The Breakdown Of The Biological Work Function Leads To Social Disintegration

Work is a vital biological function. People’s ability to work is essential for the well being of the individual as well as of society. The capacity to enjoy working helps people to live harmoniously with others. In varying degrees, people’s armor interferes with their ability to work productively and to live in an orderly way. Energy not discharged in work is often displaced onto the social realm as political unrest. Because of severe armor, some people are unable to work at all. Instead, they engage in social activities that allow them to take control of others by telling them what they should have a right to and be given. Social armor in the form of government bureaucracy and unions adds to the crippling effect of individual armor on people’s work function. People in charge of these institutions not only are able to limit individual freedom but they also encourage irresponsibility, helplessness and dependency on others.

Do-good politicians are ready and waiting to assume the role of caretaker. With taxpayers money taken from the productive segment they give generous handouts and other benefits to the unproductive segment, those who are arbitrarily identified by them and the media as “the needy”. A pathological attachment develops between the unproductive segment and the politicians. This leads to a sense of entitlement and resentment on the part of the takers who begin to feel that they actually have a right to what is being given them without charge.
When an economic downturn happens and the politicians are unable to provide what has been promised to the unproductive masses, a highly volatile social situation develops. Many of those who participated in the Occupy Wall Street movement belong to this group. Meanwhile, the politicians and government bureaucrats who were responsible for bringing about this economic debacle escape without penalty with no one quite able to understand what has happened.

The End Of Individual Authority

One of the most important destructive consequences of the anti-authoritarian transformation of society is that genuine authorities no longer exist in any field of endeavor.  Individual authority was replaced by collective authority or  “authority by committee”.  Having no authorities for young people to put their trust in for guidance, they are left feeling anxious, disillusioned,  bewildered and angry.  To make matters worse, through the social process of “politically correct” indoctrination, as well as being almost totally dependent on computer generated activities such as texting, Twitter, Facebook etc., young people are being brought up to live entirely on the social surface thereby losing whatever emotional contact they could have had with their work and sexual lives.  Moreover, by seeking political solutions for their personal problems, they are being deprived of the ability to make rational decisions to survive in life and of the possibility to live responsibly with the enormous amount of freedom that still exists in America.  Many of these youngsters are being transformed into mindless robots that leftist ideologues can manipulate at will.  With the help of these young people, the “Occupy” movement that is spreading its destructiveness across our nation is the latest organized manifestation of the emotional plague from the political left.

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