The Loss of Confidence of American Voters

There has been a loss of public confidence in American institutions such as Big Business, Banks, Congress, the Supreme Court including the government according to a May 25 2010 article in The Wall Street Journal entitled Voters Faith Deficit Widens.

The underlying reason for this turn of events cannot be satisfactorily understood without knowing the operation of the emotional plague and socio-politics (see glossary).  Around 1960 there was a transformation in the form of American society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian.  This was accompanied by the breakthrough of enormous quantities of destructive impulses in the younger generation – expressions of the emotional plague – first manifested as hatred of all authority figures and later, when these young people grew up and became adults, as impulsive or psychopathic behavior. Some of these people became the union bosses, CEO’S of large corporations, politicians, bankers that today populate positions of influence. We know that emotional plague-ridden  individuals are attracted to centers of power because of their need to exert control of people.  The anti-authoritarian transformation of society allowed the emotional plague in the form of psychopathic behavior to spread easily throughout institutions of power. This resulted in the widespread corruption of these organizations followed by people’s loss of trust in them that we are seeing. This subject is covered in my upcoming book, Neither Left Nor Right.

The Emotional Plague Thrives On Being Hidden

A front page article in the May 18, 2010 issue of The Wall Street Journal shows a photograph of Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silvia, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinajad and Turkish Prime Minister Recap Tayyip Erdogan smiling in a group hug to celebrate a nuclear-fuel exchange deal between Iran and Brazil.  The alleged reason given for the move is to “build peace and development with dialogue.” The real reason is to gather political support from other nations to block Americam led U.N. sanctions against Iran in its effort to build a nuclear arsenal.

This is a classic example of the emotional plague in action…the alleged reason given for an act and the true reason are never the same. However, without knowledge of the existence and operation of the emotional plague, the free world is completely at a loss to prevent its destructiveness. The problem is that by remaining hidden from human awareness this pestilence is wrecking its havoc on society. The reason that the disease remains hidden is discussed in my book on the emotional plague.

What Is Happening to Turkey?

Of all the reasons given in Bret Stephens article in The Wall Street Journal (“What Is Happening to Turkey? May 11.2010)  for current events in that country, no mention is made of the single most important determinant of human social behavior: people’s socio-political character structure (see section on socio-political characterology in my book The Emotional Plague: The Root of All Evil).  The political center in Turkey is somewhere to the right of center and the socio-political character structure of most Turkish people belongs on the right and is conservative in varying degrees.

In contrast, the political center in America has, especially since the Obama election, shifted to the far left.  To most Turks who do not have first hand knowledge of the current situation in this country, America appears to be dominated by and driven by the far left.  This view of America makes most Turks anxious and uncomfortable with America and her ally, Israel (America’s favorability rating among Turks is at around 14%) and they prefer to gravitate toward other Moslem “brothers” on the far Right such as Syria.

Without giving serious consideration to the characterological factors driving human behavior, all attempts at arriving at a complete understanding of socio-politics, such as the current deterioration  in the relationship between America and the Turkish people, must remain speculative.

The Emotional Dynamics Between Islamo-Fascists and Western Liberals

Any experienced psychiatrist can predict what will happen in an interaction between two people in which one has sadistic tendencies and the other has masochistic tendencies: the sadistic individual will behave in an aggressively destructive manner toward the masochistic individual. Any well trained social psychologist can predict what will happen between two groups in which one group has sadistic tendencies and the other has masochistic tendencies: the sadistic group will behave in an aggressively destructive manner toward the masochistic group.

This is exactly the situation that exists between a blood-thirsty group – the sadistic Islamo-fascists –  and the masochistic  “peace loving” Western liberals. The Islamic terrorists are preaching jihad against the West and President Obama is not even able to use the term Islamo-fascist or acknowledge that America is actually involved in a war with them.

As they are encroaching on the Western world with their rhetoric of hate, liberals are behaving in helpless, passive retreat on all fronts. According to one jihadist, “Jihad is becoming as American as apple pie and as British as afternoon tea”. The passive response of Western liberals emboldens Islamo-fascists to react ever more violently toward their victim.

This sadomasochistic relationship between Islamo-fascists and Western liberals, if allowed to continue, is a highly dangerous situation that will have dire consequences not only for the West but for the entire world. The subject is discussed in chapter VII of my upcoming book, Neither Left nor Right.

The Socio-Political Red-Shift

The red-shift refers to the shift of the spectral lines of stars to the red end of the spectrum. The sociopolitical red-shift refers to the shift of the political mainstream to the extreme left of center. Ideas and actions that were considered mainstream in political thinking only fifty years ago are now viewed as the ravings of a right wing extremist. Consider the following statements made recently by Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd as an example:
“Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told to get out of Australia, as the government targeted radicles in a bid to head off potential terror attacks…’IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT…TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali, we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians. This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trails and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!…We will accept your beliefs and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us. This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, Our Way of LIFE. I highly encourage ypu to take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, ‘THE RIGHT TO LEAVE.’ If you are not happy here then LEAVE. We did not force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.”
The sociopolitical red-shift is discussed in my book, The Emotional Plague:The Root of All Evil.

We Should All Calm Down About Politics

In his May 4, 2010  New York Times Op-Ed Column entitled The Limits of Policy, David Brooks concludes that we should all calm down about the importance of politics in our lives. Most of the proposals we argue about so ferociously will have only marginal effects on how we live…What matters are historical experiences, cultural attitudes, child-rearing practices, family formation patterns, expectations about the future, work ethics and the quality of social bonds.

Although Mr. Brooks is correct that politics is not the answer, the following questions remain unanswered: Why do so many people persist in holding on to politics for solutions and why does practically every social issue turn into a political battle between the Left and the Right ? These are some of the questions that my upcoming book, Neither Left nor Right addresses. The answer, in part, is that throughout the ages people have always looked outward to external sources for answers to their individual and social problems blaming this or that group or institution. In the past people looked to religion. Today, many people have given up religion and have turned to politics. The Left blames the Right and the Right blames the Left. Neither Left nor Right explains that the presence of human armor (see glossary) operating within people prevents them from seeing that many of the problems that people are faced with in their lives are the result not of external but of internal forces operating within them.

The Failure of Modern Psychiatry

There are an increasing number of psychiatrists who are becoming dissatisfied with the symptom-based direction that present-day psychiatry has taken. An example is to be found in an article written in the April 19, 2010 Magazine section of the New York Times, in which the author, a practicing psychiatrist, states that no longer are psychiatrists interested in understanding the patient’s emotional problem. In knee-jerk fashion they fit the patient into one of many symptom-based diagnostic categories and promptly find the appropriate medication that is supposed to suppress it. In this process the patient and his emotional life are completely ignored. There is no recognition of a satisfactory explanation as to why this degradation in psychiatric practice has taken place. This is because Wilhelm Reich’s contributions to psychiatry have been consistently ignored by the psychiatric establishment. Careful examination of his discoveries by any serious student of psychiatry will show that his discoveries, which include the physical energy that governs all biological functions  (biological orgone energy), the existence of energy blocks, human armor, that impedes its flow resulting in mental and physical illnesses and the orgasm function that regulates the biological energy economy of the organism, provide the solution that was required to place psychiatry on a natural scientific foundation. Without this in-depth understanding of these crucial biological functions it was only a matter of time before psychiatry would degenerate into the present state that it is in today.

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