The Biological Origin Of Political Correctness

From a sociological perspective, political correctness is defined as the distorted expression of Marxist ideas translated from economics into cultural terms.  Since Marxists and other leftists live almost entirely from the destructive secondary and superficial layers of their bio-psychic structure, it follows that from a biological perspective political correctness is the expression of impulses and ideas originating from the destructive secondary layer that are made socially acceptable by passing through the superficial layer (the defensive use of intellect.)

An example of political correctness is given in the article,  Muslims, Mormons and Liberals ( Wall Street Journal, September 18, 2012) by Bret Stephens. He describes the audience’s response of roaring laughter while watching Mormons being ridiculed and made the butt of obscene jokes in the Broadway Musical, “The Book of Mormons.” He contrasts this response to the liberal establishment’s denouncing of a video clip of a film, “Innocence of Muslims” which depicts slurs made against the Muslim religion.  Leftists across America  called the video “reprehensible and disgusting” and laid sole blame on it for inciting the rioting throughout most of the Muslim world .  Stephens concludes that in the consensus of American liberalism, it is hilarious to mock Mormons and Mormonism but outrageous to mock Muslims and Islam.  He asks cogently, could it be because ” nobody has ever been harmed, much less killed, making fun of Mormons?”

Without knowledge of socio-political characterology, Stephen’s question goes to the heart of the character structure of all leftists: Since they operate from their superficial layer (intellect), they have little or no ability to tolerate physical aggression from their core (which includes the voluntary musculature) and, therefore, they are terrified of and unable to forcefully stand up to the fascist Muslim uprisings on the Right.  Instead, they respond passively  by appeasing and placating them and, at the same time, they displace their unconscious  hatred of Western authority onto benign institutions on the Right such as the  Mormons who are not feared and are therefore seen as safe to attack.

This example is given to illustrate that in order to truly understand socio-political behavior and attitudes and what is going on in our sick world, an in-depth knowledge of the biologically based, emotional roots of  socio-political characterology is essential.

Welcome To The World Of Islam

In order to make sense of what is going on between the Muslim world and the West, an understanding of socio-political characterology is essential.  As long as the authoritarian social order in the West was intact, the Muslim world’s sleep was not disturbed. With the anti-authoritarian transformation of Western society which began around 1960, a polarization and a cultural clash slowly developed between the two worlds.  This was because the anti-authoritarian transformation in the West with the help of the pseudo-liberal/communist character  resulted in a marked shift to the far Left in the socio-political spectrum in these countries.  Since the Muslim world continued to remain unmoved on the far Right of center, this shift widened the already existing cultural gap between them:  The West shifted to the extreme left while the Muslim world continued to  remain unchanged on the extreme Right.

The shift to the Left  in Western culture resulted in the breakdown of  social traditions in every area including particularly a loosening of sexual mores and a decline in personal responsibility.  The permissive attitudes opened the floodgates for the expression of all sorts of secondary destructive impulses in the West which included anti-authoritarian disparaging remarks against each and every form of traditional social institution including the Islamic religion.

This brought about social conditions that were favorable for the eruption of an emotional plague reaction of global proportions.  The Muslim world responded to this behavior on the part of the Left-dominated West in a way that would be expected for the Right, viscerally.  They reacted violently to it as a provocation depending on how far they were characterologically on the right.  Those who were farthest on the Right, the Black Fascists and  the Reactionaries, reacted explosively to the provocation by destroying properties that they saw as symbols of Western influence while those who were less extremist, the conservatives and extreme conservatives, responded less militantly, by preserving the Muslim religion and way of life through peaceful means.

The global aspect of the emotional plague was now in place for the organized elements of Muslim Fascist groups, such as the extreme Right Salafis and al Qaeda, to enter and drum up Muslim outrage spreading the eruption from one country to another.

The fascist Muslim on the Right is active in physically fighting the pseudo-liberal/communist on the Left since he sees him as a rival for the world domination they both seek and as a threat to his essential mysticism (distorted core contact).  By contrast, the pseudo-liberal/communist goes about his solution differently (through his intellect) because he has an essentially mechanistic character structure (lack of core contact). Both political extremes share the same end. They differ only in the means of achieving it.

“It’s Spreading Like A Plague”

People are slowly coming to grips with recognizing the existence of the emotional plague even if it is only understood metaphorically.  Commenting on the demonstrations against the Western World that are spreading like wildfire across the Middle and Far East countries, the so-called Arab Spring, one commentator on television (The O’Reilly Factor, 9/14/12) actually referred to it as a plague.  What made it apparent to the commentator that the demonstrations are similar to an actual medical plague was the element of contagion from one country to another.

Before a rational and effective response can be taken to contain the destructiveness of any manifestation of the emotional plague, it must first be recognized and treated as a physical disease and it’s method of operation must be clearly understood.   Unfortunately, people today are still a long way from being able to take this major step in their thinking.  The Arab Spring is an organized attack that is being nourished and sustained by the groundswell of the material wants and the sexual frustrations of the masses of poverty stricken and sexually starved Islamic people.  Their personal hatreds are being successfully harnessed and channeled against America and the West by seasoned emotional plague characters belonging to radical Islamic organizations like al Qaeda.

This channeling of their hatred against America is exacerbated when the president of the United States regularly makes gratuitous apologetic statements about America’s shortcomings to Third World countries.  In so doing, he shows that he has absolutely no understanding of the dynamic forces at work between America and Muslim nations. Making America appear culpable places our nation in a weak (masochistic) position in relation to other countries and a sado-masochistic relationship is set up between them. This highly pathological, volatile relationship between America and Muslim nations fuels the flames of the emotional plague by exciting the unconscious, sexually frustrated, sadistic impulses of the islamic younger generation to be directed against us.  It is no wonder that Muslims become emboldened to attack our embassies and call for the America Government to apologize for all sorts of scurrilous charges.  This is an example of how the emotional plague from the Right becomes aggravated by seemingly innocent political remarks made by an American president who is clearly on the political Left.

