The Politicization of Immigration

The exacerbation of America’s immigration problem is not only about immigration but, more importantly, about the American left’s undisguised hatred of Donald Trump and his authoritative, pro-American policies.

The left has blatant disrespect for Trump’s presidential authority and the laws of our land. At the same time, the masses of immigrants are encouraged by their leaders (with the help of American legal council) to believe that they have the right to immigrate and reap the enormous benefits such as medical, housing, education, welfare that bonafide American citizens have despite their illegal status.

In the past authoritarian era (prior to around 1960) it was considered a privilege to be accepted as an immigrant by the American immigration system. The right of passage to legal citizenship was treated with mutual respect and dignity by both parties. In today’s far-left oriented anti-authoritarian social order, entrance to America is almost considered a birthright for someone from any part of the world. For the leftists, there is little reason for there to be legal obstacles that prevent someone from entering and living in America without going through the legal process required by immigration law. This attitude masks an expression of contempt and disrespect for the American system of law. It’s blind acceptance by the mainstream media is an indication of how far society has shifted to the political left in recent decades.

The confusion generated by the left regarding the immigration problem is another destructive consequence of the emotional plague’s massive infiltration into American society through the destructive force of socio-politics. The goal of the political left is to destroy the Trump presidency by opposing each and every one of his policies regardless of their merit including those on immigration. In addition, the goal of the emotional plague carrier on the political left is to destroy America by eliminating it’s borders and rendering it defenseless against it’s potential enemies. Without first recognizing the existence and operation of the plague in the immigration problem and addressing it’s pathological symptoms as a true bio-social disease, the immigration problem can only worsen.

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