The Final Stage in the Destruction of Psychiatry: Eliminate Diagnosis

The once highly respected specialty of American psychiatry is being destroyed by the emotional plague in the following stages:

Stage 1. It first started with the destruction of Sigmund Freud’s reputation as a psychiatric pioneer. Entire books were written in the 1960s in a campaign to discredit his clinical discoveries.

Stage 2. Now it was possible to reject his psychological theories of the libido and of the importance of the psychosexual factors in human emotional development.

Stage 3. These important theories were replaced with diagnostic manuals such as the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) of the American Psychiatric Association. They were seemingly objective attempts to provide a common diagnostic language for psychiatrists based strictly on the patient’s symptoms.

Stage 4. The symptom based system could not work because any symptom can be a part of in any diagnostic category. However, it now became possible for the psychiatric researcher to declare that the DSM system is “scientifically meaningless” and to recommend that mental health professionals should “think beyond diagnosis and consider other explanations of mental distress, such as trauma and other adverse experiences.” These vague recommendations to understand psychiatric disorders were enough to reveal their uselessness. It was the final step in the rejection of psychiatry as a legitimate medical discipline.

Recognizing the importance of emotional disturbances in psychosexual development is the only way that it is possible to have a legitimate psychiatric diagnostic system. The result of rejecting the crucial importance of these psychosexual factors is that the psychiatrist is left in limbo. Having no framework for understanding the patient’s pathology in a physical manner, the science of psychiatry, in effect, is now becoming extinct.

What Are Emotions?

Emotions are the perception of bio-energy moving radially (in and out) in the organism. There are five basic emotions: Love, Fear, Rage, Sadness and Longing.

What is emotional health?
In an emotionally healthy individual, biological energy moves freely in the body. The build-up of energy beyond a certain level gives rise to sexual excitation and a drive for discharge of excess energy in the genital orgasm. Called orgastic potency, this capacity is the criterion of emotional health.

What is emotional illness?
In an unhealthy individual the movement of bio-energy is impeded by emotional blocks or armor. Since the capacity for complete orgastic discharge is disturbed, the residual, undischarged energy leads to the symptoms of emotional illness.

What are emotional blocks/armor?
Emotional blocks are the immobilization (stasis) of bio-energy in various organs of the body. It is mostly held in the musculature (muscular armor) and the person’s character (character armor).

How are emotional blocks/armor recognized?
Some common manifestations are disturbances in thinking, destructive acts and symptoms such as anxiety, depression etc. well-known in psychiatry.

What are the effects of these emotional blocks?
Emotional blocks result in sexual disturbances and other psychiatric symptoms as well as every kind of pathological social behavior and thinking.

What is the origin of these emotional blocks?
Emotional blocks (armor) are formed during the individual’s developmental period from birth to around the age of five or later.

How do these emotional blocks originate?
They are the result of life-negative, socially destructive influences on a young child’s emotional development.

Can people’s emotional blocks be removed?
This can be performed by physicians who are specifically trained in the removal of emotional blocks. The social manifestations of these blocks can also be addressed by psychologists and social workers who are trained to work in the social realm.

Is medication ever used?
The function of psychoactive drugs is to deaden emotions. Medication is used only when the patient cannot function without it. One of the goals of therapy is to bring the patient to be able to live free of the effects of medication.

How long does therapy last?
For relief of superficial symptoms, therapy can take a few sessions. For removal of deeper layers of armor, therapy can last for several years.

Can therapy be performed by anyone?
In order to become qualified as a medical orgonomist, the physician must be accepted, trained and approved by the American Board of Medical Orgonomy. In addition, non-physicians can be trained to qualify in the practice of social orgonomy.

How is medical and social orgonomy different from other therapies?
It is based on an understanding of the psychiatric discoveries of Wilhelm Reich, M.D. These are:
The biological energy that is the basis of living functions
The armor that interferes with it’s movement
The orgasm function that regulates it

How can I find out more about this form of therapy?
To learn more about medical orgone therapy see the website of the American College of Orgonomy:

Taking The Psyche Out Of Psychiatry

The following is an excerpt from my forthcoming book, “Clueless”:

“In the past, psychiatrists were physicians who dealt with the patient’s psychic as well as somatic functions. Today, psychiatrists solely deal with the patient symptomatically by prescribing medication. For them, the patient’s psyche is not in their medical province.

