Why Trump is Hated By the Left.

From a characterological perspective,Trump belongs somewhere on the political right. His armor is primarily in his musculature not in his intellect as in the case of leftists. He has a strong moral sense of “right” and “wrong” and probably will not be afraid to use his authority defending his convictions when he feels it necessary to do so.

These are qualities that terrify liberals. The hatred of Trump by people on the left comes from their deep fear of physical aggression and of strong individual – not collective – authority. Not having their aggression at their disposal, their weapon of choice is the use of their intellect. Because they are in conflict internally with their personal fear and hatred of aggression,Trump is seen by them as a frightening individual no different than the old time Nazis.

Leftists unconsciously respect authority out of fear. Their underlying fear of aggression is why they twist social issues into their preconceived belief-systems such as, for example, that all human beings are good and that all social problems can be solved through collective dialogue. These beliefs are supported by their relative morality of political correctness. But, whenever possible, they will reveal their true hatred of genuine authority by acting in subversive ways. This characteristic mind-set is the reason that many leftists are in a state of panic over Trump’s election because the energy behind their personal enmity has no satisfactory social outlet.

By contrast, people on the political right are not in conflict with their feelings of aggression and so have no need to get caught up in politically correct attitudes and ideas.They can respect authority figures and have emotions of affection and even feelings of gratitude for the person in authority.

This distinction based on emotional forces underlying the character structure of people on the left and right is sufficient to explain the social dynamics underlying the political outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

The Morality’s of the Left and the Right

The morality of political correctness is a layer of social armor that developed spontaneously from the character structure of leftist intellectuals in the 60s. It’s functions were to destroy the old authoritarian order and to defend the destructive social consequences that resulted from the anti-authoritarian transformation of society.
Around the same time, the morality of conservatism and the Conservative Party appeared spontaneously from the political right. It’s rational functions were to conserve what was of value in the institutions of the old authoritarian order and to regain stability in social life by politically opposing the destructiveness of the left’s “progressivism.”
But, because of the transformation of society into anti-authoritarianism, the evil genie of social destructiveness (the emotional plague) was out of the bottle and there was nothing that any politician including those on the right could do to reverse the inevitable erosion in social, political and economic life brought on by the forces of the left: Without a doubt, it became clear that politics was not the answer to humanities problems and to its social pathology.

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