The Distinction Between The True Liberal And The Pseudo-liberal

The  true liberal and the pseudo-liberal can be differentiated by providing an example comparing Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman, a true liberal, and President Barack Obama, a pseudo-liberal.  Both belong to the same Democratic Party and both espouse liberal ideals, but there is a vast fundamental, characterologically-based difference in the political beliefs of the two men.  Where Mr. Lieberman is pro-American, Mr Obama is an internationalist.  Where Mr. Lieberman supports nations friendly to America,  Mr. Obama sides with America’s enemies.  Where Mr. Lieberman supports traditional authorities, Mr. Obama seems to respect authority but in practice behaves destructively against local authority,  is anti-authoritarian in every area of social life and favors centralized authority.  Where Mr. Lieberman is egalitarian, Mr. Obama is an intellectual elitist. Where Mr. Lieberman supports democratic ideals, Mr. Obama is a collectivist and supports socialistic ideals.  Where Mr. Lieberman is a political idealist, Mr. Obama is a political activist.

How can two people with such dissimilar ideas belong to the same political party?  This important question is discussed and answered in my forthcoming book, Neither Left Nor Right. Also read my editorial in the Journal of Orgonomy,Volume 43, number 1 published on this website.

Socio-political Character Structure Determines Ideological Thinking

In his Obama’s Foreign Policy Success article  (The Wall Street Journal, June 14, 2010), James Rubin writes that “the Obama administration has restored strained alliances and friendships around the world, while weakening the likes of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in Iran and Hugo Chavis in Venezuala…with [Obama’s] call for partnership, respect for international rules on prisoners, and acceptance of the responsibilities associated with climate change, transformed America from a lonely superpower often seen as a threat to international order back into an  indespensable leader in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.”

The responses to Mr Rubin’s article in the Letters To The Editor column with the heading We Can’t Afford Too Many Successes Like These, unanimously disagreed with his assessment of  President Obama’s performance.

Why do people on the political Left and Right view the same reality completely differently?  Without a satisfactory answer to this question there can be no hope of a resolution to the perpetual ideological conflicts between the Left and Right.  In my forthcoming book, Neither Left Nor Right, I provide clinical and experimental evidence showing that with an understanding of a person’s character armor (see glossary) it is possible to predict how an individual will function in social and in political life.  Armed with this knowledge it would have been possible to recognize Mr. Obama as a pseudo-liberal character and to be able to predict his destructive ideological thinking long before he was elected to public office.

Understanding the Goal of President Obama’s Policies

To understand the purpose of a person’s actions one must look at their consequences, or effects.  The effects of Mr. Obama’s domestic policies are to weaken America’s economy. The effects of his international policies are to embolden America’s adversaries and to unnerve its allies and therefore to weaken its preeminence as a world leader. This will increase  the risk of international conflict which will drain America’s power even more.

A weakened America will bring Mr. Obama closer to his ultimate desired goal, to render this country equal in stature to every other country in the world and place it under the control of the United Nations.  This unstated goal of Mr. Obama is identical to the stated goal of old-time communists – international communism under the control of the Soviet Union. This is another example showing that  Mr. Obama is not a liberal at all but a pseudo-liberal, and that he and the communist are one and the same from a characterological point of view. His entry into the mainstream of the American Left and identify as a true liberal allows him free reign to carry out his destructive socio-political agenda.

Turkey’s Shift to the Political Right and the Emotional Plague

Of all the reasons given for the slide in Turkish politics from secularism into Islamism there is no mention of the characterological forces that are operating within the Turkish people to the current world situation. From a characterological standpoint Turks generally belong to the Right of the socio-political spectrum and most Turks are conservative characters in different degrees. Because of their conservative structure, they are uncomfortable with social conditions resulting from the shift to the extreme Left in Western countries. It is only natural for any people with a conservative structure even those living in Western countries to move to the political Right under these social conditions.

Unfortunately, this situation provides the emotional plague to enter and take advantage of what is happening. The Prime Miniser of Turkey, Tayyip Ergodan is fully aware of the opportunity that this situation provides for advancing his political power over the nation and the world by fomenting trouble between Islamc countries and the West.

The Arab-Israeli Conflict And The Emotional Plague

There are only two possible outcomes to the Arab-Israeli conflict. Either Israel will survive as a democratic nation in the Middle East, in which case the Arab states will eventually be transformed into Western-style democracies, or Israel will be destroyed, in which case the reactionary Arab autocracies will continue into the indefinite future.

The forces of the emotional plague employed by Islamic jihad are constantly at work to bring about the destruction of Israel.  One of the characteristics of the emotional plague is that no matter what course of action is taken in response to a plague attack, the victim is in the wrong.  The latest example of this plague tactic happened when Israeli commandos boarded a ship containing arms and pro-Palestinian activists headed to the blockaded Gaza strip.  This action resulted in nine Palestinians dead.

The alleged reason for the flotilla was billed as a “humanitarian” mission.  The real reason was the importation of military equipment to arm Hamas, a terrorist organization that is dedicated to the eradication of Israel. From Israel’s vantage point the interception of the flotilla by the commandos was a no-win situation. Allow safe passage to the ships and the cargo would be used to supply Hamas, creating a future channel through which Hamas could be supplied with ever-more advanced weaponry.  Or, prevent the ships from reaching their destination and risk international condemnation. This is exactly what happened.  Israeli’s action evoked harsh criticism of Israel from the entire world.

This incident is a clear example of the emotional plague in operation, directed against Israel by Islamic terrorist organizations.  The free world is completely helpless  to effectively fight this battle because the existence and operation of the emotional plague goes unacknowledged.  If this situation continues, there are only two possible outcomes: Either Israel will be destroyed by the Islamic fanatics or the world will see another outbreak of a major war.

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