The Bio-social Consequences of the Lockdown

The emotional plague in the coronavirus pandemic began with its mindless destruction of people’s biological work function, the lockdown of the economy. The mechanistic, plague epidemiologist views the work function as if it were a kind of machine that can be mindlessly turned on and off like a switch, with to consequences.

In fact, the biological work function is not machine-like. If people’s biological work function is arbitrarily stopped, the biological energy behind it continues to exist and press for discharge even if it has no productive outlet. Having no way to discharge their energy, people out of work are left feeling anxious and “out of it”. Meanwhile, the marketplace, where human work is done, is abandoned, left unprotected and rendered defenseless to the vicissitudes of the emotional plague.

In this situation, the conditions are ripe for the emotional plague, in the form of a seemingly unrelated incident with racial overtones between a working white police officer and a black suspect, to occur triggering havoc and a nationwide chain reaction with riots, destruction to property and human life.

Unfortunately, the only way that most people will understand what happened is through their armored ways of seeing and thinking, that is, through their moral strait jacket. Nothing will have been learned about the plague to prevent future outbreaks.

Identifying the Emotional Plague’s Operation in the Coronavirus Pandemic

Before the emotional plague can be eliminated it must first be identified. The operation of the emotional plague in the current coronavirus pandemic is in its mindless destructiveness of people’s biological work function by well-meaning mechanistic scientists. The plague individual views the biological work function as if it were some kind of a machine that can be mindlessly turned on and off like a switch without any consequences.

The real problem is a functional one, to address the coronavirus pandemic by simultaneously finding ways not to interrupt the economy and destroy peoples work function. We don’t want to throw out the baby with the bath water. This approach requires people who are able to think functionally, not mechanistically. This problem is not one that the current mechanistically trained epidemiologists are qualified to deal with.

The Political Layering of the Bio-psychic Apparatus

To have a sense of people’s pathological social and political activity, an understanding of the three layers of the human bio-psychiatric apparatus, the biological core, the destructive secondary or middle layer and the superficial layer or facade, is essential.

When people’s impulse originating from the biological core travels outward to the surface and is expressed uninterrupted by armor, pleasurable feelings are experienced that are often accompanied by a sense of gratitude, respect and loyalty for America. These Americans have a sense of their good fortune to be living in this great nation and they have no difficulty expressing feelings of love for their country. Their religion often provides them with contact with themselves.

When biological core impulses are interrupted by people’s armor as they travel outward to the periphery, a qualitative change occurs in their expression. They become twisted, full of hatefulness and socially destructive. For these Americans, gratitude turns into feelings of entitlement and resentment, respect toward others turns into contempt of others and loyalty turns into subversiveness to their nation. These are distorted emotional plague expressions that originate from their destructive secondary layer. They are typical anti-American attitudes of far left liberal/communists that are expressed through their far left politics. Having no core contact or religion to comfort and keep them human, they are chronically unsatisfied and constantly at war with themselves and the world, forever seeking satisfaction through their mystical longings for a better life in this world. “Hope and change” through politics as their solution.

The Hurdle: Recognizing the Existence of the Emotional Plague

There are two reasons why people cannot recognize the emotional plague’s existence and destructiveness:

  1. There are a few exceptional people in the public world, like Mark Levin and Donald Trump, who come close to having an awareness of the plague’s operation. If provided with the bio-psychiatric knowledge about the plague that is currently available, they could possibly “get it”. For them, it is simply a matter of ignorance of the plague’s existence. Levin’s analysis of the emotional plague attack on Michael Flynn by the radical Left on a recent Hannity show (May 14, 2020) is an example.
  2. For most people in the public world, however, it is not possible for them to recognize the plague because of the effects of their armored condition on their ability to see and think clearly. For them, it is a bio-psychiatric problem.

The Emotional Plague in People Thrives on Uncertainty and Confusion

The current coronavirus situation is one of “you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t”. The choice is between saving people’s lives by quarantining them or protecting their livelihood by allowing them to continue working in the workplace. It is the perfect storm for the destructive forces of the emotional plague to take its toll on human life. Economically, it destroys people’s work function. Politically, it turns one group of the clueless public against another. Medically, it continues its destructiveness killing human life. Historically, it will continue unrecognized into the future because, despite people’s best efforts, no one will ever have known, remembered or learned from what had happened.

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