The Emotional Plague’s Infestation of the Democratic Party

In November 1965, around the time of the transformation of American Society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian, the Supreme Court ruled that individuals may refuse to register as members of the Communist Party as part of their Constitutional right against self-incrimination. This decision seriously weakened the McCarran Act which required not only registration of Communist Party members but also authorized emergency detention of potential subversives in the event of attack or internal insurrection

Today, America is facing the disastrous consequences of this ruling. The emotional plague in the form of several leftist American groups, Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have openly organized an alliance to take over the Democratic Party at every level.

In a May 2018 memo to CPUSA members, party leader, John Bachtell emphasized that its group was collaborating with several left groups and progressive activists to promote unity and coalition building. He stated that including the Democratic Party in its invasive operations to control America was key.

Today, the CPUSA has infiltrated the Democratic Party across the country. Communists are openly and secretly working in Democratic campaigns to the point that it is almost impossible to see the difference between the CPUSA and Democratic Party programs. Disguised and appearing to be identical to the host organization serves to render people confused and defenseless. The emotional plague continues to live unopposed because people are clueless about its existence.

The Relationship Between the Far-left Radical and the True Liberal

The functional relationship between the far-left Radical and the moderate, true Liberal is a dynamic one of attractive opposition. Both political groups belong to and operate within the same Democratic Party. Both operate from different positions on the political left and move politically together in the same direction to the extreme left. The leftist Radical is impatient and moves aggressively to achieve his destructive political agenda. The Liberal follows and supports him compliantly and passively. The Radical is motivated by feelings of hatred and revenge toward all Americans on the political right with a barely concealed wish to bring down the entire democratic system of government in America. The true Liberal retains his feelings of loyalty to America but follows the lead of the Radical to destroy America because he is motivated by his unresolved, feelings of personal guilt that gets displaced and acted out in his leftist political ideology. What is being played out between them in front of everyones eyes is another step in the decline and destruction of American democracy.

The Destructiveness of Mechanistic-mystical Thinking in Psychiatry

In the lead article of the Review section, September 14-15 issue of The Wall Street Journal entitled, ‘Will Your Uploaded Mind Still Be You?’, the author, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Princeton University attempts to compare the natural science of psychiatry with the operation of a mechanical computer to provide an understanding of how the brain works. He postulates that structural causes in the brain are sufficient to explain biological functions and equates the structure of the brain with the human mind (a psychic function). As a neuroscientist, he is convinced that the brain is comparable to a computer and that “mind uploading,”…”preserving a persons consciousness in a digital afterlife,” will one day happen because “there are no laws of physics that stand in the way.” It just depends on technology that has not yet been invented.

This is an illustration of how the mechanistically oriented scientist resorts to mystical thinking to support his preformed mechanical hypothesis that requires an explanation: The neurons of the brain are “working parts” that are used over and over to “create complexity” …”Information” flows … through “vast connected networks in complex and unpredictable patterns, [somehow] creating the mind” (italics added).

The error of applying mechanistic-mystical thinking to biological functions has been a stumbling block in psychiatry for ages. It will continue until human beings are capable of thinking functionally. The error consists in believing that the structure of the brain determines its biological function. In fact, the reverse is true; biological function determines the brain’s organization. The persistence of this erroneous idea results in scientists remaining clueless about the fact that their armored way of thinking is itself a dead-end. The latest example of this mechanical thinking is that the functioning of the brain is compared to the operation of a machine-like computer.

Armored people will go to any to means to defend themselves from emotionally experiencing their biological roots even to the extent of identifying themselves with robotic computers. The destructive consequences of reducing human life to a machine passes by completely unnoticed.

The Far-left’s Mystification of Language

To mystify is to take something real and distort it into something unreal or an ideal. The Far-left mystifies language by distorting ordinary words and ideas and elevating them with a higher, moral meaning for political purposes. In effect, the mystical idea is misrepresented as reality in the following way: 1) Take a word – any word -, 2) Distort its original meaning by mystifying it, 3) Politicizes it. This air-tight formula is another one of the ways that the emotional plague from the Far-left has found to attack life in America.

