On The Current Invasion of the Emotional Plague in America

Thanks to the operation of the media in America, the forces of the emotional plague have been elevated and have entered center stage for public attention. The plague’s first step was to destroy the importance of natural, genital, sexuality from the biological core. It did this by confusing every form of perverse human sexual behavior such as transsexualism originating from people’s secondary destructive and superficial social layers and equating it as equally important. The next step was for power-hungry, emotional plague-ridden, far left, politicians and activists to embrace these perverse ideas as their ideology and promote them through their political machinery for public consumption. As a result, the emotional plague is being used today to promote the self-serving ideologies of politicians to increase their power for control over people’s lives.

On How The Emotional Plague Has become Legitimized In America.

In the past authoritarian era, the communist threat and communism were generally recognized by most people as a threat to the American nation and, despite having no knowledge of the emotional plague, this social disease was aggressively and rationally dealt with by our government.

In today’s antiauthoritarian society, the emotional plague has successfully penetrated into the mainstream of American society and as a result, the awareness of the communist threat to our society no longer exists. The plague has dealt with the problem of being recognized as a threat by simply changing its facade and identifying itself as a benign”progressive.” As a result of this maneuver, unrecognized by almost everyone, communism today has successfully infested every segment of our society including the three branches of our government.

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