Today’s Public Sentiment: Neither Left Nor Right

A rally organized by conservative TV personality, Glenn Beck, brought out hundreds of thousands of people in response to the disenchantment that many Americans feel about the current Obama adminstration.  Many people who were interviewed expressed dissatisfaction not only with the Democrats but also with traditional leadership as it is today, saying GOP candidates should not take their vote for granted.  The three-hour program featured religious and patriotic speeches, but offered few details on how to fix the country’s problems.

People are dissatisfied with political solutions but are at a loss to have something  to replace them with.  This is because there are no social or political solutions to the problems that America is faced with.  The  conflicts between the Left and the Right are themselves symptomatic of major biological differences in the ways people think and function. These differences , therefore, cannot be addressed through politics.  Since politics is not the answer, the most that we can hope for is that people vote for the less destructive candidate.  It is not a matter of a “bad” versus a “good” candidate.  It is a matter of a candidate that does the least amount of harm by voting against legislation for political solutions to social problems.

The dilemma that currently faces America is that because of the extreme left-leaning infiltration of all branches of the federal government, the political center has shifted far to the left.  This must be stopped and reversed if America as it has existed for 200 years  is to survive.  The federal government must be directed by the electorate to stay out of the business of trying to solve social problems since this is not its function.  From this perspective the future choice of the best candidate is clear.   He or she must be someone who opposes the leftist policies of know-nothing politicians that are currently directing America’s descent into socialism.  That in itself would be a monumental accomplishment for any political party.  To expect anything more from anyone in government would be a pipe dream resulting in the endless shift between political alternatives proposed by the Left and the Right.  The Left keeps coming up with the same outworn socialist nostrums and the Right keeps opposing them with its “tried and true” programs.  And so the cycle goes on and on, leading to further public disenchantment with politicians.

The Problem: It’s Not Power, It’s People

People look for political solutions to social problems when the answers are not in the political but in the biological realm.  In the August 18, 2010 issue of  The Wall Street Journal, Ralph Nader focuses on the concentration and abuses of corporate power supplemented by state power that is overtaking American society.  He states that the public has lost faith in both major parties and believes that America is heading in the wrong direction.  He suggests that it may be time for a political alliance between progressives on the left and libertarians on the right because they share the same deep aversion to concentrated power of any kind.

Power can be used constructively or destructively.  Therefore, it is not power itself,  but the way power is used by armored  humans (see glossary) that is the culprit.  Focusing on concentrations of power and not on power-hungry humans, is really an avoidance of looking at how certain armored peoples use of power over others is a manifestation of the emotional plague. Seeking a high level political or corporate position does not mean that one is a carrier of the emotional plague. It is the character structure of the individual that is the critical factor.

My book, The Emotional Plague: The Root of Human Evil, shows that, because of his particular  kind of armored structure which is a biological condition, the plague-ridden individual must control the lives of others by have power over them.  These highly energetic but emotionally sick people are largely the ones causing  all the economic trouble. Incapable of genuine, productive work, they are the ones who are driven to seek lucrative and strategic positions in big corporations, the government, and in religious and union organizations.  They succeed in getting elected for the sole purpose of wielding power and control over others lives.

Unless the emotional plague is recognized and treated as the most important destructive, endemic disease of armored humans, social conditions will continue to worsen.

A Same-sex Relationship Is A Partnership, Not A Marriage

Homosexual relationships can be legally recognized as partnerships without using the term “marriage” and all that it has implied for thousands of years in human history.

Marriage is a bio-social institution based on different biological functions of men and women, the most important of which is procreation, the perpetuation of the human race.  A partnership is a more superficial relationship than a marriage since it originates not from the biological realm but from the social realm. It is a social institution with already existing legal rights that can take place between any two humans regardless of their gender. The  legal advantages that heterosexual relationships now posses in the institution of marriage can extend to all individuals and therefore, there is no legitimate reason to legalize “gay marriages.”  Measures to legalize same-sex relationships function to obfuscate the crucial distinction between a partnership and a marriage. They can and will be used by some people to develop into an expression of the emotional plague (see glossary).

A New Particle Accelerator-An Unrealistic Expectation

Mechanistic Scientists like to build things bigger and bigger with the idea that bigger is better. One of their latest projects is the construction of the largest science machine ever built, the Large Hadron Collider, a gigantic doughnut17 miles in circumference at a cost of 10 billion eoros that is expected to unlock many of the secrets of the universe including the instant of its birth and an understanding the fundamental forces that govern it.

The LHC is unlikely to unlock the secrets of  the universe because the idea is based on some highly questionable assumptions. First, that elemental matter constitutes the ultimate  unit of the universe and second that all matter in the universe was created in a single event, the Big Bang.

