselves. It can also have the effect of depriving them of their daily distractions and typical ways of maintaining substitute contact with others thereby increasing anxiety and levels of contactlessness in themselves.

People’s tendency to politicize any social situation is ever-present. Some are already questioning the medical necessity of keeping their social distance. The long term economic and bio-social effects of distancing on people’s lives and of its induced bio-physical contraction at this time of social crisis remains to be seen.

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