Problems With Marijuana

The central question that is never asked regarding marijuana is this: What is the origin of the powerful political force behind the movement to legalize it? Asking this obvious question allows the answer to come to the surface: Marijuana helps the user to be as comfortable as possible in a state of emotional cluelessness.
The destructiveness of marijuana on human life requires a bio-psychiatric understanding of the distinction between emotions and sensations and the drug’s effect on them. Marijuana selectively blocks the perception of emotions but not the perception of sensations. This is how the drug puts the user in a chronic state of emotional cluelessness. As a result, the user is relieved of experiencing anxiety and other painfully disturbing emotions. This selective numbing effect of emotions gives rise to the popular misconception that marijuana is just a recreational drug and is not harmful to health. In fact, it’s effect to eliminate the emotional life of the user is exactly why it is so destructive to human life and in such great demand. Since marijuana kills emotions, it’s use and political advocacy is in the service of the emotional plague.
Popularizing the myth that marijuana is harmless, or replacing marijuana with a more “scientific” term, cannabis, is an evasion. it sidesteps the destructive emotional and social consequences that center around the universal disturbance of human sexuality that make mind-numbing drugs in such great demand. This is the underlying reason that people resort to all sorts of substitutes including marijuana.

On Saturday, October 6, 2018, The American College of Orgonomy (ACO) is sponsoring a forum on marijuana at the Rutgers University Conference Center in New Brunswick, N.J. For those interested in attending call the ACO (732) 821-1144 or visit

Should Marijuana be Legalized?

The destructiveness of marijuana on human life requires a bio-psychiatric understanding of the distinction between emotions and sensations and the drug’s effect on them. Marijuana selectively blocks the perception of emotions but not the perception of sensations. This is how the drug puts the user in a chronic state of emotional cluelessness. As a result, the user is relieved of experiencing anxiety and other painfully disturbing emotions. This selective numbing effect of emotions gives rise to the popular misconception that marijuana a just a recreational drug and is not harmful to health. In fact, it’s effect is to eliminate the emotional life of the user and is exactly why it is so destructive to human life.
Popularizing the myth that marijuana is harmless sidesteps the underlying emotional and social consequences that centers around the universal disturbance of human sexuality,the conflict resulting from the adolescent’s sexual push meeting their armor in today’s anti-authoritarian social order. The conflict results in the widespread sexual dissatisfaction and social disruption that we are increasingly seeing in people today. It is the underlying reason that people resort to drugs including marijuana.
This combined with the widespread public misinformation in the world about the sexual function itself, it is not possible for any young person today to have any genuine guidance about the sexual problems in his personal life. This widespread ignorance on the part of the general public exacerbates people’s sexually based misery and contributes to their need to find ways on their own to alleviate their suffering. By deadening emotions, marijuana puts an end to the users sexual misery and provides him with a substitute existence that is free of emotional pain. But the drug does this at the cost of cutting the person off from having emotional contact with his biological core. This problem is the underlying, unstated reason that drives a large segment of the public and legislators to promote the legalization on marijuana. It is a manifestation of the emotional plague.
Evasion and ignorance of the sexual origin of the marijuana and other drug related problems keeps people from effectively addressing them. It turns marijuana into a political sideshow – another symptom of the emotional plague.
The exacerbation of the marijuana problem is another manifestation of our anti-authoritarian social order. The drug puts the user in a state of emotional cluelessness in his relationships with important people in his life including those in authority. It puts the user in an anxiety-free state of laid- back, complacency and renders him vulnerable when dangerous situations arise. Cut off from his emotions, and clueless about the many destructive events that are happening around him, he is left at the mercy of his intellect to survive.
To add to the confusion, the highly destructive medical and psychiatric side-effects of the drug are consistently ignored by the public and the media.
The forces of the emotional plague are actively agitating to have this highly destructive substance legalized so that it can be readily available to the public. A sure-fire indication that the emotional plague is operative in this battle on legalization of marijuana is that “you’re damned if you oppose it and you’re damned if you don’t.” No matter what decision is made about the marijuana problem, the person is left feeling stymied. If the drug is not legalized, a huge black market is created with all the potential social and criminal consequences. If it is legalized, a message is sent out that it is harmless and should be made available in the free market. In the former course, society is functioning in an authoritarian manner resulting in the predictable rebelliousness of leftist-indoctrinated young people. In the latter course, society is functioning in an anti-authoritarian manner and neglecting the rational guidance and education that people sorely need about the harmfulness of this substance.

