The Emotional Plague and the Idea of Sin

Religion comes close to recognizing the existence of the emotional plague in the Christian idea of sin. In it, there is an awareness of the deadly aspects of the armored human condition, people’s secondary, destructive drives. Also, in the idea of sin there is a certain degree of contact with the biological core providing people with a sense of responsibility for their own lives. However, the idea of sin is limited because it is bogged down in opposing moralistic views of what is right and wrong and because its origin is mystified in the idea of original sin. Simply attributing a person’s destructive behavior to sinfulness is, therefore, a destructive example of confused, mystical thinking. It leads to further problems when people with a liberal character structure reject the idea of sin altogether.

The understanding of the emotional plague is outside the realm of armored, moralistic thinking. It is a term that has a specific meaning in the medical and social sciences. Accurately understanding the emotional plague requires knowledge of the three layers of the human bio-psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive middle or secondary layer and the superficial layer or facade. The emotional plague is people’s socially destructive expressions from their secondary layer. Knowledge of the emotional plague requires the ability to think functionally about the destructive consequences of armored people’s ways of thinking and living.

Why is the Emotional Plague Not Seen? Part II

The emotional plague is a scientific term that has two components, a somatic one, emotional destructiveness, and a psychic one, evil. It can appear on all levels of social organization from individuals to groups including political parties. People resist recognizing the existence and destructiveness of the plague partly because the disease is present in latent form and can appear in anyone under the right circumstances. Moreover, both components must first be recognized in oneself before one can have a true understanding of the plague’s destructive operation in others. A further obstacle is that, until recently, a functional understanding of human emotional life in determining social behavior, both healthy and sick, has not existed. This knowledge is made available to the public in the new science of social orgonomy.

Our Fractured Nation

Accompanying people’s breakthrough of unconscious emotions from their destructive secondary layer to the social surface, the result of the anti-authoritarian transformation of Western Society, their personal ideologies have emerged to become a powerful socio-political force. As a result, the American Nation is in jeopardy of becoming fragmented and destroyed along ideological, partisan lines of the right and the left.

The ideology of the political right stands for conserving what remains and is of value in the life of the American people. This includes their feelings of love for the American Nation. The ideology of the political far-left stands for a wholesale rejection of these values and emotions. Under the guise of “progressivism” its goal is to dismantle American democracy in a stepwise manner and replace it with a top-down socialist governmental system reminiscent of the defunct Soviet Union.

Like any infectious disease, the emotional plague survives on destroying healthy forms of human life. Always present, it thrives when unopposed and it recedes when recognized and counteracted. The far-left’s ideological destructiveness of American life is being done deliberately, systematically and brazenly in front of everyones eyes and only a few people are able to see its evil and the social pus that it produces.

Psychic Dynamics are Identical on the Individual and Social Levels

The relationship of psychic forces to each other in the individual are commonly recognized by all psychiatrists and psychologists. What is not recognized is that these pathological forces are present on the social level as well. For example, on the individual level, the emotional provocativeness of the masochist pretending to be a victim in a sadomasochistic relationship is clearly evident to any well-trained mental health professional. What remains unrecognized and evaded is that this same kind of highly destructive, pathological, emotional relationship can occur between groups of people on a social level expressed in their socio-political activity. Examples are Black and White racial supremacists at the extremes of the socio-political spectrum accusing their polar opposites of racism.

Until now, there has been no understanding of the emotional forces that operate in group processes. The new, functional knowledge contained in the science of social orgonomy is a step toward opening up the possibility of introducing this vital knowledge to the public. These forces include, in particular, the operation of the emotional plague.

The Deterioration of Contact in the Medical Profession

I graduated from medical school in 1959 during the authoritarian era. At that time, every young physician had a “doctor’s bag” with all sorts of medical paraphernalia in it such as a stethoscope, an ophthalmoscope, tongue depressors, etc. because, in those days, it was common for doctors to make house calls. Sixty years later, in today’s anti-authoritarian society, it is almost impossible for someone to get an appointment with a physician let alone receive a return phone call from him.

