The Emotional Plague’s Infestation of the Democratic Party

In November 1965, around the time of the transformation of American Society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian, the Supreme Court ruled that individuals may refuse to register as members of the Communist Party as part of their Constitutional right against self-incrimination. This decision seriously weakened the McCarran Act which required not only registration of Communist Party members but also authorized emergency detention of potential subversives in the event of attack or internal insurrection

Today, America is facing the disastrous consequences of this ruling. The emotional plague in the form of several leftist American groups, Communist Party USA (CPUSA), Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism (CCDS), Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) have openly organized an alliance to take over the Democratic Party at every level.

In a May 2018 memo to CPUSA members, party leader, John Bachtell emphasized that its group was collaborating with several left groups and progressive activists to promote unity and coalition building. He stated that including the Democratic Party in its invasive operations to control America was key.

Today, the CPUSA has infiltrated the Democratic Party across the country. Communists are openly and secretly working in Democratic campaigns to the point that it is almost impossible to see the difference between the CPUSA and Democratic Party programs. Disguised and appearing to be identical to the host organization serves to render people confused and defenseless. The emotional plague continues to live unopposed because people are clueless about its existence.

The Relationship Between the Far-left Radical and the True Liberal

The functional relationship between the far-left Radical and the moderate, true Liberal is a dynamic one of attractive opposition. Both political groups belong to and operate within the same Democratic Party. Both operate from different positions on the political left and move politically together in the same direction to the extreme left. The leftist Radical is impatient and moves aggressively to achieve his destructive political agenda. The Liberal follows and supports him compliantly and passively. The Radical is motivated by feelings of hatred and revenge toward all Americans on the political right with a barely concealed wish to bring down the entire democratic system of government in America. The true Liberal retains his feelings of loyalty to America but follows the lead of the Radical to destroy America because he is motivated by his unresolved, feelings of personal guilt that gets displaced and acted out in his leftist political ideology. What is being played out between them in front of everyones eyes is another step in the decline and destruction of American democracy.

The Destruction of the Authoritarian Family

An understanding of the three layers of the human bio-psychiatric apparatus (the biological core, the destructive secondary layer and the surface or superficial layer) is an essential functional tool that must be used to know what is happening in today’s world. Also necessary is an awareness of the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian that started in the early 1960s, a process that is actively destroying what remains of the past social order.

One of the transformation’s early casualties was the complete or partial destruction of the authoritarian family. It fragmented the family by destroying not only the pathological, secondary layer elements such as sexual repression, but also its healthy core functions. In effect, the baby (the biological core) was thrown out with the bath water (the destructive, secondary layer). The generations of young people that came out of these families during and after the transformation were left feeling emotionally adrift. Labelled by sociologists as baby boomers, generation x, millennials etc. according to their time of birth during and after the transformation, these products of the anti-authoritarian era are more out of touch with themselves and the world than the people who were brought up earlier. Their cluelessness places them in danger of being manipulated and controlled politically by today’s far-left “saviors”.

These generations are the social symptoms of the transformation. Some of their individual symptoms include the politicalization of young people who are looking for answers to their personal problems in politics, the deterioration in young people’s respect for authority figures, the decline in social manners, the rise in drug addictions for emotional relief, and a rise in the homeless population throughout America, for instance. Unrecognized by most people, all of these destructive social symptoms are the consequence of a single, catastrophic event, the breakdown of the authoritarian social order and, with it, the destruction of the authoritarian family that existed for thousands of years.

Politicians have no answers. A functional understanding on a bio-social level is required. The central focus must be the restoration of the biological family unit which includes the contactfull application of natural parental authority in child rearing.