The Function of the U.S. Constitution

The following excerpt is from my forthcoming book, “Clueless”

“The U.S. Constitution was written in 1787 by some of the finest minds that the world had to offer. It’s function was to protect the life of the American people against the destructive forces contained within them. Thus, even without knowledge of human armor,the writers were aware of the existence and the destructive consequences of the emotional plague. It was expected that future generations would retain and develop it’s fundamental principles when new understanding of human life became available.

However, the required knowledge of biological functions was not forthcoming until almost 200 years later with the sciences of biological and social orgonomy. Meanwhile, the gap in the Constitution’s understanding of human life functioned as a block. It’s interpretation and the meaning of it’s wisdom were placed in the hands of the general public. Based on differences in their character structure, their perspectives differed. Today, people still continue to be divided about the interpretation of the document when problems of governance arise that need to be settled. On one hand are the Originalists who interpret the Constitution verbatim as stable from the time of it’s enactment. On the other, are those who view it as a flexible document that can be interpreted differently depending on the whims of the individual and on social circumstances.

Now, for the first time in it’s history, the Constitution and the amendments to it in the Bill of Rights can be understood functionally from the perspective of social orgonomy (see chapter 3) Applying this knowledge to the Constitution helps to provide the document with a unified, natural scientific basis for governance.”

Welcome to the World of Islam

As long as the authoritarian social order in the Western World was intact (prior to around 1960), the Muslim world in the Mideast remained at peace with itself and lived harmoniously with the Non-Muslim world.

The Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 brought this to an end as the godless ideology of communism encountered the devoutly religious, strictly authoritarian Muslim world. American leaders entered into a quasi military alliance with Muslim Afghan leaders, like Osama bin Laden, who was believed at the time to be friendly toward America, for the purpose of ridding the country of the Soviets. America’s invasion of Iraq with the objective of eliminating the tyrant, Saddam Hussein, was another military operation that exacerbated social unrest of Mideast countries.

However, more fundamental than these military incursions was the cultural invasion by Western anti-authoritarian life and the impact that it had on people’s lives in the Mideast. Today’s “anything goes” Western society functions as a chronic, emotional irritant to the sexually repressed people of the Muslim population. To make matters worse, people in the West are clueless about the effect that their unconstrained, “free” ways of living have on repressed cultures worldwide. Therefore, without an understanding of the reasons for the transformation of Western society it is impossible to know what is currently happening in the Mideast and why the cultural clash between the two worlds had to happen.

In the West, the shift of the socio-political spectrum to the left resulted in the breakdown of social order and it’s traditional ways of living, particularly in the loosening of its sexual mores. This leftward shift gradually spread and triggered social unrest globally.

The majority of people in the Muslim World belong characterologically in varying degrees to the far right of center. Therefore, the permissive, anti-authoritarian attitudes of Western people on the political left was more intolerable, provocative and shocking to the Muslim people than it was even to other conservative Westerners.

The anti-authoritarian transformation also had a powerful destabilizing effect on the politics of Islamic nations. In some countries (Egypt and Libya), thanks to the Arab Spring, rigid authoritarian governments were toppled domino-like only to be replaced by new regimes of the same kind or worse, while in others (Syria and Iran) the states that had been created during the authoritarian, Colonial period were reorganized largely according to totalitarian lines.
The widespread undoing of Muslim societies in the Mideast brought a flood of Arab immigrants into Europe and America many of whom came from broken homes. The social turmoil and anxiety in Western countries resulting from this forced migration was not simply “the consequence of a civilization’s failure to overcome or accommodate the forces of modernity.”

The key to knowing what happened including the problem of Islamic terrorism is to first have an understanding of the participant’s specific socio-political character structures.
Leftist provocateurs in European countries inflamed a highly volatile situation by insulting Muslim immigrants and the Islamic way of life. In reaction to the threat from the left, Muslims responded in ways that are characteristic for people who are on the political right – viscerally. The intensity of this reaction depended on the degree to which Muslims were located to the right of the socio-political spectrum. The Conservative Muslims to the immediate right of center adjusted and lived quietly in segregated communities according to their ethnic ways. Further to the right, the reactionary Muslims were more anxious and disturbed by what they saw happening around them. Having found their place in the stricter ways of Islam, they struggled to rigidly maintain their traditional ways. Sensing the non-Muslim people as a threat to their way of life, they isolated themselves in an effort to fortify their defenses. Many responded with covert hatred toward Westerners. Their reactionary structure led them to passively or actively gravitate toward supporting Islamic extremists.