For example, the concept of diversity, as in “to make diverse”, is used and popularized by academia and the political left so that it can be made to support the democratic idea of equality for all as a social ideal. First used in the “affirmative action,” “equal opportunity” movements, the purpose of this mystical notion was to give minority applicants to higher education a special boost,

However, this kind of diversification in college entrance policies did not work. The idea of diversity of race, ethnicity, etc. had to be given equal value to diversity in the practice of the applicant’s beliefs and feelings in the campus environment. Instead of simply taking part in America’s educational system and becoming familiar with our ways of life, minority students are lauded for the beliefs and feelings that they brought to the school. This kind of praise is not only disorienting but it has the effect of polarizing and dividing all students into opposing politically motivated camps while generating a culture of resentments – the emotional plague – in college classrooms and campuses across the nation. Experiencing the freedom of what it’s like living in America for these foreign visitors – which is unlike living in any other part of the world – is slowly disappearing in these institutions of higher education as the emotional plague from the political Far-left, the Big Lie, claims another victory in its relentless battle to destroy this once great nation.

The Rise in the Incidence of Mass Shootings

In the past authoritarian era (prior to 1960) mass shootings rarely, if ever, occurred. Accompanying the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian in recent decades, there has been a dramatic shift in the pattern of armor in the younger generation (see below). These bio-physical changes are the primary, underlying, bio-social reasons for the dramatic rise in the incidence of mass shootings today.

In the past, authoritarian social order the individual’s destructive impulses and ideas were effectively bound (psychologically repressed) by muscular armor in the body. People generally were well-behaved on all social levels. There was a clear distinction between right and wrong. Criminals were considered a separate, but well defined segment of society.

With the anti-authoritarian transformation of society there occurred a shift in people’s armor from the musculature to the brain. The resultant increase in ocular armor was responsible for the breakdown of the armored structure of society and the rise in all degrees of impulsive behavior in people from the most benign to the most destructive forms of human acts, of which, the increase in mass shootings is the most deadly example. Accompanying the transformation, the genie – the pestilence of the emotional plague – was out of the bottle.

Whenever mass shootings occur, the emotional plague from the political left is ready to respond and inject its venom by politicizing the tragedy, pandering to emotional sympathies of the public and generating confusion and all kinds of social mischief. Some examples are advocating gun control by the government, blaming Trump for “exacerbating racial tensions”, promoting the censorship of free speech of “white supremacists” etc. All of these suggestions are in the exclusive service of destroying the vitality of what remains intact of the existing authoritarian social order, another sign of the emotional plague. As explained above, they have nothing to do with the problem of mass shootings. Therefore, all they do is to generate social anarchy and increase the possibility of more mass shootings.

The Final Stage in the Destruction of Psychiatry: Eliminate Diagnosis

The once highly respected specialty of American psychiatry is being destroyed by the emotional plague in the following stages:

Stage 1. It first started with the destruction of Sigmund Freud’s reputation as a psychiatric pioneer. Entire books were written in the 1960s in a campaign to discredit his clinical discoveries.

Stage 2. Now it was possible to reject his psychological theories of the libido and of the importance of the psychosexual factors in human emotional development.

Stage 3. These important theories were replaced with diagnostic manuals such as the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. They were seemingly objective attempts to provide a common diagnostic language for psychiatrists based strictly on the patient’s symptoms.

Stage 4. The symptom based system could not work because any symptom can be a part of in any diagnostic category. However, it now became possible for the psychiatric researcher to declare that the DSM system is “scientifically meaningless” and to recommend that mental health professionals should “think beyond diagnosis and consider other explanations of mental distress, such as trauma and other adverse experiences.” These vague recommendations to understand psychiatric disorders were enough to reveal their uselessness. It was the final step in the rejection of psychiatry as a legitimate medical discipline.

Recognizing the importance of emotional disturbances in psychosexual development is the only way that it is possible to have a legitimate psychiatric diagnostic system. The result of rejecting the crucial importance of these psychosexual factors is that the psychiatrist is left in limbo. Having no framework for understanding the patient’s pathology in a physical manner, the science of psychiatry, in effect, is now becoming extinct.

The Elephant in the Room

One of the most obvious social phenomenon that is in front of everyone’s eyes and that no-one sees…the elephant in the room…is the transformation of Western Society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian that began around 1960. All of a sudden, human authority that had functioned for thousands of years as an organizing force responsible for maintaining and perpetuating Western civilization became a “problem” that had to be destroyed. Before this could be accomplished, the central authority figures that first had to be eliminated were its male leaders on all social levels. These we’re the ones who had the power of enforcing the sexual suppression of the authoritarian, moral code. Eliminating sexual suppression and demanding the sexual freedom of young people were believed to be the final “solutions” to humanities problems. This was behind the “sexual revolution” of the 60s. As a result of this colossal blunder all hell broke loose.