The Destructiveness of Mechanistic-mystical Thinking in Psychiatry

In the lead article of the Review section, September 14-15 issue of The Wall Street Journal entitled, ‘Will Your Uploaded Mind Still Be You?’, the author, a professor of psychology and neuroscience at Princeton University attempts to compare the natural science of psychiatry with the operation of a mechanical computer to provide an understanding of how the brain works. He postulates that structural causes in the brain are sufficient to explain biological functions and equates the structure of the brain with the human mind (a psychic function). As a neuroscientist, he is convinced that the brain is comparable to a computer and that “mind uploading,”…”preserving a persons consciousness in a digital afterlife,” will one day happen because “there are no laws of physics that stand in the way.” It just depends on technology that has not yet been invented.

This is an illustration of how the mechanistically oriented scientist resorts to mystical thinking to support his preformed mechanical hypothesis that requires an explanation: The neurons of the brain are “working parts” that are used over and over to “create complexity” …”Information” flows … through “vast connected networks in complex and unpredictable patterns, [somehow] creating the mind” (italics added).

The error of applying mechanistic-mystical thinking to biological functions has been a stumbling block in psychiatry for ages. It will continue until human beings are capable of thinking functionally. The error consists in believing that the structure of the brain determines its biological function. In fact, the reverse is true; biological function determines the brain’s organization. The persistence of this erroneous idea results in scientists remaining clueless about the fact that their armored way of thinking is itself a dead-end. The latest example of this mechanical thinking is that the functioning of the brain is compared to the operation of a machine-like computer.

Armored people will go to any to means to defend themselves from emotionally experiencing their biological roots even to the extent of identifying themselves with robotic computers. The destructive consequences of reducing human life to a machine passes by completely unnoticed.

The Functional Understanding of the Idea of Soul

There is always some reality to all human ideas no matter how mystically distorted they are. The idea of the soul is such an expression of mystical thinking because a biological function (people’s contact with their biological core) is replaced with a psychic, otherworldly idea (“soul”). Demystifying ideas by finding the core of truth in them would go a long way to help people not to become confused and infected with the emotional plague. It would also be an approach to teach them how to think functionally.

The Far-left’s Systematic Destruction of America

The systematic destruction of America by the emotional plague through political activism of the Far-left, in front of everyone’s eyes, is eroding our society in every possible way and yet few people are able to take a step back to see what is happening. Here are some of the ways:

Emotionally, by eliminating feelings of heart-felt love for America.

Historically, by the destruction and rewriting of America’s history.

Geographically, by the elimination of America’s borders.

Economically, by eliminating the free market and replacing it with the socialist state.

Developmentally, by delayed emotional maturation.

Educationally, by replacing individual freedom of thought with groupthink.

Morally, by giving every kind of human thought and behavior equal value (“different strokes for different folks”).

Psychologically, by pretending to be pro-American.

Politically, by infiltrating and controlling the Democratic Party resulting in the destruction of the American two party system.

Socially, by destroying individual authority and replacing it with the collective authority of “Big Brother”.

All of these symptoms of the emotional plague are the result of a single cataclysmic event, the transformation of American society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian.

The Politics of Homosexuality

It is not enough that the function of genital heterosexuality has been minimized by placing it on a social par with homosexuality. The next step in the process of degradation is to eliminate the emotional and biological importance of genital heterosexuality altogether by attempting to scientifically demonstrate that homosexuality is biologically determined.

These attempts have been unsuccessful. Taking into account all the genetic markers that may play a role in homosexuality, one international team of researchers found that genetic variation could account for up to 8% to 25% of same sex behavior in the population studied. When they pooled all the markers to come up with a score for an individual person, the genetic variation explained less than 1% making it practically impossible to predict a person’s sexual orientation behavior based on his or her genome.

But studies such as this one are not enough to convince some people that homosexuality has nothing to do with a genetic predisposition because they have an ideological predisposition to believe otherwise. Like it or not, the inescapable conclusion is that, as of now, the only known factor that determines homosexuality is environmental. Understanding the psycho-sexual factors that determine childhood sexual development would go a long way in providing this knowledge (see “Man in the Trap” by Elsworth F. Baker, M.D.)

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