Telltale Signs Of Leftist Ideologues

No matter how well they try to conceal their true identity behind a facade of “objectivity”, no matter how well they rationalize their arguments, no matter how hard they try to hide their contempt for the “unenlightened,” leftist ideologues have one characteristic in common that always gives them away: They believe in the perfectibility of human beings.  Based on this belief, they are constantly driven to seek change through political action to solve people’s social problems.  This characteristic  of leftists identifies them as “progressives” and originates from a specific feature in their socio-political character structure: They all function from their superficial layer or facade and their destructive middle layer.  From the superficial  layer comes their idealism and their unshakable view that people are perfectible through political intervention. From their destructive middle layer comes their “case” for political action. From these preconceptions the ideologues believe that they are the chosen ones most qualified to improve people’s lives through their socialistic programs.  All others who are opposed to their belief system become collectively associated with the Right. Thus, the ideological battle that takes place between the Left and the Right comes down to those who want to “fix” people and those who are able to see that the methods of the left simply do not work.

Now, it is true that especially as a result of the breakdown of the authoritarian social order society is in trouble and in dire need of help.  However, these leftist ideologues are not the ones who are capable of improving social conditions because they have little or no understanding of  the biologically rooted emotional forces that play the decisive role in determining human social behavior, healthy as well as pathological.  In fact, the Leftists  are more likely than not to make matters worse with their ” solutions.”  These solutions are always basically the same: Change the surface manifestation of social problems and ignore their underlying biological basis.  The result of this symptomatic approach is that social conditions continue to worsen as they spread to and become embedded in deeper layers of social armor.

Telltale Signs Of Leftist Ideologues

No matter how well they try to conceal their true identity behind a facade of “objectivity”, no matter how well they rationalize their arguments, no matter how hard they try to hide their contempt for the “unenlightened,” leftist ideologues have one characteristic in common that always gives them away: They believe in the perfectibility of human beings.  Based on this belief, they are constantly driven to seek change through political action to solve people’s social problems.  This characteristic  of leftists identifies them as “progressives” and originates from a specific feature in their socio-political character structure: They all function from their superficial layer or facade and their destructive middle layer.  From the superficial  layer comes their idealism and their unshakable view that people are perfectible through political intervention. From their destructive middle layer comes their “case” for political action. From these preconceptions the ideologues believe that they are the chosen ones most qualified to improve people’s lives through their socialistic programs.  All others who are opposed to their belief system become collectively associated with the Right. Thus, the ideological battle that takes place between the Left and the Right comes down to those who want to “fix” people and those who are able to see that the methods of the left simply do not work.

Now, it is true that especially as a result of the breakdown of the authoritarian social order society is in trouble and in dire need of help.  However, these leftist ideologues are not the ones who are capable of improving social conditions because they have little or no understanding of  the biologically rooted emotional forces that play the decisive role in determining human social behavior, healthy as well as pathological.  In fact, the Leftists  are more likely than not to make matters worse with their ” solutions.”  These solutions are always basically the same: Change the surface manifestation of social problems and ignore their underlying biological basis.  The result of this symptomatic approach is that social conditions continue to worsen as they spread to and become embedded in deeper layers of social armor.

The Free Market Is Not The Problem

The emotional plague of armored humans functions to destroy human life.  Since America has the reputation of being ” the land of the free”, the emotional plague is set on destroying every manifestation of human freedom that is to be found there including the marketplace. With the best of intentions, many Americans, according to their socio-political character structure, interfere with and effectively destroy the free exchange of goods and services in America.

The Left sees the free market as corrupt and therefore should be replaced by socialism, a State controlled economic system that is corrupt to the core.  Those on the right extol its virtues but often engage in every variety of criminal and quasi criminal activity the effect of which destroys people’s trust in the marketplace.  Big-brain economists destroy the marketplace by manipulating economic forces from above, ostensibly to “tweak” and “fine tune” it but the effect is to immobilize the freedom in the marketplace .

By putting blame elsewhere, no one recognizes that it is not the free market that is faulty.  It is people’s sick behavior manifested as the emotional plague of armored humans in the marketplace that is responsible for economic problems.  The sickness in the marketplace is simply an indication of armored people’s inability to tolerate the freedom to work that a free market allows.  Destroy the marketplace and you also destroy people’s ways and means of doing an honest day’s work.

The marketplace needs to be protected from the Right by aggressively recognizing and keeping criminals and quasi criminals out of it.  It needs to be protected from the Left by not letting it be taken over by the State.  It also needs to be protected from it’s interferance by clever, well-intentioned economist savants.

The Left Has The Advantage In Politics

The political battle between the Left and the Right is not being played-out on a level playing field and the pseudo-liberal/communist ideologues have the advantage.  This is because the Right operates strictly from the social surface obeying the rules of accepted social and political behavior while the Left pretends to play by these rules, but, in fact, does whatever it can do by any means possible to achieve its destructive political agenda. That is, he functions from his destructive secondary layer. Think of the arm twisting Obama had to do to get the ObamaCare legislation to pass through Congress.  He did this by not operating entirely from the social surface.  He appears to stay on the social surface by talking about the spirit of bi-partisanship.  But he actually acts from his destructive secondary layer by first rationalizing his political agenda as something that he himself  is convinced is best for Americans so that he can then shove it down the public’s throat.

