Putin’s Land Grab

Whenever an acute  social problem surfaces requiring immediate attention people always focus on the symptoms, never on the underlying disease.  Putin’s grabbing Crimea is a symptom. The underlying emotional  sickness of human beings that made this act of aggression possible is the disease that is always overlooked.

The following, in brief, is the symptom: As a result of it’s anti-authoritarian transformation, Western countries including Russia are socially disintegrating. Faced with this problem, a strong leader like Putin moves to the political right to take control of the social chaos in his country. He also quickly sizes up Barack Obama the leader of the Western World as a weak and politically ineffectual individual. To further consolidate his power, he decides to take an aggressive international action and seizes Crimea.

Part of the underlying disease is the social disintegration of Russian Society that needs to be controlled. Another part is that the same process of social disintegration to a far greater extent is happening in America. However, America’s social sickness is aggravated by having elected a President who has proven himself to be unable to take an aggressive stand to protect America’s interests in any area, either domestically and internationally.

The deepest level of humanity’s disease is that the American public does not see that they have elected a man who is to a large extent responsible for bringing about this international crisis and the destructive consequences that will follow. The American public’s cluelessness is the central problem.


The Rise In People’s Cluelessness

Around 1960, a fundamental transformation in Western Society took place from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian. With the transformation, there was a change in the pattern of armor in young people. Ocular armor largely replaced muscular armor and this had destructive personal and social consequences. Emotional energy was no longer able to be bound and held back in muscular armor. As a result of the weakening of muscular armor and the increase in ocular armor, destructive emotions were expressed through intellectualized rationalizations, hatred and contempt of authority. Blame and resentment were directed at traditional authority figures in all areas of society.
Young people became more irrational and out of touch with themselves and with the world. They became more contactless. The word clueless that is in common usage today accurately describes this mental state.
Accompanying the anti-authoritarian transformation, there appeared for the first time a syndrome of symptoms in children characterized by disturbances in focusing, restlessness and hyperactivity. This condition was called Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Today, the number of young American adults taking medication for ADHD has nearly doubled from 2008 to 20012. One in ten adolescent boys were taking a drug for the disorder.
Today’s adult population represents the children of the baby boomers that were growing up in the 60’s. From a bio-psychiatric perspective, a primary manifestation of the disorder that first appeared at that time, ADHD, are a result of ocular pathology. It is possible to treat this disorder without the use of medication by a qualified therapist.

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