Obamas’ Love Affaire With Iranian Islamo-fascists

Why on earth is Barack Obama courting Iran to negotiate about it’s plans to develop nuclear capabilities since there is nothing in this venture of his to be gained  for America?

On the surface it simply appears to be a narcissistic attempt on Obama’s part to make himself look good politically on the international scene and to bring up his declining political ratings.

On a deeper, characterological level it is an expression of the emotional plague character’s  attraction from the political left and the political right for one another. Obama, on the political left and individuals in the Iranian fascist regime on the political right share the same goal: to bring America down and to have the world under their control. It is expedient for emotional plague characters on the political left and the right to temporarily  join forces to achieve their common goal. (Remember the Hitler-Stalin Non-Aggression Pact of 1939.) Once they have succeeded in this collaboration, they will, once again, go their separate ways to control and destroy the entire free world.

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