Sundays in the City: Then and Now

Living in Manhattan in New York City during the authoritarian era (the 30s, 40s and 50s) life was very different from the way it is today. On weekdays there was a great deal of economic and social activity in the city. But on Sundays, everything became quiet. Sunday was a day of rest. Except for some food markets and restaurants, all stores were closed and business took a day off. The only activities that occurred were social, such as going to church and visiting families, signs of the intactness of a traditional social order

Then things changed. Unrecognized at the time, it was the beginning of a monumental change in the social order. It was the beginning of the transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian, a time when all forms of social organization and traditions on every level gradually began to break down.

It was then that the idea of politics as the leftist’s solution to humanity’s problems became connected with the emotional forces that were being expressed by young people. Fueling the transformation was the breakthrough to the surface of powerful forces contained in young people’s yearning for sexual happiness. The term “sexual revolution” that was used by communist ideologues aided the movement. People from the older generation reacted by being stymied and in a state of bewilderment. They had never before experienced anything like this kind of social upheaval in America.

Still unrecognized to most people, this was the time of the breakthrough of the great, destructive secondary layer of armored people, which we recognize as the emotional plague, and the beginning of the end of the social order of the past.

The Left’s Systematic Plan to Destroy the American Nation

Through having undistorted, continuing contact with their past, the lives of healthy people and nations grow and prosper.

Destroy the people’s past and you’ll have them eating out of your hand. There are two ways that armored people can lose contact with the memory of their nation’s past which depend on differences in their socio-political character structure. Those on the political right preserve the past but distort it by mystifying and glorifying it. The effect of this method is that it allows people to retain some level of emotional contact with themselves and their nation’s past. The result is that social tradition and the continuation of society is secured. By contrast, those on the political left destroy people’s emotional contact with their nation’s past and eliminate the memory of it in every way possible. Some examples of this anti-authoritarian tactic of social repression include the following: Rewriting history books to fit pre-existing leftist ideological beliefs; destroying public statues and monuments that represent great historical figures; indoctrinating college students to question the value of past traditions and of historical leaders; destroying the American Constitution and replacing it with their personal interpretation of it; eliminating the traditional role of police authority; destroying people’s emotional feelings of patriotism for their nation, etc. These are examples of a highly perfected communist tactic that has been repeatedly and successfully used by leftist ideologues for over a century. This is the typical way that the emotional plague from the political left always operates.

The final effect of erasing past history and tradition is to destroy whatever emotional contact people have with themselves and their identity as Americans. The next step is that people can easily be turned into helpless, mindless automatons who then will be at the mercy of highly organized, American communist ideologues directing their lives as they please and, by so doing, will bring about the complete destruction of the American nation.

This was predicted by the Communist leader Nikita Krushchev in 1959 who said: “Your children’s children will live under communism. You Americans are so gullible. No, you won’t accept communism outright; but we will keep feeding you small doses of socialism until you wake up and find you already have communism. We will not have to fight you; We will weaken your economy until you will fall like overripe fruit into our hands.” ” The democracy will cease when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.”

Why People Can’t “Get” the Emotional Plague

In today’s anti-authoritarian society the emotional plague, like the coronavirus, has taken on the dimensions of a pandemic. But, in contrast to the coronavirus, it operates in front of everyone’s eyes without being seen. Before positive changes can occur in our disintegrating society, people must first have an awareness that the existence and operation of the emotional plague can operate in any person and that it can be played out in almost every area of social life,

The reason that people can’t “get it” that the emotional plague exists in them and in others is because of the distorted ways that they habitually think. Whether they know it or not, people usually think about themselves and others in moral – good versus bad – terms. Based on the effect of armor on people’s thought processes, this distorted way of thinking is a barrier that prevents them from looking at personal and social problems from a scientific, functional perspective. According to moralistic thinking, since the emotional plague is “bad”, how could everyone including oneself be a carrier? However, the emotional plague is a disease, a bio-social, medical condition similar to any other pathological state of humans. Like other medical diseases, it is understood and treated as such.