For the Islamic fascist on the extreme right, secular law of the Islamic State is inseparable from the religious Islamic law. The Islamic fascist’s feelings of hatred are intensified by the perception of Western social weakness and degeneration. According to their ideology, the Muslim World is in a state of perpetual war with infidels world-wide. As a first step in their grand scheme, the jihadists of the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) which has been renamed “the Islamic State” want to consolidate their control of the Sunni part of Iraq. They are demanding that jihadist groups world-wide adopt (ISIS)’s hard line and join together in a global war against the infidels.

The ultimate goal of the Islamic Fascist is to destroy all democratic institutions and to unify the Muslim people under one caliphate headed by a political and religious leader who is the successor to Mohammed himself. If this caliphate were ever to become a reality, the lives of Muslim people would be under the total control of this Fascist leader.

On a global scale, the Islamic Fascist on the political extreme right in the Muslim world and the pseudo-liberal/communist on the extreme left in the Western world have as their common goal the destruction of human life. Both are emotional plague characters at the limits of the socio-political spectrum. Although they share the same goal they operate differently. Western leaders on the left sow their hatred based seeds of destruction covertly and act subversively. They debilitate America’s military power and passively undermine it’s stature as the leader of the free world. Their goal is to weaken America internally and, at the same time, to support totalitarian regimes hostile to America politically through diplomatic activity. Islamic Fascist leaders on the right are aggressive and impatient. Their impulsive actions are often detrimental to achieving their goal.

The following table summarizes the far-reaching cultural differences and the basis for the ideological clash between the Western and the Islamic worlds:
Western World Islamic World
Rigidly Anti-authoritarian Rigidly Authoritarian
Emancipation of Women Subjugation of Women
Mainstream to the far Left of Center Mainstream to the far right of Center
Sexual Unsatisfaction Sexual Repression
Welcomes Unrestraint Resists Change
Individual Glorified Over the State Islam Glorified over the Individual
Intellectual Armor Predominates Muscular Armor Predominates
Agrarian/industrial Economy Tribal/Agrarian Economy
Emotional Plague from the Left Emotional Plague from the Right

Can ISIS Be Defeated?

Before Islamic Fascism in the form of ISIS can be eradicated one must first know how it originates. Armed with the knowledge of socio-political characterology, it is possible to understand how Islamic Fascist states can erupt seemingly out of nowhere and organize from their endemic form of the emotional plague in Muslim families to become a social epidemic.

The following social conditions are necessary:
1) The family life from which Islamic Fascism organizes must be strictly authoritarian and strongly sex-negative.
2) The government that is in power must be weak and vulnerable. Living conditions must be desperate with broken authoritarian families, human suffering, uncertain work opportunities and high levels of anxiety in the population.
3) There must be a strong longing for a better life in a large segment of the younger population that, because of the presence of armor, cannot be practically achieved. These social conditions are the breeding ground for high energy, sexually frustrated, wayward youth to turn their dissatisfaction outward and look for some higher social cause to fight. They are raw material ready to be indoctrinated by jihadist ideological fanatics many of whom have been educated in anti-authoritarian western society and are familiar with and react hatefully to what they see as it’s sexual depravity.
4) The unrestrained freedom of people living in the free world is emotionally intolerable and felt as a provocation to many young Muslims who are brought up under sexually repressive social conditions.
5) The charismatic Islamic Fascist leader is ready to provide the excitation and focus that these young men are anxiously looking for. The ideologue redirects the young people’s pent-up feelings of longing for a better life into murderous hatred of the chosen victim.

Without taking these factors into consideration, dealing with the problem of ISIS can only be a matter of symptom removal of eradicating individual Muslim terrorists not of addressing the underlying disease, the emotional plague of sexually frustrated Muslim youths.

The Function of Partisan Politics (Politics as Usual)

The common use of the terms, politics and political activity is fraught with confusion because they contain elements from the three layers of the human bio-psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive middle layer and the superficial layer. Without making this distinction, politics and political activity becomes a public side-show and a confused spectacle of rational and irrational ideas and behaviors often resulting in the
activation of the emotional plague from the middle layer

Partisan politics is based on the idea that the adversarial forces of the left and the right are necessary to arrive at political decisions. The problem with partisan politics is that it often contains impulses from the politician’s middle layer. When personal feelings of revenge of a neurotic phallic narcissist politician are played out in the political arena as partisan politics it is a clear sign that the emotional plague is in operation. In this case, the politician’s socially destructive personal and financial interests are covered over by his alleged political convictions.

