Why There Can Never Be A Truce Between The Left And The Right

Political ideology originates from the basic contradiction in the structure of every armored human being: the longing  for greater freedom and happiness on the one hand and the desire for safety and security on the other.  In America, liberal ideology is determined by and is the expression of the underlying hope for the promise of freedom and universal happiness. Liberal ideologues have no sense of people’s  biophysical limitations based on their armored condition.  Conservative ideology is determined by the belief that these desired states of being, if not unrealistic are, at the very least, not practically attainable beyond what people actually have.  Therefore, people in America should count their blessings and feel  grateful for what they have.

From a biophysical standpoint, ideological differences are the result of differences in people’s pattern of armor. In general, liberal characters have greater amounts of ocular armor relative to muscular armor.  Relying solely on their intellect, they see the world idealistically, that is, the way they would like it to be. This distorted and highly destructive view permits them to come up with political and social “solutions” that they mistakenly believe will solve social problems.  The pattern of armor is reversed in conservative characters.  In general, they have less ocular armor and more muscular armor.  Conservatives are in better touch with reality and recognize their limitations in being able to bring about social improvement. These biologically based differences in the pattern of armor account for the ideologies of the Left and Right and is the reason that they can never see eye to eye on any particular social or political issue.

The Triumph Of Mechanistic Thinking In The Social Sciences

In every one of the natural sciences, the destructiveness of mechanistic thinking is contained in its characteristics:

1) It is causal in a mechanistic way.  For example, all that needs to be done to have a democratic society is to get rid of the repressive regime.  Nothing is said of what the conditions in social living must be before this change from a dictatorship  to a democracy can happen or why the repressive regime has been in power in the first place.

2) Quantitative factors to achieve a democracy are the only ones that are considered important; qualitative factors are ignored.  For example, what is necessary to have a successful revolution is to have a majority of people who are opposed to the regime in power.  It does not matter whether or not these people share the same ideas about what the goals of the revolution are.  These qualitative differences in people’s socio-political character structure, which in reality may be insurmountable, are things that somehow can be worked out later.

3) Only external, environmental factors are important in determining human behavior; internal factors such as people’s emotional dependency on others and their inability to do productive work do not count.  Thus, the effects of character armor in influencing how people think and behave in society can be effectively ignored and the source of human destructiveness pass unnoticed by almost everyone.

History has repeatedly shown that when  dictators have been brought down and people are faced with having to govern themselves, their political differences, inability to organize rationally and personal problems come to the surface.  Then, social armor becomes even more entrenched and social conditions become worse than they were before the revolution.

The Biological Origin Of Political Correctness

In his article “The Origins of Political Correctness” which appeared in volume 43, number 2 issue of  The Journal of Orgonomy, Bill Lind describes political correctness as “the disease of the century,” the distorted expression of Marxist ideas translated from economics into cultural terms.  Although correct from an historical standpoint, his understanding of the origins of political correctness are limited to the more superficial socio-economic realm.  It does not take into account the powerful biological forces residing in people’s depths that have rapidly made political correctness the dominant form of morality in twenty-first century America.

The transformation of social armor from authoritarian to anti-authoritarian that began around 1960 was accompanied by a corresponding change in the structure of individual armor.  Prior to that time, in most adults armor was contained in the skeletal muscles.  With the transformation of social armor, a shift occurred in the pattern of armor of young people from the musculature to the brain.  Ocular armor increased at the expense of muscular armor in a large segment of the adult population.  This shift resulted in a dramatic change in the way morality was experienced and expressed.

The authoritarian morality of the past originated to a great extent from muscular armor.  Its function was to preserve the authoritarian way of life.  With the shift of individual armor from the musculature to the brain in a large number of young people there occurred a qualitative change in morals.  Authoritarian morality with its absolute distinction between right and wrong based on emotional feelings became replaced by political correctness, an expression of a qualitatively different kind of morality originating exclusively from the brain.

Functioning to establish the anti-authoritarian social order over authoritarianism, the morality of political correctness is a highly infectious and pernicious  manifestation of the emotional plague because it appeals to people’s intellect and it is well rationalized as being for the common good of everyone.

The Socio-political Dynamics Of A Con Operation

As in the case of individuals, a con operation in the socio-political arena involves the dynamic interaction of two forces.  With two individuals there is, on the one hand, the person who has an emotional or material need for something and on the other, there is the con artist waiting and ready to “supply” this need.  The relationship between the investors and Bernie Madoff with his Ponzi scheme is a classic example.

The same relationship exists in the socio-political realm.  Here, the two forces are the emotionally crippled, helpless  public who have a neurotically based material need to be given something on the one hand, and the freedom peddlers in government who seem to be able to supply this need; for example, by providing low interest mortgage loans or “free” health care coverage, on the other.  Borrowing from Peter (the productive, taxpaying segment of society) to pay Paul (the non-productive, non-taxpaying segment) is an example of a huge Ponzi scheme that is operating by politicians in the Federal government in front of everyone’s eyes.  The con operation happens mostly unnoticed because an ever increasing segment of the American public believes that  they are in need of being taken care of and the responsibility is quickly assumed  by leftist-oriented  politicians of both parties ready to take advantage of the situation. Most importantly, this situation does nothing to improve the quality of life of the people that are supposedly being helped. It makes them even more dependent on the government than they were before. It also further erodes the free market as it lines the pockets and increases the power of the con artists acting collectively in politics.

The way to stop a con is to expose it.

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