Only when the emotional plague is accurately recognized for what it actually is, not as a moral failing, by a sufficient number of people as a truly pathological condition in the social realm that is present in latent form and can appear socially in all armored humans including oneself, will it be possible to correctly “treat” its highly contagious and destructive social symptoms. This is an area where the natural scientist who is knowledgable in the functional science of social orgonomy will be of help.

For those not familiar with the term emotional plague, I suggest reading the section on Socio-Political Character Types in Man in the Trap, by Elsworth Baker.

The Emotional Plague in Everyday Life: #1

One of the safeguards against the emotional plague in the past authoritarian era was the idea of the presumption of innocence. In those days, a person was presumed to be innocent until he was legally proven to be guilty in a court of law.

With the anti-authoritarian transformation of society, the emotional plague has broken through the social surface and this requirement is no longer necessary. Today, a public figure is more often than not assumed to be guilty as soon as he is charged with a crime. This change in the belief of being automatically responsibile for criminal behavior once charged is the result of the invasion of the emotional plague into the social mainstream in today’s anti-authoritarian society. It is now becoming an everyday matter to charge and identify someone as a criminal simply by accusing him of a crime.

A recent example of the use of this tactic was the political Left’s attempt to destroy the Trump Presidency. This is a favorite trick used by today’s leftist ideologues and their media that goes back to the days of the French Revolution. All that was needed in those days to send someone to the guillotine was to accuse a person of the “crime” of being Loyal to the King. See The French Revolution and the Emotional Plague in the upcoming (volume 52\2) issue of The Journal of Orgonomy. The emotional plague is alive and well in today’s world just as it was in 18th Century France when the French King and Queen were murdered by fanatic, leftist mobs.

Two Ominous Signs of Clueless Americans

  1. The transformation of society from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian is not recognized.
  2. There is a reversal in the layering of the bio-psychic apparatus. Expressions and behaviors from the destructive secondary layer such as looting, destroying public property and glorifying Black criminals is tolerated while people who defend people’s core life functions (the police) are denigrated and criminalized.

The Functional Dynamics of Protests and Demonstrations

To have a functional understanding of protests and demonstrations, knowledge of the layering of the human bio-psychic apparatus, the biological core, the destructive secondary layer (the repository of the emotional plague) and the superficial layer, is essential.

Protests and demonstrations start from the superficial layer of people’s armored structures seemingly to redress some surface, social injustice. But in today’s anti-authoritarian social order, this is just a pretense that passes by completely unnoticed by a clueless public. Very soon to follow, with rising acts of provocation by the mob of protestors, the destructive forces from the secondary layer of armored humans erupt, gain momentum, turn violent and demand action for immediate social change accompanied by widespread looting and destruction of private property. The seemingly benign political activity quickly degenerates into the emotional plague. This protest-provoke formula, a tactic of today’s leftist ideologues, must be recognized by every opponent of the emotional plague as an age-old communist trick used by the political far-left from the early beginnings of the communist movement in the 20th century.

The left’s acts of provocation have the desired benefit of potentially exciting a physical reaction from the political right including the police so that charges of police brutality can be brought against them. In today’s era of mass cluelessness, people are more than ever in a state of helplessness and unable to defend their freedom. In this advanced stage of the emotional plague invasiveness into our society, nothing can be done by police intervention because it would result into an exacerbation of an already explosive situation and an acceleration of widespread social chaos and carnage. The destructiveness of the plague will be closer to accomplishing its final goal, the destruction of the American Nation.

Our hope is for people to develop a functional understanding of the social processes underlying the emotional plague’s operations so that future outbreaks can be aborted.

The police and others in government agencies that are in positions of authority must recognize these destructive actions for what they are, as acts of provocation originating from the secondary destructive layer of organized, emotionally sick, people. Individuals in authority must gain the necessary knowledge, courage and public backing to do their respective functions by exposing the provocateur’s destructive activity to the world so that the public can have their eyes opened to see what is happening. The public, on the other hand, must recognize the distinction between honest ideas and actions that originate from the biological core and perverse ones originating from people’s destructive secondary layer. They must recognize that the reason for the provocateur’s protests and demonstrations have nothing to with the First Amendment Right of freedom of expression. They are, in fact, its perversion originating from the emotional depths of sick people dedicated to the destruction of the United States of America. The problem is a gigantic one of people’s cluelessness.