Partisan politics worked fairly well in the past authoritarian social order because social issues had not yet developed a layer of social armor which we recognize today as socio-politics and also because there were approximately equal numbers of socio-political character types (liberals and conservatives) in the opposing Democratic and Republican Party’s. The balance of power between the left and the right was supported by the authoritarian social order. Politicians operated according to their predetermined individual character structure within their party. Nevertheless, despite their ideological differences members of both parties were of one mind in their respect and love for America indicating that their biological core was more or less present in their political decision making process.

This is no longer the case in today’s anti-authoritarian society. With the political shift to the left firmly established, political ideas and activity originating from the biological core are becoming difficult to recognize. They have been replaced by political extremism and people using politics – socio-politics – to find solutions for personal problems that originate from their own destructive, middle and superficial layers. Today, this trend is becoming the rule for people on the political right just as it was true in the past for people on the political left. Politics and political activity is replacing religion as the modern “solution” for each and every individual and social problem.

With the polarization and decline of Western society accelerating, the absurdity of conducting “politics as usual” is slowly dawning on the public as the confusion being generated by the emotional plague has infiltrated every aspect of political life.

Why Trump is Hated By the Left.

From a characterological perspective,Trump belongs somewhere on the political right. His armor is primarily in his musculature not in his intellect as in the case of leftists. He has a strong moral sense of “right” and “wrong” and probably will not be afraid to use his authority defending his convictions when he feels it necessary to do so.

These are qualities that terrify liberals. The hatred of Trump by people on the left comes from their deep fear of physical aggression and of strong individual – not collective – authority. Not having their aggression at their disposal, their weapon of choice is the use of their intellect. Because they are in conflict internally with their personal fear and hatred of aggression,Trump is seen by them as a frightening individual no different than the old time Nazis.

Leftists unconsciously respect authority out of fear. Their underlying fear of aggression is why they twist social issues into their preconceived belief-systems such as, for example, that all human beings are good and that all social problems can be solved through collective dialogue. These beliefs are supported by their relative morality of political correctness. But, whenever possible, they will reveal their true hatred of genuine authority by acting in subversive ways. This characteristic mind-set is the reason that many leftists are in a state of panic over Trump’s election because the energy behind their personal enmity has no satisfactory social outlet.

By contrast, people on the political right are not in conflict with their feelings of aggression and so have no need to get caught up in politically correct attitudes and ideas.They can respect authority figures and have emotions of affection and even feelings of gratitude for the person in authority.

This distinction based on emotional forces underlying the character structure of people on the left and right is sufficient to explain the social dynamics underlying the political outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

What Are Emotions?

Emotions are the perception of bio-energy moving radially (in and out) in the organism. There are five basic emotions: Love, Fear, Rage, Sadness and Longing.

What is emotional health?
In an emotionally healthy individual, biological energy moves freely in the body. The build-up of energy beyond a certain level gives rise to sexual excitation and a drive for discharge of excess energy in the genital orgasm. Called orgastic potency, this capacity is the criterion of emotional health.

What is emotional illness?
In an unhealthy individual the movement of bio-energy is impeded by emotional blocks or armor. Since the capacity for complete orgastic discharge is disturbed, the residual, undischarged energy leads to the symptoms of emotional illness.

What are emotional blocks/armor?
Emotional blocks are the immobilization (stasis) of bio-energy in various organs of the body. It is mostly held in the musculature (muscular armor) and the person’s character (character armor).

How are emotional blocks/armor recognized?
Some common manifestations are disturbances in thinking, destructive acts and symptoms such as anxiety, depression etc. well-known in psychiatry.

What are the effects of these emotional blocks?
Emotional blocks result in sexual disturbances and other psychiatric symptoms as well as every kind of pathological social behavior and thinking.

What is the origin of these emotional blocks?
Emotional blocks (armor) are formed during the individual’s developmental period from birth to around the age of five or later.

How do these emotional blocks originate?
They are the result of life-negative, socially destructive influences on a young child’s emotional development.

Can people’s emotional blocks be removed?
This can be performed by physicians who are specifically trained in the removal of emotional blocks. The social manifestations of these blocks can also be addressed by psychologists and social workers who are trained to work in the social realm.

Is medication ever used?
The function of psychoactive drugs is to deaden emotions. Medication is used only when the patient cannot function without it. One of the goals of therapy is to bring the patient to be able to live free of the effects of medication.

How long does therapy last?
For relief of superficial symptoms, therapy can take a few sessions. For removal of deeper layers of armor, therapy can last for several years.

