The Degeneration of the True Liberal into Pseudo-liberal/communism

Why are some liberals capable of consistently
maintaining their true liberal socio-political character structure and others easily shift to the political extreme left and function like pseudo-liberal communist characters?
One reason is that the liberal character lives almost entirely in his superficial layer. As a result, he has little core contact and his thinking is either mechanistic or mystical. Those liberals who have mystical tendencies in their thinking will readily shift to the political left and join the “heaven on earth,” freedom peddling mantra of the pseudo-liberal/ communist. Those liberals who have no mystical tendencies will keep their true liberal identity and will often support the destructive social policies of their cohorts on the extreme left and vote for them but when pressed for a rational reason will not be able to justify why they are doing so.

The New Morality

The old morality of the past authoritarian era was based on the absolute distinction between right and wrong. What was right and wrong applied equally for everyone. Today, this morality is dead.
In our anti-authoritarian society, what is right and wrong for one person is not necessarily true for another. This is the new, relative morality and is particularly true in the political arena. Because of the resultant ever encroaching shift of the political mainstream to the left of center, the public is led by the media to believe that what is right and wrong for someone on the political left is not true for someone on the political right. Accordingly, political figures on the left such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are presented as the “good, anti-authoritarian guys.” They can do nothing wrong. Conversely, those on the right are pictured as the “bad, authoritarian guys.” They can do nothing right.
A case in point is the public’s favorable reaction to Clinton’s evasiveness and lying when questioned by congress about her Emails as Secretary of State following the Benghazi attack on the American Consulate. Four Americans including the Ambassador to Libya are murdered by Arab terrorists and her ratings go up.

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