There is much evidence indicating that the exact opposite is true, that 1) matter is not the basic constituent of the universe and 2) that matter is being created continually in the center of active galactic nuclei and quasars. This evidence is regularly ignored by establishment scientists because it does not conform with their mechanistic-materialistic view of the universe. Ignoring this observational evidence also supports their mystical hope that the LHC will answer some of the deepest questions facing cosmologists and legitimizes their faith in the mechanist-mystical view of the world, a powerful defense in the service of  not seeing the world as it actually is.

Armor Interferes With Musical Expression

Before I became interested in medicine, I was a violinist trying to master the technical difficulties of the instrument. Despite having studied with the finest teacher there was something missing that had a powerful and negative effect on my playing.  This something was also present in other students I knew.  Then, when I came across Character Analysis by Wilhelm Reich, this missing factor became immediately clear.

Reich wrote: “It is from the plasmatic emotions of the chest that most emotional expressive movements of the arms and hands originate.  These lmbs are, biophysically speaking, extensions of the chest segment. In the artist who is capable of freely developing his longings, the emotion of the chest is directly extended into identical emotions and expressive movements of the arms and hands.  This is true for the violinist and pianist as well as the painter.”

I understood that in the presence of armor, emotional energy from the chest that enables reaching out (toward the world), particularly longing, cannot move freely into the arms and hands to find its musical expression. This was the missing something.  Although I had achieved technical correctness, I saw that as long as armor was present in my chest, technical expertise in and of itself would not allow full expression of the music’s emotion.

With these ideas in mind, I entered therapy with a medical orgonomist.  As armor (see glossary) was systematically removed in therapy, my playing improved dramatically and I became so impressed with the power of medical orgonomy that I lost interest in pursuing a musical career.  I decided to become a physician so that I could study and practice the science of medical orgonomy.

The cellist, Yo-Yo Ma is aware of the effect of muscular tension on the quality of his playing.  In a July 29, 2010  interview in The Wall Street Journal he said: “With every year of playing, you want to relax one more muscle.  Why? Because the more tense you are, the less you can hear.  So the more you can collect that energy and be unblocked and be totally present, the more you can say, ‘I’m here because I really want to be: there’s no other place I’d rather be’ and if you really mean it that’s not bad.”

Without recognizing the existence of muscular armor, Mr. Ma is also well aware of the  destructive effects of muscle tension on musical expression.

The Federal Government’s Far-reaching Changes Of Financial Regulations

In response to the 2oo8 economic crisis, Congress has taken steps toward the most extensive remapping of financial regulation since the 1930s.  Among other things, the bill gives regulators power to constrain the activities of banks and if these buffers don’t work, the government would have power to seize and liquidate a failing company that poses a threat to the broader economy.

This knee-jerk response of politicians to the current economic crisis was entirely predictable. Having no understanding of its underlying causes, their symptomatic approach was to institute another layer of regulations on an already over-regulated economy.  When self-regulation of the free market economy on the local, private level breaks down, compulsive regulation on the Federal level must take over bringing with it another layer of economic armor in the form of greater regulation.

The real source of the crisis lies outside the province of politicians. It has to do with the pathological, destructive  behavior of ordinary armored human beings manifested as greed, irresponsibility, feelings of entitlement and corrupt business transactions bordering on quasi-criminal activities that are expressed on a daily basis in the economic realm. Unless this manifestation of the emotional plague is recognized and addressed, this endless cycle of sick economic behavior of armored people followed by more governmental control will continue and take its toll on people’s economic and personal lives.

Why Pseudo-Liberals Need To Allow A Mosque To Be Built Next To Ground Zero

It is easy to understand why Islamists want to build a mosque near Ground Zero. But why do American Leftists want a mosque there? To understand how  pseudo-liberals can allow a mosque to be constructed next to Ground Zero it is necessary to know the differences in the bio-physical structure between Islamic fanatics and  pseudo-liberals. The Islamists are in a holy war dedicated to the destruction of the Western World. They are driven by distorted impulses from their biological core that pass through the destructive middle layer and are expressed  at the surface.

Pseudo-liberals like Mayor Bloomberg and President Obama, on the other hand, live entirely in the superficial layer and use their intellectual faculties to defend themselves from awareness of their own and others destructive impulses. Moreover, they are completely out of touch with the biological core and, therefore,  cannot see that there is a religious war going on.  For them, Islamist terrorists are simply criminals, not religious fanatics. Nor can they see that allowing a mosque to be built next to Ground Zero represents a major victory to the perpetrators of the September 11, attack: a mosque is being built on American  land that was destroyed by Islam in the holy war.

Since there is no objective benefit to them, the question is what personal satisfaction do liberals get from the building of a mosque next to Ground Zero? Construction of the mosque at that site provides liberals with a pathological feeling of self worth. Liberals have enormous amounts of unconscious guilt that requires expiation on a daily basis. This is done by getting involved in political causes. Forgiving the terrorists for their crime of September 11, 2001 by making a political statement in favor of the mosque not only atones them of their personal guilt but it also places them on a higher moral plane not only in relation to the perpetrators but also in relation to all those Americans who are “opposed to the project because they are prejudiced against Muslims”.

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