On Handling the Problem of the Invaders

America must be prepared to deal forcefully with the attempt at invasion of it’s southern border by unruly mobs on the ideological as well as on the military fronts. The invader’s obvious strategy is to incite an aggressive American response to defend itself at it’s border and use that act, with the help of the leftist media, to distort the incident into a hostile act of violence against the immigrants. Their tactic is to turn the confrontation into a mass sadomasochistic interaction between the “sadistic” American aggressors who are unfairly treating the poor, “suffering” immigrant “victims”.
This is a typical leftist revolutionary formula that has been perfected and used dozens of times from the New Left movements from the 60s to the present often through members of the Democratic Party. Called the Alinsky method, it’s function is to undermine the system in power and then see what happens. It is governed by the single principle to take political control from the Haves and give it to the Have-nots. This amounts to a destructive assault on the established order in the name of social progress.

The population that is most likely to be duped by this ruse are well-to-do, American liberals including the leftist media. Because of their free-floating guilt, a form of pleasure anxiety, which is reinforced by their being economically well off and living as they please in a free country, these groups look favorably and sympathetically on the poverty stricken foreign invaders. If there is a violent confrontation at the border, the American defenders of the border will be the ones that are blamed by them and the incident will be twisted into a victory for the Have-not provocateurs. This flaw in the true liberal’s outlook is exploited aggressively by anti-American pseudo-liberal/communists on the extreme left for their own destructive political ends.

On Perspective

Perspective consists in recognizing the relationship of things to each other. It is a perceptual (ocular) function. There are several kinds of perspectives. Some of them are spatial (visual), temporal (historical), conceptual (thought) and emotional.
Ocular armor can involve distortions in any one of them. Typical of all leftists is their deficiency in historical perspective. The political left’s symptom of idealism originates, in part, from this deficit. Their idealism is the result of a disturbance in recognizing the functional significance of past social events to each other, an ocular symptom. It is a manifestation of their cluelessness and a reason that liberals can never see eye-to-eye with conservatives.

Politics is a Symptom not a Disease

Politics is a symptom of armored people’s inability to accurately see the world and to act accordingly. This is an ocular, bio-psychiatric problem and the underlying reason for people’s politically based increasing frustration and hostility toward one another.

In today’s anti-authoritarian society, politics is highly antagonistic and a symptom of armored people’s having become polarized into two, antithetical political groups consisting of liberals in the Democratic Party and conservatives in the Republican Party, and their viewing the same world from entirely different, ideologically driven perspectives.

In the past authoritarian era, prior to 1960, there were fairly equal numbers of liberals and conservatives in both parties and the the political forces within them kept each other in check. However, the infiltration of leftist extremists into the Democratic Party during the intervening years and the shift to the left in the political mainstream brought about the polarization of the two party system and today’s highly volatile political situation.
The danger facing America today is that the tried and true solutions of the past offered by conservative are insufficient to oppose the political agendas of liberal extremists that are designed to destroy the American nation.

A functional understanding of what is happening in our world provided by social orgonomy is urgently needed. For example, before any improvement can happen in social conditions a clear distinction must be made between the true liberal character, a politically benign individual, and the pseudo-liberal/communist character who is not liberal at all but an emotional plague character that has infiltrated and taken over the Democratic Party. This vital knowledge is currently being made available to the public by members of the American College of Orgonomy’s training program in social orgonomy.

Problems With Marijuana

The central question that is never asked regarding marijuana is this: What is the origin of the powerful political force behind the movement to legalize it? Asking this obvious question allows the answer to come to the surface: Marijuana helps the user to be as comfortable as possible in a state of emotional cluelessness.
The destructiveness of marijuana on human life requires a bio-psychiatric understanding of the distinction between emotions and sensations and the drug’s effect on them. Marijuana selectively blocks the perception of emotions but not the perception of sensations. This is how the drug puts the user in a chronic state of emotional cluelessness. As a result, the user is relieved of experiencing anxiety and other painfully disturbing emotions. This selective numbing effect of emotions gives rise to the popular misconception that marijuana is just a recreational drug and is not harmful to health. In fact, it’s effect to eliminate the emotional life of the user is exactly why it is so destructive to human life and in such great demand. Since marijuana kills emotions, it’s use and political advocacy is in the service of the emotional plague.
Popularizing the myth that marijuana is harmless, or replacing marijuana with a more “scientific” term, cannabis, is an evasion. it sidesteps the destructive emotional and social consequences that center around the universal disturbance of human sexuality that make mind-numbing drugs in such great demand. This is the underlying reason that people resort to all sorts of substitutes including marijuana.

On Saturday, October 6, 2018, The American College of Orgonomy (ACO) is sponsoring a forum on marijuana at the Rutgers University Conference Center in New Brunswick, N.J. For those interested in attending call the ACO (732) 821-1144 or visit http://www.orgonomy.org

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