The Social Invasiveness of the Anti-authoritarian Transformation

Accompanying the break-up of the authoritarian family spearheaded by the far-left’s attack on the authority of the father in family life, the emotional plague’s invasiveness of American society is as widespread and relentless today as much as it continues to be unrecognized. Here are more destructive social consequences of the anti-authoritarian transformation:

1) The decline of patriotism in young people. According to a Gallup poll released just before the Fourth of July of this year, the share of participants who felt “extremely proud” to be an American was the lowest in the poll’s 18-year history- just 47% down from 70% in 2003. The poll found that ” the younger you are, the less likely you are to say that patriotism is a ‘very important’ value”.

From a bio-psychiatric perspective, young people who are not in touch with their good fortune and gratitude to be living in America and who don’t feel a sense of pride to be an American live in a severe state of cluelessness. They have little if any emotional contact with their biological core. The great danger to all Americans is that these youngster’s inability to feel grateful renders them incapable of defending their freedom to live as they please if the threat to America ever becomes real.

2) The rise in the suicide rate of young people. The suicide rate among young people ages 10-14 years old has increased 56% between 2007 and 2014 according to the report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Since 2007, the suicide rates in general have increased in all ages and ethnic groups during the following decade.

The reason for the rising suicide rate is unclear to child and adolescent psychiatrists. No information is being given about the early history or about the family lives of these young people, factors that are crucial to their emotional development. Not one word is said about the emotional destructiveness to youngsters resulting from the absence of contact with parental authority figures typical in today’s anti-authoritarian families. To make matters worse, leftist ideologues are never taken to task for the harm they do by systematically attacking what still remains intact of parental authority today.

3) The helplessness of mental health professionals. The people whose responsibility it is to deal with the social problems resulting from the anti-authoritarian transformation are incapable of effectively doing their job because they lack the capacity for functional thinking about the social events that are happening. What is required is a method of thinking – functional thinking – that corresponds to the way nature functions. This is contained in the science of social orgonomy.

Wag the Dog

The operation of the emotional plague has taken armored people’s mechanistic-mystical way of thinking and turned every great human achievement into a social disaster. Here are some examples:

The Industrial Revolution of the 19th harnessed large amounts of mechanical energy for the benefit of mankind. A consequence was the production of enormous amounts of wealth in a few people and of sharp differences in the living standards of the population as a whole. Social scientists came along by declaring that since all humans were no different from each other and in order to eliminate the inequality, the wealth produced by the machines should be divided equally with everyone. The publics mindless acceptance of this type of mechanistic reasoning was how the socialist movement first started to foment social trouble in America.

In the middle of the 20th century, with the development of electronic science on the microscopic scale unheard of advances happened in the technology of communication and in the development of computers for the benefit of everyone. Some computer scientists came along and declared that the mechanical computer could rival and even surpass the reasoning powers of the human mind. This led to the idea of “artificial intelligence” (AI) in computer technology, the mystical belief that eventually, human judgement could be replaced by the operations of robots.

Around the same time, with the advent of psychopharmacology, psychiatrists began turning away from having personal contact with their patients and increasingly began using psychotropic drugs to treat them. They replaced the diagnostic system based on an understanding of the whole patient in favor of one focusing exclusively on symptoms. The upshot was that today psychiatric diagnosis and treatment is almost entirely symptom-based, pharmacological and mechanistic. The patient who has the symptom is ignored.

As mechanistic thinking continues to invade and be dominant in the natural sciences, armored humans are slowly and imperceptibly being adapted to function robotically according to the machines that they are creating. This is an entirely new phenomenon in the emotional plague’s destructive attack on human life. As a result, many armored people are in the process of being transformed into a new, neutered, machine-like breed which is unlike any creature that has existed in the history of civilization. More and more, the “tail” (the mechanistic thinker) is wagging the “dog” (the armored, robot-like human).

The Anti-authoritarian Transformation From the Bio-psychiatric Perspective

The past authoritarian social order was based on the combined authority’s of the father, the enforcer of the authoritarian moral code, and the mother, the bearer of that moral code. The formation of the child’s Oedipus Complex along authoritarian lines was safeguarded in intact families by carrying out their parental responsibilities. In the past social order, respect for authority and, in particular, the authoritarian moral code of sexual repression prior to marriage, was the rule.

The anti-authoritarian transformation of American society started around 1960. Around that time, the functions of the traditional parental roles in child-rearing and the structure of the authoritarian family itself became broken. Accompanying the political agitation for the “sexual revolution” movement led by leftist ideologues, young people’s demands for greater sexual freedom was regarded as the magical solution to their yearning for sexual happiness. How this mystical state of happiness was to be realized was never discussed. The inevitable failure of their dreams was the background of the hellish social nightmare that occurred in college and university campuses throughout the nation in the ’60s and in the following decades.

