The Problem Of Recognizing The Emotional Plague

The emotional plague’s existence depends on its remaining hidden from everyone’s awareness.  But why is this so?  Why can’t people see this universal sickness of armored humans?  The difficulty that prevents this understanding lies primarily in the defensive ways of people’s thinking.

Comparing infectious medical diseases such as tuberculosis, polio or cholera to the infectious bio-social disease, the emotional plague, it is clear that in the case of the medical diseases the bacterial pathogen that causes the infection is not viewed morally as being “good” or “bad,” “right” or “wrong.”  Nor is there a moral concern whether the pathogen “meant” or “had the intention” to cause the illness.  These moralistic ideas about infectious disease were part and parcel of the thinking of past centuries.  If people looked at infectious diseases morally today, the sciences of bacteriology and virology would not exist, and  knowledge about infectious diseases would still be where it was 300 years ago.

But this is exactly where people are today when judging destructive human ideas and behavior.  They view them morally as being either right or wrong, the product either of a virtuous versus villainous individual or the result of a person’s good or bad intentions.  These ideas are examples of defensive, armored thinking and the moralistic attitudes behind the thinking of almost everyone including the political left and the right.

Because scientists looked at the function of the medical pathogens in its relation to the life of the host organism, whether or not they were destructive to it, these medical sciences thrived.  Regarding social problems, the questions that need to be asked are:  What is the effect or function on others of a person’s behavior or thought?  Are these consequences harmful to the core functions of  people’s lives?  Asking these  questions immediately brings the emotional plague as an infectious bio-social disease into sharper focus and takes the problem of the destructiveness of sick humans out of people’s moral ways of thinking and out of the strait jacket of politics.

The Attraction Of The Plague From The Left And The Right

On Tuesday Feb. 5, 2013 an unsuccessful assassination attempt was made on the life of  journalist Lars Hedegaard,   president of  Denmark’s Free Press Society and  an outspoken critic of Islamic supremacism and of attempts to impose Islamic Shariah law in the West. He has recently launched a Swedish-language weekly newspaper that is critical of mass immigration to Sweden and Denmark from third world countries and takes a dim view of Islam.

As a consequence of his defending freedom, democracy, the rule of law and individual and sexual equality, Mr. Hedegaard has been reviled by the leftist-dominated Swedish media as a “racist,” accused of having invented the incident in order to set himself up as a martyr and told that it was unfortunate that the  delivery man was not a better marksman.

It is characteristic of the emotional plague that when it happens to be in the common interest of the left and the right, the plague  will  combine forces and act together to destroy their victim.  In this example, the Swedish mainstream media on the left which, according to Mr. Hedegaard, are probably the most politically correct in the Western world  and the Islamic Fundamentalist fanatics on the right are of one mind.

The forces of the emotional plague’s tendency to associate   when it is in their mutual interest happens entirely spontaneously and occurs without any  conscious or malicious intent.  It is a pathological function originating  from the biological realm, the destructive middle layer of sick human beings.  It can only be satisfactorily understood when one steps outside the morality-tainted framework of conventional thinking and looks at what is happening from a functional perspective.

The American People’s Exposure To The Communist Plague

From an epidemiological perspective, communism is a highly infectious and invasive bio-social disease.  It functions like a virus (antigen) to destroy the population of a nation from within by attacking people’s emotional lives and their ability to work freely without external constraints.   Americans today are at great risk of having their country destroyed by the communist threat organized by the ideologues of the Obama Administration, primarily because they are unaware that any real threat exists.  The situation is comparable to an infectious medical condition in which the organism is unable to respond by forming a defense (antibodies) through its  immune system to the threat to its life.  For this reaction to occur in the social realm there has to be a state of underlying public alarm and anxiety.  From a biophysical standpoint this would correspond to a general state of emotional contraction in the population.

But no such condition exists!  To the contrary, the general population in America today is in a chronic state of over expansion.  People are self-complacent, self-indulgent and, in varying degrees they are distracted by every kind of substitute interest at the expense of seeing the real danger to America happening right in front of their eyes. These distractions are exploited for profit by the leftist infiltrated media and entertainment industries to give the appearance that everything is status quo so that the communist plague can continue unnoticed by everyone.

This headlong descent into socialism will continue into the foreseeable future.  It will partially reverse only when a major contraction grips the whole of society accompanied by the emotion of fear or terror.  A shock wave of this magnitude is necessary to override the soporific effect of the media on people and to bring the masses to their senses, taking them out of their chronic state of obliviousness.  Hopefully, at that point the immunization process against the communist plague can take hold before America has been completely destroyed.

Welcome To Democracy In The Middle East

In his article, “A Bleak Anniversary for the Arab Spring” Thane  Rosenbaum writes  in The Wall Street Journal  January 28, 2013 that while the Arab Spring may have ended the regimes of secular strongmen in many Muslim countries throughout the Middle East, North Africa and the Persian Gulf, these changes have not  brought about the desired central features of a democratic society in any of them.

The question that is never asked is how can Muslim people who have lived under extreme authoritarian rule for centuries be expected to function overnight in any way similar to people living in a modern Western style democracy?  This question, which goes to the heart of the emotional sickness of human beings, lies outside the framework of current medical and sociological thinking.  Without recognizing the emotional sickness resulting from individual and social armor that prevents people from being able to regulate their lives and function freely and responsibly in a democratic society it is not possible to understand why all Arab Spring movements must fail.

Without knowing the answer, the author does touch on this inability of people living in Muslim countries to establish a democratic society.  He finds that the only thing that Muslims in the Arab world seem to be capable of achieving is a limited, short term goal,  to free themselves of their current oppressor.  This myopic vision of the world is, in fact, an indication of the severity of the ocular armor of the masses in the Muslim world, the biophysical condition that prevents them from being able to see and find the way out of their current trapped existence.

The Thrust Of Obama’s Second Term Political Agenda

With the ongoing disintegration and the breakthrough of the destructive secondary layer on all social levels of today’s anti-authoritarian society from school shootings to business corruptions on Wall Street, President Obama is in an excellent strategic position to continue pushing through his socialistic agenda for America.  He is demonstrating to the world that individual freedom in America does not work and what is required is more government regulation in the form of more laws to tell people what they can and cannot do.

But laws do not keep people from breaking them.  Because of the ever increasing inner push of their destructive secondary drives, people will always find  ways of getting around and breaking the law.  Corruption will always prevail.  All that  happens is that another layer of social armor in the form of more laws will be placed over  those that already exist while constricting what freedoms people still have.

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