A Prime Example Of The Emotional Plague: The War On Drugs

A sure sign that one is dealing with the emotional plague is that you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t.  How this relates to  the drug problem is that you are wrong if you legalize drugs and worse if you don’t.  In the past authoritarian era, children and adolescents were more likely than not to listen to authority figures.  Their rebelliousness was restrained by their muscular and character armor.  Because of the destruction of the authoritarian family, children and adolescents in today’s society are often likely to act out their rebelliousness in a subversive manner with no regard to the destructive consequences on their lives, convinced they “know it all.”  With no respected authority figure to listen to, they are in constant danger of becoming attracted to the drug culture.

Those in the drug culture, users and traffickers alike, are infected with an emotional disease, a socio-economically based medical condition that is in no way different from any other highly infectious and communicable disease.  The drug problem cannot be viewed simply as a war against an external enemy.  The tendency to use and profit from drugs, the “enemy,” resides and can erupt from within anyone, particularly young people.  They are at risk because of their strong tendency to be rebellious, their need to “fit in” and for financial gain. Therefore, their problems must be addressed non-judgementally from the perspective of the medical epidemiologist as an endemic, emotionally based medical disease of sick human beings.

The drug problem is as much a problem of the families of addicts and the social institutions that are dealing with it as it is of the users and the traffickers.  The first step in addressing the drug problem is to educate the public.  The reason that people use street drugs, including marijuana, is to help stop experiencing their painful emotions and feelings and/or to replace them with pleasurable (euphoric) ones.  Users must be treated with the knowledge that they are emotionally sick people that  must rely on drugs for relief.  Those who genuinely want help to face their painful feelings must be treated with this knowledge by skilled mental health professionals who are emotionally healthy themselves so that they do not fall into the trap of being judgmental.  The public must be able to think functionally, not moralistically.

Hardened drug traffickers are highly destructive sick people who profit criminally from the emotional sickness of other sick humans.  They must be sequestered in prison.  From a functional perspective, prisons exist to sequester individuals from society who are unable to contain the expression of their secondary destructive drives from within.  They therefore require external restraint (armor) in the form of incarceration.

Seeing the drug user as suffering from a medically based social illness not from a moral perspective as someone that requires to be punished, will help to remove its stigma.  This view places the magnitude of the drug problem in proper perspective.  It will be a long drawn out process of education and application of new knowledge on all social levels before this destructive manifestation of the emotional plague is reversed. (See “The War on Drugs: America’s Second Civil War” in my book, The Emotional Plague.)  

The Great Myth Of The 21st Century

There is a myth that is currently being passed around that from a political perspective there are two kinds of people in the world, those who are caring and want to help the less fortunate and those who care only for themselves. Today’s “carers” are thought to believe that human beings and social and environmental conditions can be improved through political legislation and programs. In today’s world, these carers are living up to an ideal of what a caring person should be. They see themselves as the “good guys” with good intentions  and the know-how required to bring about world improvement. No longer called  socialists, they are the “progressives” belonging on the political left. Since a large segment of the population, mainly Blacks and Hispanics, are emotionally too sick to care for themselves, they have a strong need to be cared for and  therefore are attracted to these leftist do-gooders. The caring leftist politician and  the cared for public form a powerful highly pathological political alliance. By contrast, in the past authoritarian era people simply cared. They did not wear their caring on their sleeves.

Conversely, people today who are not openly demonstrative of a concern for “the poor ” and showing no overt desire for social improvement are typically seen as uncaring, selfish, cold and only interested in personal benefit by those indoctrinated in the leftist dominated world view.  They do not pretend to have solutions for social improvement except for a return to the ways of the past. This group is automatically categorized as the  “bad guys”, those belonging on the political right. This commonly held myth of the political left is an example of armored (moralistic) thinking, the morality of political correctness. Injecting this idea of right and wrong, of good and bad, based on some personal arbitrary assumptions functions as a powerful ideological force in current mainstream thinking of the political left.

There have always been people who have wanted to be taken care of. Throughout their history, Americans have stood out in their  ability to care for themselves. However, for the first time in American history, leftist politicians have stumbled on a way to successfully tap into the unconscious dependency needs of people from all social levels. These ideologues are promising the masses a material version of heaven on earth through their economic and social programs and, tragically, the mindless public is being taken in by it. Another layer of social armor in the form of  denial is being placed over the social armor that is already there. This will make it more difficult than ever for people to see what is really happening right in front of their eyes.

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