At the same time, according to the new morality of sexual permissiveness, parents had to give up their right to be responsible for their children’s behavior. This resulted, in effect, in the social ostracism (castration) of the authoritarian, “sex-negative” father not only from his own home but from all areas of social life where authority was required. With the new anti-authoritarian, anything goes morality, parents were left feeling impotent while their children experienced social alienation and personal disorientation. Instead of growing up to be independent adults, young people became arrested in their adolescence. Their frustrations often led to all kinds of perverse sexual activities or dependency on illicit drugs for emotional relief (“sex, drugs and rock’n roll”). In effect, the misfiring of young people’s sexual longing into substitute activities was the tragic fate of the post-World War II children, the Baby Boomers, and the generations that followed.

Another consequence of the transformation was that the social mainstream shifted politically to the far-left of center. Today, young people’s sexual longings, frustrations and miseries are still evaded as many of them are looking for political answers from the left for their personal problems. Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and many other political freedom-peddlers from the far-left, are quick to appear on the stage promising outworn (“heaven on earth”) socialist answers to attract as many of the politically gullible, young masses as they can.

As the leftist movement sweeps across the nation and the polarization between the political left and the right becomes irreversable, the demise of the two-party system in America is becoming a certainty. Far-left radicals have successfully infiltrated and taken control of the Democratic Party. With their control of that party together with the political support of many clueless young people, these combined forces are set to destroy what still remains healthy in American society .

“The Commies are Coming!”

In a poem written around the beginning of the 20th century by the American Poet, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow entitled “Paul Revere’s Ride”, the poet describes Revere’s warning to his fellow Americans about the advance of the British forces during the Revolutionary War with the rousing words while on horseback riding through the countryside to mobilize the people: “the British are coming!”. The famous poem was taught and remembered by every school child growing up during the past authoritarian era.

In today’s anti-authoritarian society, children are systematically being deprived of a perspective of historical knowledge to give them a sense of their relationship to their country, to feel respect, loyalty and gratitude to be living in this great nation. In effect, American children are being raised to be clueless about their core feelings and their relationship to their past history – a form of brainwashing. Moreover, their upbringing renders them oblivious to the events that are currently happening in their country as a result of the onslaught by far-leftist political ideologues in and out of government that have actively infiltrated American society.

Imagine if someone cried out with a sense of urgency, the rallying cry, “the Commies are coming!” (to destroy America) in today’s anti-authoritarian society what would happen? The person would either be shouted down as being politically incorrect or a lunatic, treated with contempt or the words would fall on deaf ears.

America’s Wars Against the Emotional Plague

America has been actively battling the emotional plague on two fronts for decades; Militarily and knowingly in the Middle East and elsewhere against the Islamic forces on the political far-right; Ideologically and unknowingly against the forces of the political far-left within America itself. Victory on both fronts is vital for America’s survival.

The operation of the emotional plague is different in both. On a social level, the difference is comparable to that which exists on a medical level between inflammatory diseases, on the one hand, and degenerative diseases such as cancer, on the other. The danger of the Black Fascist on the extreme right is through aggressive and open invasion of the host nation and instilling terror in its population – terrorism. The affliction on society is is easily recognized. Its effect is to rapidly induce fear and paralysis. By contrast, the destructiveness of the far-left, Red Fascist, (communist) is insidious and gradual. It destroys its victim, (for example, the American Nation) by identifying and joining forces with established, political left-leaning political and liberal educational institutions in America such as the Democratic Party and Universities throughout the nation and pretending to be one of them, honest-to-goodness, loyal Americans. The result of this tactic is to slowly induce emotional deadness (cluelessness) and a putrefaction, (rottenness) in the entire society.

The great danger for America is that the existence of the emotional plague from the political extreme left is not able to be recognized by the majority of the public. This is the subject of my forthcoming book, “Clueless”).

Recognizing the Far-left Plague’s Mode of Operation

How many young Americans today are familiar with the words and music to “God Bless America” or The National Anthem? How many of them are capable of feeling love for America and being proud to be an American?

With the continued anti-authoritarian transformation of society and the breakdown of the two party system in America, the relationship between the political left, represented by the Democratic Party, and the political right, represented by the Republican Party, has turned from attractive opposition into antagonistic opposition. The institutions and programs that are for the preservation of the American nation are actively and systematically being undermined by the far-left through political subversion, activism and brainwashing.

The far-left provides the illusion that it is on the side of genuine social change and progress and the far-left media is on board with this strategy because the policies seem novel, exciting and considered newsworthy to a clueless public. Social issues that can be used to incite an element of social anxiety or humanitarian concern such as the destruction of the earth’s atmosphere by human activity (“climate change”) or open borders for all immigrants are actively promoted and are immediately front page news.

However, all of the left’s lofty social and political programs are purely idealistic. They contain nothing of substance but they have one thing in common: They are, in effect, opposed to the rule of law, are in favor of the continued destruction of the American way of life and its system of government and its replacement with a socialist-style social order similar to the now defunct Soviet system.

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