On the Destruction of the American Nation Through Politics. June 28, 2022.

America is being destroyed from within in front of everyone’s eyes and no one is able to see the operation of the emotional plague at work. People’s inability to see the destructiveness that is happening must be recognized as a major ocular symptom of the armored masses of the American people. The deterioration of the American nation will continue to accelerate and ultimately bring about its demise. This tragedy will certainly happen unless a sufficient number a people “wake up” and see the destructiveness that is happening before it is too late.

Respect and gratitude for living in this great nation and loyalty to America no longer means anything to an increasing number of Americans today. Therefore, the first and most important step is for people to focus on their ocular disturbance, on people’s inability to see the existence and the reality of the emotional plague in operation, the deadly social disease of armored humans that is destroying our country. The political bickering and looking for solutions on the left and the right, which plays into the destructive objectives of the emotional plague for America, must stop. This is a major, unrecognized bio-social disease manifesting on a national scale, not a political one that can be “fixed” by politicians.

Communism is Alive and Well in the Democratic Party. June 23, 2022.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, husband and wife pseudo-liberal/communist, American activists, advocated the strategy in 1966 of overloading local and state welfare roles creating bureaucratic and welfare disruption and chaos forcing the federal government to assume responsibility for welfare (national “solution” to poverty). This was the stated goal of their program.They hoped to deepen divisions within the Democratic Party itself and the country as a whole creating a drive for a national guaranteed annual income, a disaster that would lead to the nation’s economic destruction. This was their real goal.

The far-left Democratic Party’s response to Covid-19 pandemic over the last 12 years of spending trillions of dollars on social programs has fueled inflation to the highest level in 40 years. Also, paying people more generously than the traditional unemployment rate and for a longer period encourages them to stay home with destructive effects on their work functioning and on the economic health of the nation . Here, the stated goal of helping people at a time of national crisis while producing catastrophic results for millions identifies these actions as the operation of the emotional plague. Although the Cloward-Piven strategy is rarely currently mentioned today, the subversive destructive effects of damaging and undermining the United States economy and fiscal system of today’s economic policies identifies the real goal of the far-left and the CPUSA (Communist Party USA), groups that are out to destroy the nation.

The Emotional Plague Thrives on Public Ignorance and Confusion. (June 16, 2022)

The public’s confusion regarding the differences between healthy (core) and pathological human sexuality has resulted in the eruption of the emotional plague from the destructive secondary layer into public life by legitimizing and promoting all sorts of pathological social attitudes and behaviors from people’s destructive secondary layer.

An example of the emotional plague, targeted for children aged 3-11, is the Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) which is being promoted to “inspire a love of reading, while teaching deeper lessons on diversity, self love and an appreciation of others.” Hosted by drag queens who read children’s books in public libraries, the events are designed to “instill the imagination and play of gender fluidity of childhood and give kids glamorous, positive, and unabashedly queer role models”.

There are at least 50 official chapters of DQSH spread internationally, that hold reading events in public places. The New York chapter incorporated as a non-profit has received funds from the New York Public Library to buy books, pay for queens, and training to ensure that the queens talk effectively to children and their parents about gender identity and drag (See “Drag Queen Story Hour” in Wikipedia).

Politicization is the Plague’s Preferred Method of Destruction for America, June 12, 2021.

From the anti-authoritarian transformation of America that started in the 1960’s we have learned that the emotional plague’s best way to destroy this nation is by dividing it along political lines. Coincidentally, this was the time when the U.S. Supreme Court legitimized communism, which in the past had been generally acknowledged as the expression of human evil. Today, it is considered to be benign, just another form of politics. This was a major step that allowed the emotional plague of mankind, which previously had been contained in people’s destructive secondary layer, to be freely expressed through politics from the social surface. A result was that it permitted political candidates with communist related, past affiliations to be elected to Congress as ordinary candidates. Today, the communist party in America, CPUSA, is protected and placed on an equal footing with any other political party.

Simultaneously, from a functional viewpoint, the 60’s was the time when the relationship of the American two party system, the Democratic and Republican Party’s, changed from one of attractive opposition to one of antagonistic opposition. This change in their relationship made it increasingly impossible for members of both parties to politically work together for the best interests of the American nation.

This subject is covered in my forthcoming book: “The Demise of Politics: A Book of Blogs.”

Emotionally Sick People, Not Guns, Kill People. June 6, 2022.

Focusing on guns as the reason for why people kill is a manifestation of armored human thinking, another symptom of the emotional plague. The focus on guns is a politically based evasion that prevents people from seeing what is happening around them. The process of a person becoming a socially destructive adult starts early in the developmental, childhood years. It has nothing to do with politics.

It takes parents raising children in an emotionally contactful healthy manner that prevents the development of armor In children and its many socially destructive consequences from being expressed as adults. Without applying the knowledge that is available today to the whole of society, child development will continue to be disturbed in varying degrees and some children will become prone to socially destructive behavior in one form or another. Since this is a bio-social, not a political problem, knowledge of emotional human life and development, healthy and pathological, is essential.

In cases of mass shootings, the shooter often issues warning signs telling the world that something destructive is about to happen. It is their desperate, psychotic attempt to retain emotional contact with the real world. Because of the general public’s clueless mind-set, these signs fall on deaf ears until the threatened, tragic event actually takes place.

In the past authoritarian era, things were different. Emotionally crippled, dysfunctional people were usually recognized as mentally ill, and could be responsibly cared for in psychiatric hospitals.

Thanks to the anti-authoritarian transformation of society, the popularization of psychotropic medications and today’s ‘freedom-for-all’ social mantra in the rules of social behavior, institutions no longer exist for the care of this severely dysfunctional segment of the population.

Legislation advocating gun control is simply a misdirected political solution. It is an evasion and another, unrecognized symptom of the emotionally armored politicians’ interference into public life in maintaining their political power.

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