You Can’t Have It Both Ways

Either free speech is a First Amendment Right or it is not.  President Obama is in favor of criminalizing anyone  who says anything negative against the Muslim faith.  Muslim fanatics, on the other hand, are at war with non-Muslims and are committed  to murder all those who do not convert to and unconditionally  believe in the Muslim faith.

The lines are drawn for all to see.  The parallel in the contradiction that existed between Nazi ideology and the Free World during the 1930s and what is happening today is painfully obvious and yet, few people are willing to see it.  The political Left’s appeasing the Nazis led Hitler to believe that he could get away with his military agenda to take over Europe and the world.  It led to the horror of the Second World War.  By Obama on the Left sending the same message to Islamic fanatics on the Right is another recipe for social disaster.

Because the plague had not taken its toll and destroyed America, the Second World War against Nazi ideology was successfully won.  Today, with the plagues infestation deep into American life, the outcome of the war against Islamic ideology is not certain.

The fanatics are crystal clear about the irreconcilable contradiction between their belief system and that of the West and their goal to destroy Western life.  The leader of the Western World, Barack Obama, does not appear to be aware of this: The emotional plague from the Left is now in league with the emotional plague from the Right and, as a result, the  plague is consolidating internationally.  It’s function is to destroy the freedom of billions of people in the Western World by tightening it’s grip around the throat of human life from the Left and the Right.

Communism American Style

Communism /pseudo-liberalism is the greatest danger of the emotional plague to the Western World from within.  Islamism is the greatest danger to it from the outside.  Today’s communists have developed the capacity to largely imitate the appearance of their environment.  Like the cuttlefish, they can take on any image of their surroundings thereby  concealing their true identity.  This ability to simulate is why they do not present themselves as the typical sinister looking fringe elements that they were associated with a generation ago.  In fact, the more inconspicuous they can make themselves, the more “Americanized” they look, the more effective they are in destroying their American victims from within, so therefore, camouflage is one of their primary methods of defense.  Since they have taken on the facade of an honest-to-goodness true liberal American and refer to themselves as “progressives,” it would be more accurate to describe today’s communists as pseudo-liberals.

Today’s pseudo-liberals belonging to the American Democratic Party function in exactly the same manner as did Communist Party members in the Soviet Union.  Like old time communists, the function of pseudo-liberals in politics is to take control of the government, deny whatever freedoms that exist  and ultimately turn America into a Soviet Style dictatorship.  It is not a matter of conscious choice for them.  Like the cuttlefish, pseudo-liberals have a structural compulsion to behave in this manner.  It is not in their power to function otherwise.

Obama 2016: A Documentary Of One Mans Revenge

The remarkable documentary film, Obama 2016, gives an incontrovertible account of Barack Obama’s destructive political agenda for America to everyone who is able to see. What is even more  frightening than the film itself is the large number of the public who do not see him for who he  really is.  We know that complacency in the face of impending danger is a symptom of severe ocular armor.  The typical reaction of many ocularly armored Americans to Obama’s blueprint for change is denial, their obstinate refusal to look at the evidence and to see it for what it is.  Many, including the media are completely fooled by Obama’s portrayed as a Black man reaching out with a broad, friendly  smile who can do no wrong to an unsuspecting, adulatory White American public.  This skin deep facade of benignity covers up his thirst for revenge against those White people who are classified by him (capitalists, entrepreneurs etc. – the “colonialism” of the past) as the “oppressors” of the underdogs of the world.  His entire political agenda is nothing but an attempt to get even with past and present “usurpers” by equalizing everyone and all nations, rich and poor, to the same economic level.

The film documents Obama’s life-long association with communists starting with his mother and maternal grandfather who were Party members and ending with his close relationship with leftist radicals such as Jeremiah Wright just prior to running for president.  It also documents how to be effective, communist tactics of mass indoctrination must be started at the earliest time in child development.

How do we recognize Obama’s destructiveness?  Practically every one of Obama’s domestic and foreign policy initiatives has had the effect of undermining America’s strength both nationally and internationally.  Without recognizing the existence of the emotional plague, the element of evil is necessarily not part of the presentation.  However, even without this crucial element, the film does an excellent job in factually exposing the emotional plague from the left.  It is a “must see” film for everyone who has doubts about Obama’s destructive intentions and is vitally concerned about our ideals and our country’s future.

Clint Eastwood’s Skit At The Republican National Convention

When the truth cannot be expressed in seriousness because of individual or social armor, it can nevertheless be expressed in humor especially in politics.  Clint Eastwood’s skit at the Republican National Convention last week that broke through the barrier of political correctness was a case in point.  In it, Eastwood is conducting an imaginary interview with Barack Obama.  Eastwood asks Obama to comment on some contentious issues involving his policies as President.  We only know what Obama is saying from Eastwood’s response to it which is repeatedly said in his typically quiet, no-nonsense style: ” I can’t do that to myself.”

The audience’s response showed they understood the significance of the exchange.  It not only gave a clear picture of Obama’s utter contempt for anyone who questions his policies but also his relentless determination to unilaterally carry them out.

In my book, The Emotional Plague, The Root of Human Evil, I characterize the pseudo-liberal/communist as someone who expresses his genital revenge against society through his intellect.  This central aspect of Obama’s character and his defense against it, his churlishness when challenged, was clearly  revealed in Eastwood’s humorous, imaginary interchange.

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