The Marijuana Problem

A sure fire indication that the emotional plague is in operation is that you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t.  How this applies to the drug problem is that no matter whether or not marijuana is legalized, the decision has destructive consequences.  If the drug is not legalized, a huge black market is created with all of it’s potential criminal results.  If it is legalized, a message is sent to our youth that there is nothing wrong with it.  In the former case, society is functioning in an authoritarian manner and feeding the rebelliousness of our youth.  In the latter case, society is functioning in an anti-authoritarian manner and not providing the guidance that young people sorely need.

To add to the confusion, there is no general recognition regarding the highly destructive medical effects of marijuana. In fact, it is this destructiveness that is the very reason that makes it so popular and the drug of choice for many users. All adolescents and young adults who do not have a satisfying heterosexual life are miserable and angry in varying degrees because undischarged sexual energy regularly gives rise to these feelings.  This is a clinical fact that is known to all medical orgonomists.  Marijuana is highly effective in deadening the emotional life of the users and putting them out of their sexual misery.  Evasion of this essential fact keeps the marijuana problem from being rationally and effectively addressed.

The Courage For Finding A Cancer Cure

An article regarding a cure for cancer recently appeared in The Wall Street Journal ( “A Geneticist’s Cancer Crusade” November 27-28 2010).  In it,  geneticist James Watson, the co-discoverer of  DNA,  declared that “we should have the courage that we can do it.”  He adds a warning: “if we say we can’t do it, we will create an atmosphere where we just let the FDA  [Food and Drug Administration] keep testing going on so pitifully.”  Dr. Watson continues, “The FDA has so many regulations…They don’t want you to try a new thing if there is an old thing that might work.”

It is true that the FDA has placed a stranglehold on any cancer research that is outside of its mechanistic paradigm. This powerful federal agency is an undisguised manifestation of the emotional plague.  It operates autonomously without any check on its sphere of power.  It is also true, as Dr. Watson states, that courage is a necessary ingredient for finding a cancer cure.  But courage, in itself, is not enough.  Modern genetics is limited in its ability to be successful because it deals exclusively with genetic functions and only in a mechanistic, not functional, fashion.  What is missing is a way of thinking that provides an understanding of the origin of the cancer process which is an area that is outside the domain of mechanistic biology.

In his investigation of the cancer process, Wilhelm Reich, M.D. found that the disease is a true biopathy, that is, a pulsatory disturbance of the plasmatic system (which consists of the autonomic nervous system and the vascular system) resulting from the presence of armor (see glossary).  The cancer biopathy involves a particular type of disturbance in the emotional life of the individual.

There must first be correct, functional, understanding of the relationship between genetic (genotypic) and emotional (phenotypic) functions in general.  But this cannot happen until the operation of the emotional plague  in obstructing genuine cancer research is fully and courageously unmasked.  The FDA stopped Dr. Reich’s cancer research in the 1940s and it is interfering with functional cancer research today.  Only when the emotional plague is first exposed will it then be possible to unravel the cancer riddle.

Adolescent Homosexuality

Adolescent sexuality is one of the most anxiety-producing and confusing situations confronting parents today.  The combination of unexpressed misery, neurotic anger and rebelliousness  resulting from the adolescent’s intense sexual frustrations makes this a particularly difficult time for adolescent and parent alike.  The problem becomes compounded because of the following complicating factors:

1. Unrecognized and unresolved sexual and other problems in parents themselves.

2. The breakthrough of enormous quantities of anxiety in the younger generation resulting from the breakdown of the authoritarian family.

3. The sexual over-stimulation and unbridled economic exploitation of an already over-stimulated younger population by the media including, in particular, the entertainment industry.

4. The abundance of sexual misinformation that is being circulated as gospel: The general acceptance of every kind of neurotic (pre-genital) sexual activity and the evasion of any discussion of healthy, genital, heterosexual activity.

The confusion generated by this highly charged and volatile social state of affairs easily triggers the expression of all forms of the emotional plague.  In the case of adolescent homosexuality, the line becomes drawn between those who favor a laissez faire attitude and are willing to permit it and those who see it as a sign of emotional sickness and discourage it.

Unfortunately, both groups see the problem from a superficial, symptomatic perspective.  Even in our age of sexual enlightenment, neither group fully recognizes the particular importance of the role that the sexual function plays in regulating the healthy adolescent’s emotional life and this widespread ignorance and evasion of the essential directly gives rise to these contradictory and irreconcilable points of view.

If Liberalism Is Dead, It’s a Very Powerful Corpse

In The Wall Street Journal article (“Liberalism: An Autopsy,” op-ed, Dec. 4) R. Emmett Tyrrell states that there has been a slow but steady decline of liberalism since the end of the Second World War and that as a political movement liberalism is dead. It is true that the usefulness of liberalism as a social philosophy came to an end after it effectively destroyed the mystical hold that Christianity had on people’s lives.  But how are we to understand that today those on the political Left are more powerful than ever and that America is fighting for its life to not be destroyed by the forces of the political left?

The short answer to this question was addressed in an article that appears in the editorial section of this web-site entitled: “Where Have All the Communists Gone?”  It has to do with the almost complete infiltration of the Democratic Party by characterological communists that started in the 1960s.  Communists accomplished this coup brilliantly by identifying themselves as true liberals without giving up in any way their total adherence to their communist ideology:  In full view of everyone, they are desperately attempting through political activism to impose their leftist ideology on the American public and to turn America into a socialist state.

An understanding of socio-political character allows one to make sense of the contradiction posed by the title of this entry:  True liberals may be on the decline but , with the help of the leftist press, pseudo-liberal/communist extremists have become part of the mainstream left.

What accounts for the success of the extreme left? From a characterological standpoint, the American public’s natural sense of fairness regarding the beliefs of others interferes with their seeing leftist extremists for the criminals that they actually are.  As a result of this naive and dangerous attitude,  pseudo-liberal/communists have become legitimized as part of American politics and the critics of the extreme left are slowly becoming marginalized.

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