According to current psychiatric thinking, the source of the patient’s mental illness, as defined by the DSM system, is the result of localized pathology in the brain. This is mechanistic thinking and a throwback to the 19th century when it was commonly believed that each part of the brain was a center for designated psychic faculties such as reasoning, empathy etc. The psyche was equated with the human brain.

This return to an antiquated view of the psyche came about in three stages. First, Freud’s psychologically based ideas on sexuality (libido theory) had to be repudiated by mainstream psychiatry. Then, the source of psychiatric illness could be replaced by the idea of brain localization. Finally, it could follow mystically that drugs could somehow be “tailor made” to target the brain for every psychiatric disorder.”

The Real Source Of Poverty In America

Unlike many other countries, the freedom and the opportunities to acquire skills and to work is still available in America.  This is why people have always flocked to America from all over the world.

According to tradition, healthy Americans are supposed to work and be self-sufficient.  Yet, there has been a decline of industriousness in the number of able-bodied men in the work force (see “The New American Divide” by Charles Murray, The Wall Street Journal, Jan. 21-22 2012). Although Mr. Murray is correct in his assessment of the situation, he does not get to the root of the problem. The question, why many people today do not take advantage of the opportunities that are available to learn and work, is never asked.  This is because knowledge of the importance of work in regulating social life from a biological point of view is outside the frame of general thinking.  What is not understood is that work is a biological function that in an increasing number of  Americans is in danger of being completely destroyed. The poverty that exists in America today is the result of the destruction in people’s biological work function.  The problem of poverty in America is not the result of economic factors such as class differences which, in general, are actually the result and not the cause of  the poverty.

The degradation in the work function in Americans is the direct result of two forces: 1) The breakdown of the authoritarian social order which led to the disintegration of the authoritarian family and 2) The introduction of illegal drugs into American society.  In the authoritarian era prior to 1960, many men with a poor work function were obliged to work compulsively because of social pressure placed on them.  With the anti-authoritarian transformation of society, the traditional roles of males in the family as husband, father and breadwinner was lost.  There was no longer such external expectation placed on them to function in those roles.

The current administration’s promoting all kinds of welfare programs is obviously a self-serving tactic to buy votes from the electorate so that they can have political and economic control over their lives.  To make matters worse, welfare programs bring out the worst in the recipients by destroying whatever remains of their self-pride and their capacity to work and also by encouraging a sense of entitlement in those emotionally dependent people who always want something from their government.   A manifestation of the emotional plague, these programs function to cover up doing something about the real source of poverty in America (a disturbance in the biological work function),  and to secure the power of those who benefit from them.

The Problem With Today’s Psychiatric Therapies

At the root of the problem with all psychiatric therapies is the lack of a functional understanding of a whole series of interrelated, unanswered fundamental questions starting with what constitutes emotional health and sickness?   From this question, the following questions logically arise: What are emotions?  What is an emotional disturbance?  How can emotional disturbances be classified scientifically to provide a rational system of diagnosis and treatment?   Without satisfactorily answering all of these questions it is not possible to arrive at a rational, causal method of psychiatric therapy.

Unfortunately, these questions cannot be adequately answered because people’s armored condition prevents them from thinking functionally.  Instead, today’s approach to psychiatric therapies falls into two general categories, mechanistic or symptom-based treatment and mystical or “holistic” treatment.   Symptom-based approaches to diagnosis, and treatments such as drug therapy and behavior therapy are superficial and of limited value.  From an etiological point of view, any symptom can appear in any diagnostic category.  The holistic approach does away with the problem of symptoms by focusing on the patient’s “wellness” and the “whole patient” but it evades the problem of diagnosis altogether.

From a functional view, the clinical significance of any symptom is the function that it serves in relation to the individual’s particular character diagnosis.  Therefore, understanding the patient’s character structure comes before the significance of the symptom can be understood.  This is why it is not possible to correctly treat a psychiatric disorder from a curative point of view without first having established an accurate diagnosis.

Rather than deriving their clinical thinking from their clinical observations, armored therapists force their observations to fit into their preconceived mechanistic-mystical ways of thinking, thereby doing a grave disservice to their patients as well as bringing about the destruction of a once highly respected profession.

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