The Far-left’s Ability to Dissemble

Like the cuttlefish that has the ability to change it’s physical appearance by mimicking its environment, the pseudo-liberal/communist can do the same by seeming to look indistinguishable from normal people in its society. No longer do extreme leftists openly call themselves card-carrying communists proclaiming to violently overthrow America as they once did in the past authoritarian era. In today’s anti-authoritarian era they, together with the far-left dominated media call themselves “progressives”, respected leaders and loyal members of the Democratic Party with all the benefits and respect that every member of Congress is given. Unrecognized by most of the clueless public, they only seem to say and do all the right things according to the laws of the land; but, in reality, the effect of their thoughts and actions is to destroy our nation from within, by imposing control of public opinion through the media using the same old communist rhetoric and tactic of past times dressed up in new clothing.

The cuttlefish and the pseudo-liberal/communist have one goal that is the same, to survive by dissembling.

Why the Far-left Has to Erase America’s Past

Far-left ideologues reject America’s historical past because they hate the freedom that the American people have to live as they please. Therefore, almost anything that happened in the authoritarian social order prior to around 1960 in America is categorically rejected according to their anti-authoritarian mantra. This hatred is constantly expressed by rewriting and distorting America’s past history and by destroying the reputation of every great American public figure with authority that lived in the past. By having Americans forget their historical past, their objective is to turn America into a socialist state similar to the defunct Soviet system where authority resided with the politically centralized State. This Far-left’s tactic of the emotional plague is designed to destroy the life of the American people.

Because of severe ocular armor and their highly intellectualized defensive system of thinking, the Far-left’s hatred of authority on the individual level blinds them from using their eyes to see America’s historical past and its greatness without distortion and in true perspective.

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