Ahmadinejad’s Strategy

On September 24, in response to Iranian President Mahmoud Amadinijad’s anti-Israel, anti-American speech to the United Nations, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a talk to the same organization condemning  Mr. Amadinijad’s anti-Semitic rants. In that same speech Mr. Ahmadinejad stated that most people believe that the U.S. government committed the 9/11 attacks. What is to be made of his tirades?

They should not be dismissed as the rantings of a crackpot.  His comments must be taken seriously as part of a well-calculated strategy to undermine the world’s opposition to the Iranian government’s legitimacy.  The comments were designed as a blow to the free world both within and outside of Iran and it resulted in an immediate victory for the cause of militant Islam for the following reasons:

1) From the reaction of the members of the General Assembly, it provided him with valuable information about the strength of the world’s opposition to the Iranian regime’s internal and expansionist policies.  Out of the entire General Assembly membership of 192 countries, only diplomats from 30 countries walked out of his speech (less than one sixth).  By not walking out, in effect, the remaining five-sixths of the members went along with him.

2) It provided him with a forum to tell millions of Muslims all over the world who have no access to the truth what he wanted them to believe.

3) It provided him with an opportunity to intimidate those in the West who are fearful of aggression and show them that he is able to mock and show contempt for the most powerful nation in the world and get away with it.  From getting away with uttering outrageous statements to getting away with atrocious deeds such as building and using nuclear weapons is but a step.  Furthermore, his tactic promulgates the myth that the Islamic conquest of the Western world is inevitable.

4) From his authoritative position as president of  Iran, he succeeded in casting doubt in the minds of those who are always looking at America’s faults on the truth of who the perpetrators actually were in the 9/11 attack.

5) And lastly, creating doubt about the perpetrators also helps to weaken opposition to building a mosque near Ground Zero.

Can Muslim Societies Be Compatible With Democracy?

This important question cannot be answered without a working knowledge of sociopolitical characterology, the manner in which individuals mold their environment through their ideas and attitudes to fit their personal requirements.

Because of their strict authoritarian upbringing, most Muslims belong on varying degrees on the right of the sociopolitical spectrum beginning with the conservative Muslim to the immediate right of center, followed by the extreme conservative, the reactionary, and finally the Islamo-fascist. As we proceed from the right of center to the extreme right, the Muslim individual’s social functioning becomes increasingly irrational. His thinking and social behavior becomes more rigid and destructive, helplessness and irresponsibility increases, and his work and sexual functioning becomes more disturbed. As a result his ability to assimilate into Western society suffers. The Islamo-fascist on the extreme right is totally intolerant of Western democratic life and this is why he is driven to destroy it.

These characterological distinctions between different sociopolitical types of Muslim must be understood before attempting to answer the question. This subject is discussed in my book, The Emotional Plague: The Root of Human Evil.

Building Cordoba House Is An Example Of An Emotional Plague Reaction

In his section on the emotional plague in Character Analysis, Wilhelm Reich writes:

“It is an essential characteristic of the emotional plague reaction (see glossary) that action and the reason given for it are never congruent. The real motive is always covered up and replaced by a seeming motive.”

The real motive for building Cordoba House near Ground Zero is to show the world that by building a mosque there, Islam has dealt a major blow to America.  The action is a gross provocation and an insult to America.  The seeming motive given by Muslims promoting the project is “freedom of religion.”

This tactic of the Islamists is socially destructive  and an emotional plague reaction because it has successfully divided conservative and liberal Americans along characterologically based ideological lines. While conservatives can see right through the destructiveness of the Islamist’s tactics, liberals are completely hoodwinked by it. The liberals confuse the Islamist’s seeking power over the Western way of life with religious faith. By doing so, the Islamists have succeeded in getting Americans to fight each other thereby weakening the nation from within and bringing them closer to their goal of world domination.

The Tea Party Movement And The Emotional Plague

Since the emotional plague  (see glossary) is concentrated around centers of power, politics is a breeding ground for the plague and  plague-ridden individuals are attracted to politics to get power over the masses. Therefore, the emotional plague is not restricted to the Democrat or the Republican Party but to individuals making up the party machines in both Party’s.

Consisting of individual’s who are opposed to the encroachment of government into people’s lives, the Tea Party organized spontaneously from people nationwide who are fed up with big government controlling their lives through raising taxes. They are opposed to the idea that government can fix social and economic problems.

Although correct in its viewpoint, the Tea Party leaves itself open to attack by the political Left because the social and economic problems facing America that liberals falsely claim to be able to fix are real and require attention.  Therefore, when they are elected, people will look to Tea Party candidates for answers.  However, no political organization or group, whether on the political Left or Right, can supply satisfactory solutions to them because the answers lie outside the political realm.

They belong in the biological realm and have to do with people’s emotional sickness manifested in the social realm such as helplessness, a sense of entitlement, resentment, greed, a desire for power and so on. Unfortunately, the pathological impact that these symptoms have on the health of society is completely overlooked by everyone. What will invariably happen is that the Tea Party platform will become politicized and adopted by the party machine on political right. This is the kiss of death for any life-positive social movement. When the Tea Party candidates fail to live up to people’s expectations, the operation of the  emotional plague will be set in motion as each side blames the other for the worsening situation.  As happens every time a new great social movement fails, nothing will have been learned.

One Man’s Experience with America’s Health Care

On June 21st I had bi-lateral knee replacement surgery.  It was a long time coming, despite the fact that I refused to admit it until the end when I really had no choice…do it or forget about walking.

Those who are familiar with my thinking know that, in general, I am not in favor of mechanistic medicine when it replaces functional medicine. But surgery is essentially a mechanical procedure and mechanism is therefore rational in that field.

The application of mechanistic principles has resulted in remarkable advances in the medical specialties in America for two reasons: 1) Because mechanistic thinking and practice develops in the direction of greater specialization and 2) Because a relatively free market economy such as ours allows for the development of unlimited technological advances.

I made the appointment, had the surgery and 2 days post-op I took my first tentative steps.  I was incredibly fortunate to have a surgeon, Dr. Thomas Meade, that performed the most state-of-the-art surgery possible.  The skin covering my knees looked like they had zippers on them because the staples were placed so close together that they looked like the teeth of a zipper, apparently distinctive enough so that every doctor and nurse  in the rehab hospital I went to afterward said, “Oh, this is Dr. Meade’s work!”  I was also fortunate to be in hospitals that provided the highest level of compassionate, human and humane care one could ask for.

Everyone asked me about the pain…but there was none.  From the first day, my only discomfort was from the swelling which resulted in stiffness and limited motion. Now 10 weeks later, the zippers are gone, the swelling has almost disappeared and I walk at least one mile a day, at a pretty good clip.  After six weeks I was discharged from physical therapy and now am back to almost full-time practice.  I was 79 on July 20th, and tell everyone I got new knees for my birthday!

I read about the health care in Cuba, and I wonder what my story would be like there.  I saw the hospital bill for my eight day stay, and almost fainted.  I didn’t pay for it directly…Medicare and my secondary insurance did, though I’ve been paying my dues for many, many years.  (And still do, because I continue to work and pay the maximum into the Medicare fund, as well as paying for private supplemental insurance.)  But I’m so grateful to be living in a place that has the best health care imaginable…I haven’t heard of anyone going to Cuba, Bulgaria, or even Great Britain for that matter,  for a special surgical/medical procedure.

So all in all, I’m  pretty lucky…to be living at this time, in this place…this great United States of America.

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