The Political Advantages of the Left

The following are some of the advantages of the political left in today’s world:
1) All public interactions take place on the social surface and leftist’s are able to operate successfully from that layer of their bio-psychic apparatus.
2) Because today’s society is anti-authoritarian, the political mainstream has shifted far to the left. Partisan battles involving social issues are often fought between political opponents who belong in varying degrees on the political left and therefore, espouse different degrees of the same basic socialistic ideas.
3) The shift of the political mainstream to the far left has legitimized the radical left in politics. Now called “progressives” or “socialists,” these radicals, in full view of a clueless public, are able run as candidates in the Democratic Party in the 2016 election for the office of president of the United States and include the current President himself.
4) Arriving at decisions collectively is comfortable for leftists. When it comes to politics, they are herd animals and behave as a group at election time. As long as they are being taken care of collectively by their leaders there is little effort involved in just going along with the tide of the mainstream left’s welfarist thinking. By being politically mindless and taking the easy way out, they can maintain their self-complacency, avoid looking at the degradation in the world and still believe in their political claptrap.
5) For the same reason, leftists cannot learn anything from the past. In the September 2016 Issue of the New Criterion, Gary Saul Morson writes: “Our knowledge of Bolshevik horrors expanded dramatically when, after the fall of the Soviet Union, its archives were opened. Jonathan Brent and Yale University Press brought out volume after volume of chilling documents, but public opinion did not noticeably change. How many readers of The New York Times know about its role in covering up the worst of Stalin’s crimes and earning a Pulitzer Prize (still unreturned) for doing so?
I understand being so carried away by Communist ideals that one denies or justifies millions of deaths. What amazes me is that people and publications who have done so still feel entitled to criticize others from a position of moral superiority.”

The reason that the author of this article is amazed about the leftists behavior of moral superiority is that he lacks an understanding of Dr. Elsworth Baker’s discovery of socio-political characterology first published in chapter 13 in his book, “Man in the Trap.”.

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