“Never do it the political way!”

These were Wilhelm Reich’s words regarding past attempts to improve social conditions through politics. He continues:

“People will get very enthusiastic about it. They will glow. They will burn for you. But their structures won’t follow. Their character structures can’t follow. Then you are in trouble… This discrepancy between what a human being wants, what he dreams of, what he intellectually understands as true and good and what he actually can do, i.e., what his structure, the character structure, really permits him to do, is quite a problem…It is also the gap where religion comes in with the idea of paradise.”

Today, in our anti-authoritarian society, people are being deprived of their illusory hopes in religion as it is being replaced by the a secularized, intellectualized version of it in the form of socio-politics. They are losing whatever contact that they had with themselves at the time when their emotions were tied in to their personal and religious beliefs. Today, people are more out of touch with themselves and their world than they were in the past authoritarian era.

Now more than ever, a functional understanding of what is happening to our society is vital to prevent further degradation. This knowledge is being made available through a lecture series on Social Orgonomy open to the public given by the American College of Orgonomy.

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