The pseudo-liberal/communist character must act subversively and, whenever possible, break the conventional rules of political conduct.  He is allowed to get away with it because no one has any understanding of the existence of the pseudo-liberal/communist character and the enormous destruction that this character type is capable of doing.  For example, when pseudo-liberals tampered with the voting process by implementing loose voter registration requirements in the 2008 presidential election, in effect breaking the law, nothing was done to address the situation.  This subversive behavior of the Left is strongly defended.  It is ignored by the leftist dominated media.  When someone attempts to expose the full extent of the Left’s destructive extremism, the person is accused of being an extremist himself. Unfortunately, the Right is ill-equipped and too decent to oppose the Left’s crafty underhandedness.

How The Left And The Right View Americans

In today’s divisive political atmosphere, there is a central irreconcilable difference in the thinking of the left and right as to how they view the American people.  Leftist ideologues (pseudo-liberal/communists) live entirely from their superficial layer or facade.  They, therefore, advocate multiculturalism and stress the superficial differences of American people as Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Muslims and so on.  They also emphasize class differences based on people’s poverty level (the “rich”, the “disadvantaged”) whenever possible.  From a functional perspective, these racist and separatist tactics have a destructive  effect on the social fabric by further polarizing and alienating Americans against each other and by doing so they also mobilize the targeted group to vote for the Leftists who are in power in the upcoming presidential election.  The is a political strategy that has the consequence of weakening and ultimately destroying America as a nation as it was before.  Lenin understood that before a communist takeover could occur in a country people first had to be mobilized through political and social activism.  This is exactly how, in the name of progress, today’s leftist ideologues are imperceptibly carrying out their political agenda for America.

By contrast, those on the Right of center have varying degrees of contact with the biological core.  They view America as a melting pot and regard all of its citizens similarly as Americans first and foremost; as Black Americans, White Americans, Hispanic Americans, Muslim Americans and so on.  They view America as an “equal opportunity” country where all Americans regardless of their background and circumstances can satisfy their core needs if they are willing to work for it.  This is a positive, tolerant and inclusive view of people that has the effect of preserving the integrity of American democracy.

The Perils In Capitalism

Capitalism consists of the means of production (tools, machines, plants etc.) that contributes to or enhances productive human work and, from that, to the improvement of human life.  Capitalism is a healthy, core economic function.

There is nothing inherently destructive in the function of capitalism.  However, since the emotional plague of human beings is attracted to centers of power, it is strongly attracted to and destructive of capitalism.  In general, the emotional plague’s mode of attack on capitalism depends on the socio-political character structure of plague ridden individuals.  Those on the political right express the plague in them through destructive economic behavior such as greed (crony capitalism), theft, colluding with legislators and bureaucrats to disrupt the marketplace and so on.  Those on the political left express hostility toward capitalism defensively through their intellect. Their support in enacting  socialistic legislation is to destroy the marketplace.  Their goal is to  transfer the function of capitalism and the center of power from the private sector (private capitalism) to the State ( state capitalism). (Successful entrepreneurs belonging on the political left do not support capitalism because of their fear of physical expression of aggression and competitiveness in the marketplace.)

These different ways that the emotional plague attacks the function of capitalism allows both the left and the right to blame each other. By so doing they avoid looking within at their own destructive behavior.  The existence of the plague and it’s destructiveness  continues to be unnoticed while the core function of capitalism-improving people’s standard of living when not interfered with by armored humans-remains ignored.

The System Of Checks And Balances In American Government Has Failed

One of the safeguards against tyranny instituted by the Founding Fathers was a system of checks and balances of power by separating the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government.  However, this system could only work as long as people had the capacity for rational thinking and the authoritarian social order, where authority resided in individuals and on local social levels, was intact.  The authoritarian social order in America was the foundation that made it possible for a division of power to exist.

With the anti-authoritarian transformation of society, there was a shift in the political mainstream to the left of center with an enormous concentration of power transferred to the Federal Government.  The power of individuals to rationally think for themselves has been largely replaced by the collective ideology of the political left in a majority of those in the three branches of the Federal Government.   The only remaining life-positive force to oppose this destructive ideology resides in the voting power of the American people in the 2012 elections.

The Emotional Plague Prospers On Socialism

Before Congress and the American voting public start mindlessly enacting and supporting socialistic legislation as a solution to social problems they must first be mindful of its dangerous consequences.  These have to do with the existence and the operation of the emotional plague of mankind. Why is this so?  Because the plague operates by being attracted to and concentrated around centers of power.  Socialism operates by transferring and concentrating money and power from individuals and local centers of power to the State. The greater the power concentrated in the State the greater will it be in the hands of emotional plague individuals masquerading as well-intentioned progressives telling the public what they are free to do and not do.  People’s blindness to the plague is the reason that there can be no real solution to social problems and why social conditions will continue to worsen until people come to grips with the emotional plague of mankind.

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