The social transformation that resulted is the background for the rise in almost all of the destructive social changes that have occurred since that time. The most important of these was the disintegration of the authoritarian family, the foundation of the authoritarian order. This social catastrophe has spawned all the other pathological social symptoms of our society. These include the public mystically looking for answers for the problems of society through politics, the rise in psychopathic and criminal activity of far-left politicians, the rise in drug related fatalities, the inability of young adults to take care of themselves as seen most dramatically in the increase in the homeless population nationwide and the general deterioration of society etc.

All of these and other symptoms of the social pathology of the transformation continue to remain enigmatic because people do not have the functional tools of social orgonomy to understand them. Knowledge of the social forces underlying the transformation and why society was transformed from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian in the first place are necessary steps that must be taken before any functional knowledge can be applied to prevent further social decline.

On Handling the Problem of the Invaders

America must be prepared to deal forcefully with the attempt at invasion of it’s southern border by unruly mobs on the ideological as well as on the military fronts. The invader’s obvious strategy is to incite an aggressive American response to defend itself at it’s border and use that act, with the help of the leftist media, to distort the incident into a hostile act of violence against the immigrants. Their tactic is to turn the confrontation into a mass sadomasochistic interaction between the “sadistic” American aggressors who are unfairly treating the poor, “suffering” immigrant “victims”.
This is a typical leftist revolutionary formula that has been perfected and used dozens of times from the New Left movements from the 60s to the present often through members of the Democratic Party. Called the Alinsky method, it’s function is to undermine the system in power and then see what happens. It is governed by the single principle to take political control from the Haves and give it to the Have-nots. This amounts to a destructive assault on the established order in the name of social progress.

The population that is most likely to be duped by this ruse are well-to-do, American liberals including the leftist media. Because of their free-floating guilt, a form of pleasure anxiety, which is reinforced by their being economically well off and living as they please in a free country, these groups look favorably and sympathetically on the poverty stricken foreign invaders. If there is a violent confrontation at the border, the American defenders of the border will be the ones that are blamed by them and the incident will be twisted into a victory for the Have-not provocateurs. This flaw in the true liberal’s outlook is exploited aggressively by anti-American pseudo-liberal/communists on the extreme left for their own destructive political ends.

On Perspective

Perspective consists in recognizing the relationship of things to each other. It is a perceptual (ocular) function. There are several kinds of perspectives. Some of them are spatial (visual), temporal (historical), conceptual (thought) and emotional.
Ocular armor can involve distortions in any one of them. Typical of all leftists is their deficiency in historical perspective. The political left’s symptom of idealism originates, in part, from this deficit. Their idealism is the result of a disturbance in recognizing the functional significance of past social events to each other, an ocular symptom. It is a manifestation of their cluelessness and a reason that liberals can never see eye-to-eye with conservatives.

Politics is a Symptom not a Disease

Politics is a symptom of armored people’s inability to accurately see the world and to act accordingly. This is an ocular, bio-psychiatric problem and the underlying reason for people’s politically based increasing frustration and hostility toward one another.

In today’s anti-authoritarian society, politics is highly antagonistic and a symptom of armored people’s having become polarized into two, antithetical political groups consisting of liberals in the Democratic Party and conservatives in the Republican Party, and their viewing the same world from entirely different, ideologically driven perspectives.

In the past authoritarian era, prior to 1960, there were fairly equal numbers of liberals and conservatives in both parties and the the political forces within them kept each other in check. However, the infiltration of leftist extremists into the Democratic Party during the intervening years and the shift to the left in the political mainstream brought about the polarization of the two party system and today’s highly volatile political situation.
The danger facing America today is that the tried and true solutions of the past offered by conservative are insufficient to oppose the political agendas of liberal extremists that are designed to destroy the American nation.

A functional understanding of what is happening in our world provided by social orgonomy is urgently needed. For example, before any improvement can happen in social conditions a clear distinction must be made between the true liberal character, a politically benign individual, and the pseudo-liberal/communist character who is not liberal at all but an emotional plague character that has infiltrated and taken over the Democratic Party. This vital knowledge is currently being made available to the public by members of the American College of Orgonomy’s training program in social orgonomy.

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