The Emotional Plague’s Operation From the Left

The emotional plague from the political far left operates by systematically destroying American’s contact with themselves in the present and with their historical past in every possible way. Some of these include:

1. Bury America’s real history and rewrite a new history in a way that historical events are distorted to fit the new left’s view.

2. Destroy all monuments related to America’s memory of the past.

3. Teach young Americans a new way of thinking and behaving about right and wrong based on the morality of political correctness.

4. Inject guilt in the minds of today’s white Americans by accusing them of being the ones responsible for the past injustices of slavery and of present-day crimes to blacks.

5. Destroy the authority of the police by showing guilt-ridden white American police officers passively submitting themselves to be humiliated in public.

This strategy of the emotional plague is part of the anti-authoritarian transformation of American society into a Socialist State. It functions as a form of repression on a social level designed to render the American population to become more helpless and out of contact with themselves so that they can be manipulated to do the bidding of leftist ideologues at will.

Racism is One Symptom of a Disease, the Emotional Plague

The emotional plague is a two edged sword that can appear as sadism or masochism. It can either come from the side of a sadistic white, racist police officer who murders a black suspect under investigation or it can come from the side of masochistic black, racist provocateurs who react to this incident in a knee-jerk, divisive fashion by politicizing the tragedy into one in which all blacks are portrayed as the victims of white sadism and all whites are capable of behaving in a sadistic fashion against blacks.

Sadism and masochism originate from a common source, from the destructive secondary layer that exists in all armored humans which is the repository of the emotional plague. Both behaviors are highly destructive to the well-being of society. They must be recognized as a manifestation of a human disease, the emotional plague, so that the symptoms can be treated effectively like any other infectious illness and not turned into a politically divisive social issue resulting in a nationwide eruption of the emotional plague.

The Misfired Function of Protests and Demonstrations

The function of public protests and demonstrations are people’s mystical expressions of their personal longings for a better life in today’s world. And the political left, freedom peddler is there ready to promise them that they will take care of them and make their wish come true. This is the pathological, highly destructive dynamic of the social relationship that is now being played out in America and the rest of the “free world.” Like sheep being led to the slaughter, the clueless public and many in government are playing directly into the hands of the Devil, the emotional plague.

Protests and demonstrations are symptoms of armored people’s helplessness and their inability to take advantage of the enormous opportunities that are still available to them to work for a better life for themselves and to fulfill their dreams.

In today’s anti-authoritarian society there are no longer genuine authorities such as parents and educators to guide young people because the authorities have given up their responsibilities to direct and teach. There are no longer the police to maintain social order so that people can run their lives in peace. Instead, the authorities have given in to young people’s hate-based, demands and have perversely accepted responsibility for their personal problems. By doing so, they have entered into a sadomasochistic relationship with sadistic, anti-authoritarian ideologues on the political left. The consequences of this pathological relationship is chaos with the political forces of the Left and the Right ending up battling each other while the functions of the family and of the government are being destroyed in front of everyone’s eyes.

On Recognizing the Emotional Plague

Not recognizing the existence of the emotional plague in daily social life is a tragic handicap for Americans. The underlying dynamics of the current social crisis regarding the widespread destruction and looting occurring in cities throughout the nation is clear. What is not clear is that they are acts of personal revenge on an individual level and acts of terrorism on a social level on the part of a highly organized group of provocateurs. The element of revenge reveals the emotional component of the emotional plague. As a side effect, these actions are designed to provoke an aggressive response from the police who are viewed as the hated father figure that, together with the the American Nation, must be destroyed. If they respond by reacting physically to the provocation, the police will then be viewed by the gullible, anti-authoritarian, left oriented public and the far-left media as the hated “authority figures”. America will be in a no-win situation. You’re damned if you respond and you’re damned if you don’t. The emotional plague will have accomplished its destructive goal once again against this Nation.

An understanding of the three layers of the human biopsychic apparatus, the core, the destructive secondary layer and the social surface, is essential to know what is happening. It is a social problem of the organized emotional plague involving the destructive secondary layer containing the hatred of a large group of emotionally sick people. It cannot simply be addressed rationally from the perspective of a social surface phenomenon as some people currently would like to believe.

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