Understanding The Function of Terrorists and Terrorism

America is in a state of undeclared war with Islamo-fascist fanatics in the Middle East. The war is being waged on two fronts, militarily and ideologically. To understand the ideological war, it is necessary to have knowledge of socio-political characterology and of the emotional plague. Terrorists are Islamo-fascists belonging to the extreme right of the socio-political spectrum. The zealous fascist with his mystical reactionary belief system represents the ultimate in destructive rebelliousness. Terrorism is a manifestation of the emotional plague and it functions by paralyzing and immobilizing its victims through a frightening demeanor, terrifying threats and horrific acts of terror.
Those who are most terrified and likely to be terrorized are the liberal and other leftist characters in the Free World who, because of their pre-existing characterologically-based fear of forceful aggression, will use their rational powers to justify doing nothing and remaining helplessly immobilized at this critical time.
They are behaving in the exact same manner today as they did in England in the 1930s when Hitler was doing the same thing in Europe.

Chastising Obama Is Not The Answer

In the August 2-3 2014 issue of the Wall Street Journal “Out of Many, Two?,” Peggy Noonan writes: “The president shouldn’t be using a fateful and divisive word like “impeachment” to raise money and rouse his base. He shouldn’t be at campaign-type rallies where he speaks only to his base, he should be speaking to the country. He shouldn’t be out there dropping his g’s. slouching around a podium. complaining about his ill treatment, describing his opposition with disdain: Stop just hat’in all the time.”

But what if this is exactly how Obama feels and what he wants to do? The thought is too horrible and unbelievable for most people even to imagine. The question goes directly to Obama’s socio-political character structure, without an understanding of which, nothing can make sense. Noonan does not see the significance of the contempt toward America in Obama’s behavior. She does not see that she is hated by Obama and the entire anti-authoritarian mainstream exactly because she is associated with the past authoritarian social order. Reasoning with them is not possible because it does not stop the hate. It intensifies the divisiveness and is a political dead end.

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