Politics is Dead, Or is it? August 26, 2022.

Just when you thought that politics was finally dying, our politicians in control of Congress magically pull one more rabbit out of the bag: They excuse all student loans. The effect of this masterful trick is to gain political support among the masses of young students who are heavily in debt to the government with student loans. With the public’s, not their own money, the wonderfully generous politicians have decided to eliminate the student’s financial debt to the government. Now, the student debt falls on the hard working American taxpayer and the non-productive politicians regain their lost political power over people.

Formal Democracy Versus True Democracy. August 25, 2022.

With the demise of the Federalist Party and starting with the Jefferson Administration at the beginning of the 19th century, American democracy was destined to become nothing but a political ideal, a democracy in name only, not a true, functioning democracy that the Founding Fathers wanted. Called formal democracy, this development was based on an idealistic way of thinking that was to become a symptom of American national politics. It was the result of the biophysical incapacity of the armored American public to function socially independently and responsibly as a true democracy. The formation of the two-party American political system, a socio-political symptom that developed during the Jeffersonian Administration, was the result. It came about as a necessary form of social armor – the opposing social forces that in recent decades became politicized as the political left and the right – that temporarily preserved the infant American nation. This two-party, political system survived until around the middle of the 20th century when it broke down, a result of the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian in the mid-1960s. At this time, American society as a whole and the two party system, in particular, began to disintegrate. This was a time when people began losing contact with themselves biophysically, with their identity as Americans and when the 19th century ideal of a formal democracy was abandoned. A symptom of their contactless state, groups of young people today are left at odds with each other, adrift and in a state of cluelessness about the breakdown of their society that is happening rapidly around them. They are at the mercy of their know-nothing, emotional plague-ridden politicians who claim to know what is happening in America and how to help and take care of the people. Unknowingly, Americans are immersed in the end stage of a disease manifested in the socio-political realm that started over two centuries ago and is about to destroy what remains viable of the American nation..

On Treating A Disease Without Recognizing Its Existence. August 20, 2022.

In her article in The Atlantic, How Social Justice Became a New Religion, Helen Lewis gives many examples of the pathological symptoms of people’s socially rooted biological disease in everyday life, the emotional plague, without knowing that this pathological condition of armored humans exists. This kind of information is useless from a preventative point of view in today’s anti-authoritarian social order because the underlying disease is not identified and therefore cannot be treated. To make matters worse, most people do not realize that there has been a fundamental transformation of our society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian that started over fifty years ago and is today in the process of destroying our nation. There is a high level of cluelessness in the general public regarding these essential matters that must first be recognized and addressed before social conditions can improve.

On Recognizing The Emotional Plague. August 3, 2022.

The emotional plague in today’s world is running rampant and destroying what remains viable of our society. Yet it remains unrecognized by almost everyone. Why is this so?

There are three reasons why people are clueless about the existence of the emotional plague. They are symptoms of their armored way of thinking.

  1. People have no understanding of the importance of emotional life in health and illness.
  2. People habitually think about almost anything and everything morally in terms of good versus bad
  3. People are incapable of thinking about the plague functionally as a bio-medical, infectious disease that is no different than any other human affliction like the common cold.
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