How did this change come about? Early on in their medical education medical students today are taught to view the patient as a machine composed of individual organ systems, organs, etc. By focusing exclusively on the broken part of the “machine” (the “disease”) they lose contact with the human being that has the affliction. Their mechanistic training makes them fall prey for the entrance of large corporations into the practice of medicine by hiring doctors and expecting them to practice medicine according to the time-saving, quantitative rules used in the business world. This fits in, hand and glove, with the mechanistic training of the physician. Private medical practice became transformed into corporate medical practice, another casualty of the anti-authoritarian transformation of our society.

The takeover of medical practice by large corporations is an example of the intrusion of socialism, corporate socialism into the practice of medicine. What is lost is the authority of the doctor in the way he wants to practice medicine and the quality of the doctor-patient relationship. What is gained is a layer of social armor that dictates how medicine must be practiced.

The Functional View of Evil and Sin

With the tool of functional thinking it is possible to provide a natural scientific understanding for the mystical concepts of evil and sin. Evil is an objective property. Sin is a subjective property. Originating from the destructive, secondary layer of armored human beings, evilness and sinfulness are variations of their common functioning principle (CFP), the emotional plague. They are real physical functions not just metaphysical concepts.

The Emotional Plague is the Disease; Domestic Terrorism is a Symptom

In the medical treatment of any disease, success depends on having an accurate diagnosis. Short of this, the only treatment possible is symptomatic. The same principle applies to the treatment of diseases in the realm of social pathology. Calling mass shootings acts of terrorism is inaccurate because the pathologic source is generally unrecognized and it does not reveal the true nature of the underlying disease process. Terrorism is one of many symptoms of the pathologic human condition, emotional plague, a social disease of armored humans that can appear in many forms from both political extremes to the left and the right.

Before seeing the whole picture of why these latest eruptions of the plague seemingly from the political right occurred, it is first necessary to understand the functional relationship of emotional plague between Black Fascism from the political far-right and Red Fascism from the political far-left. Black fascists typically react openly with violence to political activity from the left. Hence, they are referred to as reactionaries. By contrast, Red fascists are typically political activists and provocateurs. Their lives are spent actively undermining what still remains intact of the old authoritarian social order. This drives individuals with a Black Fascist character structure to engage in acts of brutality. The recent rise in mass shootings from the political extreme right are a reaction to the relentless, decades- long political agitation by political activists on the Left. From a functional viewpoint, the opposing forces of the left and the right are in a relationship of attractive opposition.

The rise in political extremism and the polarization of politics today are signs of our current social disintegration. It started in America with the anti-authoritarian transformation and the political shift of the social mainstream to the left of center. This shift was bound to trigger a political reaction from the political Right that is becoming increasingly evident today with the rise in the frequency of mass shootings.

The present social situation in chronic form is strikingly similar to what happened in Germany in acute form following its defeat in World War I. The social chaos and the economic devastation of that nation resulted in the infestation of the emotional plague, Red Fascism (communism) from the left. As a reaction to it and in an attempt to eradicate it led to a different manifestation of the plague, Black Fascism (Naziism) from the right. Using the tool of social orgonomy, it may be possible to prevent history from repeating itself.

The Far-left’s Mystification of Language

To mystify is to take something real and distort it into something unreal or an ideal. The Far-left mystifies language by distorting ordinary words and ideas and elevating them with a higher, moral meaning for political purposes. In effect, the mystical idea is misrepresented as reality in the following way: 1) Take a word – any word -, 2) Distort its original meaning by mystifying it, 3) Politicizes it. This air-tight formula is another one of the ways that the emotional plague from the Far-left has found to attack life in America.