Can therapy be performed by anyone?
In order to become qualified as a medical orgonomist, the physician must be accepted, trained and approved by the American Board of Medical Orgonomy. In addition, non-physicians can be trained to qualify in the practice of social orgonomy.

How is medical and social orgonomy different from other therapies?
It is based on an understanding of the psychiatric discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, M.D. These are:
The biological energy that is the basis of living functions
The armor that interferes with it’s movement
The orgasm function that regulates it

How can I find out more about this form of therapy?
To learn more about medical orgone therapy see the website of the American College of Orgonomy:

Post-Election Stress Disorder

The widespread protests and violence by leftists on all social levels including campus students in response to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States is an example of people suffering from Post-Election Stress Disorder (PESD), the latest symptom of the anti-authoritarian transformation of American society.

Aside from engaging in social demonstrations, the syndrome consists in people huddling together in “support groups” bemoaning their fate and commiserating with each other.
For these protestors,Trump’s persona contains all of the characteristics of authoritarian figures that are reviled and feared by leftists.

What these protesters actually fear, however, is taking charge of their own lives and advancing themselves. They fear the opportunities that that they have to benefit from living freely in America.

A symptom of their underlying need for less personal and social freedom is that these protesters are oblivious – clueless – of the terrifying emotional forces within them that are underlying their protestations.

Many have a serious work disturbance. Contemptuous of others who know and work for what they want, they demand the exact opposite of freedom: greater security. There is a poorly disguised desire to be cared for by society because they are emotionally too crippled and irresponsible to care for themselves. A sign of their work disturbance is that the thought of working for what they want rarely occurs to them because they are too caught up in protesting.

Full of disdain for the police who risk their lives protecting them and others, and inflamed by the media to act out in socially destructive demonstrations, they often break the law and choose to side with criminals. Justifying their actions, through the morality of political correctness as a “moral right,” they accuse the hated authority figures of racism and worse. They would rather put their energy into protesting social causes and be mindlessly influenced by leftist ideologues than focus on what they can do to improve their lives – a sign of severe ocular armor.

What is Emotional Health?

Because people are essentially clueless about what constitutes emotional health, a clarification is necessary. The following characterization of emotions and of emotional health is provided from a medical-psychiatric point of view:

What are emotions?
Emotions are the perception of bio-energy excitation moving radially (in and out) in the organism. There are five basic emotions: Love, Fear, Rage, Sadness and Longing.

What is emotional health?
In an healthy individual, emotional energy moves freely in the organism. The build-up of energy beyond a certain point (the lumination point) gives rise to sexual excitation and a drive for discharge of excess energy in the genital orgasm. This capacity is the criterion of emotional health.

What is emotional sickness?
In an unhealthy individual the movement of bio-energy is impeded by emotional blocks or armor. Since the capacity for complete orgastic discharge is disturbed, the residual, undischarged energy leads to the symptoms of emotional illness.

What are emotional blocks/ armor?
Emotional blocks are the immobilization (stasis) of bio-energy in various organs of the body. It is mostly held in the musculature (muscular armor) and the person’s character (character armor).

How are emotional blocks/armor recognized?
Some common manifestations are disturbances in thinking and emotions and symptoms such as anxiety, depression etc. well-known in psychiatry.

What are the effects of these emotional blocks?
Emotional blocks result in sexual disturbances and other psychiatric symptoms as well as every kind of pathological social behavior and thinking.

Are these emotional blocks responsible for the political conflicts between the political left and the right?
Yes. They are responsible for both individual problems and socially based problems.

What is the origin of these emotional blocks?
Emotional blocks (armor) are formed during the individual’s developmental period from birth to around the age of five or later.

How do these emotional blocks happen?
They are the result of life-negative, socially destructive influences on a young child’s emotional development.

Can people’s emotional blocks be removed?
This can be performed by medical orgonomists who are physicians trained in the practice of medical orgone therapy. It can also be performed by social orgonomists who are social workers trained in the field of social orgonomy.

Can these emotional blocks be removed by anyone?
It takes many years of experience in the training programs given by the American College of Orgonomy for a physician or social worker to become qualified to work responsibly in these disciplines.

How is medical and social orgonomy different from other therapies?
They are based on the three psychiatric discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, M.D.: 1. The biological energy that is at the basis of living functions which he called orgone; 2.The armor that interferes with it’s movement; 3. The orgasm function that regulates it. In addition, therapy is based on the ability of the therapist to think functionally, not mechanistically or mystically.

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