What is Happening With President Trump? Round Two.

To explain Trump’s post-election behavior as president requires an understanding of his individual character structure. Displaying the features of a phallic narcissistic character with an oral unsatisfied block, he functioned in the business world as a highly successful businessman. As a business leader he was used to being top dog and playing by his own rules. He was able to act aggressively and get things done in the world of business.
However, in his new, unfamiliar world of partisan politics, he is not in charge of his environment in the way he was at home in business. He has difficulty playing by the new rules of politics and getting his political agenda off the ground. In addition, because he is touchy, he becomes frustrated and plays into the hands of his opponents by reacting in a defensive manner when his policies are threatened.
This is a typical feature of people with his character type. His high energy, phallic narcissistic structure leads him to react defensively with poorly directed aggressive attacks blaming others for things gone wrong. Additionally, his oral unsatisfied block leads to loose talking and his defensive whining and complaining like a big baby about how poorly he is being treated by his critics. These self-destructive displays of bad behavior do no credit to him, the presidency or to the nation.

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