For example, the concept of diversity, as in “to make diverse”, is used and popularized by academia and the political left so that it can be made to support the democratic idea of equality for all as a social ideal. First used in the “affirmative action,” “equal opportunity” movements, the purpose of this mystical notion was to give minority applicants to higher education a special boost,

However, this kind of diversification in college entrance policies did not work. The idea of diversity of race, ethnicity, etc. had to be given equal value to diversity in the practice of the applicant’s beliefs and feelings in the campus environment. Instead of simply taking part in America’s educational system and becoming familiar with our ways of life, minority students are lauded for the beliefs and feelings that they brought to the school. This kind of praise is not only disorienting but it has the effect of polarizing and dividing all students into opposing politically motivated camps while generating a culture of resentments – the emotional plague – in college classrooms and campuses across the nation. Experiencing the freedom of what it’s like living in America for these foreign visitors – which is unlike living in any other part of the world – is slowly disappearing in these institutions of higher education as the emotional plague from the political Far-left, the Big Lie, claims another victory in its relentless battle to destroy this once great nation.

The Rise in the Incidence of Mass Shootings

In the past authoritarian era (prior to 1960) mass shootings rarely, if ever, occurred. Accompanying the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian in recent decades, there has been a dramatic shift in the pattern of armor in the younger generation (see below). These bio-physical changes are the primary, underlying, bio-social reasons for the dramatic rise in the incidence of mass shootings today.

In the past, authoritarian social order the individual’s destructive impulses and ideas were effectively bound (psychologically repressed) by muscular armor in the body. People generally were well-behaved on all social levels. There was a clear distinction between right and wrong. Criminals were considered a separate, but well defined segment of society.

With the anti-authoritarian transformation of society there occurred a shift in people’s armor from the musculature to the brain. The resultant increase in ocular armor was responsible for the breakdown of the armored structure of society and the rise in all degrees of impulsive behavior in people from the most benign to the most destructive forms of human acts, of which, the increase in mass shootings is the most deadly example. Accompanying the transformation, the genie – the pestilence of the emotional plague – was out of the bottle.

Whenever mass shootings occur, the emotional plague from the political left is ready to respond and inject its venom by politicizing the tragedy, pandering to emotional sympathies of the public and generating confusion and all kinds of social mischief. Some examples are advocating gun control by the government, blaming Trump for “exacerbating racial tensions”, promoting the censorship of free speech of “white supremacists” etc. All of these suggestions are in the exclusive service of destroying the vitality of what remains intact of the existing authoritarian social order, another sign of the emotional plague. As explained above, they have nothing to do with the problem of mass shootings. Therefore, all they do is to generate social anarchy and increase the possibility of more mass shootings.

The Final Stage in the Destruction of Psychiatry: Eliminate Diagnosis

The once highly respected specialty of American psychiatry is being destroyed by the emotional plague in the following stages:

Stage 1. It first started with the destruction of Sigmund Freud’s reputation as a psychiatric pioneer. Entire books were written in the 1960s in a campaign to discredit his clinical discoveries.

Stage 2. Now it was possible to reject his psychological theories of the libido and of the importance of the psychosexual factors in human emotional development.

Stage 3. These important theories were replaced with diagnostic manuals such as the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. They were seemingly objective attempts to provide a common diagnostic language for psychiatrists based strictly on the patient’s symptoms.

Stage 4. The symptom based system could not work because any symptom can be a part of in any diagnostic category. However, it now became possible for the psychiatric researcher to declare that the DSM system is “scientifically meaningless” and to recommend that mental health professionals should “think beyond diagnosis and consider other explanations of mental distress, such as trauma and other adverse experiences.” These vague recommendations to understand psychiatric disorders were enough to reveal their uselessness. It was the final step in the rejection of psychiatry as a legitimate medical discipline.

Recognizing the importance of emotional disturbances in psychosexual development is the only way that it is possible to have a legitimate psychiatric diagnostic system. The result of rejecting the crucial importance of these psychosexual factors is that the psychiatrist is left in limbo. Having no framework for understanding the patient’s pathology in a physical manner, the science of psychiatry, in effect, is now becoming extinct.

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