The Bio-social Significance Of Early Onset Puberty

According to a recent study published on-line in the October 20, 2012 journal Pediatrics, boys are beginning puberty six months to two years earlier than in previous decades, mirroring a similar trend in girls. To mechanistic medicine this finding makes no sense at all but according to bio-social functional thinking, it is full of significance.

Contrary to popular belief, childhood is not an asexual period but the product of sexual repression. The containment of sexual energy during the so-called sexual latency period is the result of the armoring of children by social forces. The necessity for this armoring process was that it maintained the social structure of the past authoritarian social order.  When around 1960 the authoritarian order of Western society began to break down, it was transformed into anti-authoritarianism.  This transformation was accompanied by the breakdown of the repressive forces contained in armor throughout the population which also included children.  The breakdown of sexual repression which was the foundation of the authoritarian social order is directly responsible for the earlier onset of puberty that we now are seeing.

However, the lifting of sexual repression which resulted in the earlier appearance of puberty did nothing to prepare children to function naturally with the full force of sexual energy.   Since today’s anti-authoritarian form of social armor does not distinguish between healthy and perverse forms of sexual expression it’s effect on child development has been more sex-negative than the sexual attitudes of the past authoritarian social order.  As a result, children and adolescents are left floundering not knowing how to deal with the intensity of their sexual feelings.  Almost all suspect  traditional forms of authority while others turn to homosexuality, drugs, food (the rise in obesity in girls is correlated with earlier onset of puberty) or every other form of rebellious sexual acting out simply to relieve themselves of their sexual anxiety and suffering.

However, these substitute measures have successfully masked the social problem of the sexual misery of children and adolescents.  The number of children requiring psychiatric help, which is another one of the destructive consequences of the anti-authoritarian transformation of society, has dramatically increased.   Compared to the past authoritarian era when the use of medication for the treatment of children and adolescents was almost unheard of, more and more children today are being brought to the attention of the psychiatrist and drugs are mindlessly being given as the treatment of choice to suppress the disturbing symptom.

Conventional wisdom  cannot provide  answers to biologically rooted social phenomena. Recognizing the bio-social basis for the early onset puberty and making a distinction  between healthy sexual expression and the armored sexual expression that is rampant in today’s anti-authoritarian society are not possible within the narrow framework of current mechano-mystical thinking.

The Limits Of Political Conservatism

There are two reasons that conservatives are not politically effective in containing the Left’s destructive onslaught on our society.  The first involves the character armor of conservative individuals themselves and the second is related to the social armor of today’s anti-authoritarian society:

1) As a whole, individuals who are politically conservative are characterologically overly decent and civilized.  For the most part, they are unable to recognize and address the evil intent behind the agenda of leftist political radicals to destroy America.  They mistakenly give the ideologues the benefit of the doubt believing that they are genuinely interested in political compromises and constructive solutions to social and economic problems.

2) Anti-authoritarianism is based on the hatred of traditional authority which in today’s world is identified with the political right.  In today’s antiauthoritarian society all villainous people ( the “bad guys”) are believed to belong on the political right.  The politically correct indoctrinated public has a bias against seeing political villains on the left and, in general, views people who are believed to be on the political right , including conservatives, with suspicion verging on blind hatred.  This mind-set of the mainstream political left is a manifestation of socially induced ocular armor.  It is also the reason for the widely held belief that leftist politicians are the “good guys” who can never do anything wrong.

Conservatives, on the other hand believe that the solution to social problems is somehow to restore the past authoritarian social order.  However, this hope is not possible because of the breakdown of the authoritarian form of individual armor and the corresponding authoritarian morality that is based on it.  The genie is out of the bottle.

These ocular related problems of the public, a manifestation of  their contactlessness are directly responsible for the continual destabilization and disintegration of our anti-authoritarian social order.  Before social conditions are to improve, people must first be made aware that they live in a contactless state regarding social problems and how this state prevents them from recognizing the emotional plague in the solutions offered by radicals.  These tasks cannot be accomplished through political means.  They are bio-social problems that have their roots in the armor of humanity and therefore must be treated medically.

The State Of America’s Economic Health

An indication of America’s economic health is seen in it’s ability to function as a free, self-regulated market. However, in our increasingly armored society a free market economy can only be an ideal. What must be generally understood and accepted is that America’s economic health ultimately depends on the American people’s state of emotional health. The biological capacity for independent and responsible work functioning of the American people is the essential element of emotional health required for a healthy economy. That being said, the degree of America’s economic health versus it’s sickness depends on the following factors:

1) The degree to which emotionally helpless people who are nevertheless able-bodied become dependent on the Federal Government for their survival.

2) The degree to which the Federal Government encourages the public to be dependent on it and dictates them to be controlled (“regulated”) by it.

3) The degree to which the free market becomes disrupted and paralyzed by armored people’s criminal and quasi-criminal activity in the marketplace.

These symptoms of  the American people’s emotional illness directly result in the pathological manifestations of today’s economy.  The capacity of people to tolerate having a genuinely healthy free market economy depends entirely on the capacity of individuals to tolerate being emotionally healthy and responsibly free.  We are farther than ever from attaining this economic state.  The public’s increasing  emotional sickness makes greater control of the marketplace by the Federal Government necessary.

Before any real improvement can occur in economic conditions, the emotional sickness of people that interfere with a free market  economy must first be recognized and addressed outside the political arena.  This is not a political matter and the political battles between the Left and the Right have nothing to do with the underlying emotionally based economic problems.  They only function to conceal them and make things worse. That is, they are a manifestation of the emotional plague.

Articles on functional economics can be found in recent issues of the Journal of Orgonomy.

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